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NHL14 EASHL (XBOX 360) - GAF Most Valuable Primates |OT| Chimpin' Aint Easy


Well, I would like to give them a shot. Legit said he wanted to as well (will wait for his posting though). We did quality control and we are seeing who is cutting it in week one already. Coincidence we won all games last night then one joins and we start losing? I'm tired of the pussy-footing that's going on here. If you're gonna call people out then call out the ones that deserve it, don't throw a hissy fit because I cut across the net, Aces went offside or some other small shit like that when the D is a GLARING problem already. If we are gonna be serious fucking step up and act like it.

I know its week one and everyone is having issues adjusting, but its not fun to lose the same fucking time every game.
Well fuck it then, cut all the defensemen on the club including me and you can play it yourself

It's the same song and dance every year around here. The D gets no credit for anything and unfortunately when we make any mistake it's magnified. It's apples and oranges which is why I get frustrated at the forwards more, because you can botch a 2-1 or 2-0 and it rolls off your back like nothing. We take a misstep or take a risk that backfires and it crushes our chances of winning.

In the games I've played so far all if the defensemen have been fine for the most part. We all need to cut down on attempting to step up at the blue line for body checks as that's working 2% of the time at best, but other than that we've been doing a better job of covering each other and have been much improved moving the puck in the offensive zone.

Milly, since you have so much initiative you and Legit can make whatever decisions you want. I'm not gonna stand in your way of cleaning house and making this a "serious" club this year. It doesn't matter at all to me. The difference between you and me is my hissy fits and frustration only last 30 mins.


Unconfirmed Member
I have definitely made mistakes, but I have had good games as well. My players stats still are not exactly high not being a superstar already. I would rather not buy boosts.


Lol. D has been nerfed again this year. If you dont like how some of us play D, then i invite you to play that position yourself.

Anyway. Its a game. Its for fun. Sure winning is priority but common bro. Lol at all the whining already really...


I thought this club became serious last year when we cut and lost people due to our winning attitude. Did I miss a memo somewhere?
I thought this club became serious last year when we cut and lost people due to our winning attitude. Did I miss a memo somewhere?

playing a lot of games isn't the same as being serious

or maybe I missed all the practices, actual strategy discussion, and set plays that were executed in games last year other than "tie up"


playing a lot of games isn't the same as being serious

or maybe I missed all the practices, actual strategy discussion, and set plays that were executed in games last year other than "tie up"

Oh, because that makes one serious? I didn't begin to think after all those games we may know where people may be on the ice, etc. I would love to see the teams you would probably define as "serious" and see how many have strats and set plays.
Oh, because that makes one serious? I didn't begin to think after all those games we may know where people may be on the ice, etc. I would love to see the teams you would probably define as "serious" and see how many have strats and set plays.

I'd say so

We just kind of go out there and wing it. You said it yourself, guys pretty much always do what they know how to do, hence my comments that you found so funny about people staying inside their little "boxes" / comfort zones as opposed to trying new strategies or individual techniques.

You seem to be starving for improvement and the only way that happens is if the people who have a good idea for how to do this speak up or show off how to do so. Practices and discussion and implementation of strategies or even trying just 1 play are what I would define as serious.

I've tried...

but instead of setting a dedicated guy for screens/deflections and moving the puck around on the powerplay (like real hockey) we would rather skate in the zone 2 on 4 and take a worthless wrist shot from a bad angle or the dmen would rather wind up a slap shot from the half boards instead of passing d to d for a much higher quality shot.

I haven't been pussy footing, kid. I've been sharing techiniques to my D partners for how to shade puck handlers on the rush, for how to defend in close without poke checking, for how to defend the wraparound with LB instead of poking.

Ive been telling you the forwards stuff thats hard for me to defend that you can try to use to diversify your attack like taking it in deep once in awhile and dropping back to the point as the first option, not the last. I've pointed out that it would be helpful for us to try working behind the net to get the D out of position moving side to side. I've tried to explain that a majority of our penalties are from sloppy poke checks while behind puck carriers.

