Yep!that's cool. Are you actually a developer?
Yep!that's cool. Are you actually a developer?
Everyone here owns a copy of Gwent. Good on you.
You don't technically own it, but it's free. If you don't play it, you're a Smelly-tier commie.
That turret needs to be fucking toned down. It's stupid that it covers 360 taking away neat strategies.
*Slashes dstrdl
Lindholm for sure, but it always surprises me how Fowler's defense doesn't drive Ducks fans crazy. Gives up the zone way too easily, is frequently out of position and often doesn't know who to cover, leading to tons of shots (and scoring chances) against. The eye test matches up with his corsi against stats in that regard.
I'll try it. I dusted every single Hearthstone card that I could to stop me from wasting my time with that game since I just couldn't win.
Link Kessel.
Seems legit.
It was quite the experience. It was easily the closest I'll ever to be close to an icon, living and/or dead. I even shook one of his son's hands. You had to be there.
Couldn't resist. Apologies for contributing to the Pens' photoshops.
I hit the ads on mobile gaf so often now. Hate the big ads.
maybe put on your reading glasses so you don't have to have it on 300% zoom all the time?
Judging anecdotally, the amount of false click ads (that nevertheless register and make bank) must be 50x. I've gone from never hitting them to accidentally hitting them all the time.I hit the ads on mobile gaf so often now. Hate the big ads.
Judging anecdotally, the amount of false click ads (that nevertheless register and make bank) must be 50x. I've gone from never hitting them to accidentally hitting them all the time.
Funny to think that this is what keeps NeoGAF alive and makes EviLore fairly wealthy. Us accidentally clicking on ads for things we aren't interested in.
the ads change size while they load in and now i hit the wrong threads on mobile gaf
Shut up!
My eyes are pretty bad
That explains your Halo 5 skills.
this....the ads change size while they load in and now i hit the wrong threads on mobile gaf
What is that
Same herethe ads change size while they load in and now i hit the wrong threads on mobile gaf
Also thisthe ads change size while they load in and now i hit the wrong threads on mobile gaf
the ads change size while they load in and now i hit the wrong threads on mobile gaf
The first line in his bio is about how proud he is of his family :/
The first line in his bio is about how proud he is of his family :/
Isn't he divorced? Who cares if he's single and going after chicks?
He just wants to see some arm lingerie, Kat.
How does that even happen, like, how stupid can you be to hit the tweet button without realizing it is not a DM
Have some sympathy for hacking victims, Jesus Christ.
Didn't Simmons do the exact same thing a year or two ago?
Toronto media, god love em
Didn't Simmons do the exact same thing a year or two ago?
Toronto media, god love em
You are always trying to make me look like the bad guy 😭😢😭😢Have some sympathy for hacking victims, Jesus Christ.
You are always trying to make me look like the bad guy 😭😢😭😢