That's my contribution while all you are bringing to the table a sigh or a grumble in party chat or an angsty post after big daddy Viz raised his voice a couple times and upset you.


You have never upset me, lol. Its just ridiculous that you call us out while D that have played hundreds if not thousands of games make the same mistakes game after game... Never once have I said the forwards don't need to improve as well and when have I honestly not taken something away from whatever you've said?


playing a lot of games isn't the same as being serious

or maybe I missed all the practices, actual strategy discussion, and set plays that were executed in games last year other than "tie up"

Oh, because that makes one serious? I didn't begin to think after all those games we may know where people may be on the ice, etc. I would love to see the teams you would probably define as "serious" and see how many have strats and set plays.

Maybe for like 15-20 minutes, we can jump into a practice session and work on some 3 on 2s, 2 on 1s, 4 on 3 PPs set some plays up, and just figure out some stuff.

15-20 minutes is only 1 game which we will never remember that we missed and it'll allow everyone to set some things straight.

It'll allow the forwards to figure out some new things to try/learn how to handle the puck with less time while helping the defence figure out how to contain forwards with the poke check nerf. It's a win/win for all as our attributes improve.
You have never upset me, lol. Its just ridiculous that you call us out while D that have played hundreds if not thousands of games make the same mistakes game after game... Never once have I said the forwards don't need to improve as well and when have I honestly not taken something away from whatever you've said?

since we are being constructive why don't you provide specifics of these "same mistakes" from the D


Okay so since everyone is active on the forums now, let's hop in some games. I am ready to play. We can discuss strategy as well.


I went and traded the game in tonight



since we are being constructive why don't you provide specifics of these "same mistakes" from the D

Running and/or stopping at the blue line, missing a hit or poke check. Winding up for slappers, constantly. Leaving people wide open while two D are on the same side. 2 if not more breakaways a game.

I mean, its pretty simple stuff. Hopefully others will elaborate on this.


I know Milly is gone for the night, but Viz, but Moop, Schuey and I are doing some practice sessions if you want to join.

EDIT: Nvm. Practice was broken.


Hi sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the responses.
I spoke with my friend again and yes he is down.

We're commited to fun and winning and are team guys. If its required for him to sign up on the forum he will. I'm already on this forum daily as well.

Anyways if trials are needed or whatever we're down for that.
Hi sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the responses.
I spoke with my friend again and yes he is down.

We're commited to fun and winning and are team guys. If its required for him to sign up on the forum he will. I'm already on this forum daily as well.

Anyways if trials are needed or whatever we're down for that.

cool, welcome aboard

you will need to link up with Milly or Red_Man to get an invite. Post or PM your GTs even if you decide to send join requests so we know who to accept or not.


My name is Jonathan and my id is jonogunn.
My friend's name is Phil and his id is philim.

I'll find the club when I get home.

Sorry been busy lately these past few weeks and haven't touched NHL nearly as much as I normally do.

Did u guys all get boost packs or just going to slowly grind out the levelling up with a low level player?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
My name is Jonathan and my id is jonogunn.
My friend's name is Phil and his id is philim.

I'll find the club when I get home.

Sorry been busy lately these past few weeks and haven't touched NHL nearly as much as I normally do.

Did u guys all get boost packs or just going to slowly grind out the levelling up with a low level player?
Most of us bought some boost and are grinding the rest of the way, I'll send you guys invite when we're finished tonight.

Regarding the D discussion that went on the past couple days I was away....

We simply do not have any puck moving D besides you Viz. Being straight up that's just how it is, and that really effects the offense and how we move the puck, it's incredibly hard to set up plays and get a cycle going when we don't have those kind of guys on the back end. Do the forwards force a lot of plays and make the same plays a lot? Yea, but that's because we don't have guys who can move it and shoot it consistently. It's just how it is, and until people can get that part of their game together it's going to be like this. Defense has been lacking so far, you can see it in all the losses where we out shoot opponents greatly and still lose by giving up 3 goals on 15 shots. I expect an adjustment period for everyone with the new game, but there's rookie mistakes being made everywhere, and it will always be more magnified on D that's just how the game is. It's not like the offense has been limp dicked and only getting 12 shots per game. I'm just hoping things get picked up in the next couple weeks, but we played with Milly on D tonight who's one of the best passers on this team and the difference was night and day and we cleared the 3rd division undefeated while making some of the best plays we've ever made. This has always been a weakness of this club, the difference is this year it's more noticeable. This all being said we're already almost in the top division, stuff can be worked out, but until some aspects of the game are adjusted we're going to be stuck in this play style.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I sent friend request to you both, and I'll send invites to you tomorrow, but like it says in the OP you'll have to go through a tryout process for a few days just to make sure you guys can work with the club. Viz makes good points about not taking outsiders, but the truth is we need more D men and we don't have many other options right now, so I don't see the harm in this.


Which D position is available?

I like to make long lob passes out of the zone here and there. As soon as my friend (who plays RW) sees me with the puck in the corner of the left side of our own zone with moderate pressure on me, he bolts it straight up the ice because he knows I'm gonna be lobbing a pass over everyone's head right to him.

I also jump up in the play but only when the time is right. For example if one of our forwards is deep in our zone playing defensively while I'm watching the front of the net and we get possession of the puck, I'm obviously closer to joining in the play than him so I would take his place on the rush. But as soon as the rush play dies off and I see him coming into the zone then I would of course go back to my defenseman position.

I'm also always looking for the open ice for the one timer passes.


Sorry guys... Left to throw up multiple times. Stuff was fine otherwise the past two games. I'll be on today in the afternoon.

Can already say that I we did go 6-0, until I got too drunk to see. Is it a L2P issue? Yes, it is. I was 100% fine and knew exactly where I got caught. Was not an issue at all. Defense is way easier than last year with the added mobility.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Which D position is available?
Are you left or right handed? All our D can play both, but if you have a good shot we'll put you on whatever side you can get the best shot off.

Sorry guys... Left to throw up multiple times. Stuff was fine otherwise the past two games. I'll be on today in the afternoon.
You're alive, that's the good news. I should be on for some games before the Habs game.
i'm done for good

i don't see eye to eye with most of you and am not enjoying your company either anymore

its been a good 3 years, but I no longer want to be the duct tape that holds this together if half of the club hates the other half and cant stand playing with them

I apologize to those who may feel that I misled them into thinking they were wanted around here or that this club is something different than what it actually is. That was not my intention. I wanted this to work with this group of guys, but at this point I don't think its sustainable with this group if I am here standing in the way of progress

good luck


i'm done for good

i don't see eye to eye with most of you and am not enjoying your company either anymore

its been a good 3 years, but I no longer want to be the duct tape that holds this together if half of the club hates the other the half and cant stand playing with them

I apologize to those who may feel that I misled them into thinking they were wanted around here or that this club is something different than what it actually is. That was not my intention. I wanted this to work with this group of guys, but at this point I don't think its sustainable with this group if I am here standing in the way of progress

good luck

Seems like im no longer welcomed so i wont bother either. Sorry for not being 'elite' as i have other crap IRL to do. Thought we had a strong group with the current group but i guess not.


i'm done for good

i don't see eye to eye with most of you and am not enjoying your company either anymore

its been a good 3 years, but I no longer want to be the duct tape that holds this together if half of the club hates the other half and cant stand playing with them

I apologize to those who may feel that I misled them into thinking they were wanted around here or that this club is something different than what it actually is. That was not my intention. I wanted this to work with this group of guys, but at this point I don't think its sustainable with this group if I am here standing in the way of progress

good luck

What the fuck? It's a video game, we got this.
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