Do you get a teleport spell anytime or is theboat and dragon it for transportation?
Yes. But I don't know at what point.
Really wish there was more VA for all these textboxes. Last JRPG I played was Tales of Graces f and I remember being impressed at the amount of VA that game had.
I named my Griffy Ken Griffy Jr
can I just buy evolution stones somewhere? I got these jumbos but I can't do anything with em until higher levels
Can anyone describe to me how the different familiar signs interact with each other, or where I can find that information?
Hmm I think I'll have to start talking to everyone I see now. I just got a bunch of alchemy recipe by talking to some random NPC.
Yeah, it's just a smallish chance.
It does seem there is a higher chance if it's the first enemy you kill if there is more then one.
Is there any way to increase the chance of catching one? I've been fighting a lot and not getting chances to tame things.
I figure I'm probably in the minority here but is anyone else kind of not that sold on the overall graphics? Granted I'm still pretty early and haven't even been to the first real town yet but outside of the characters everything in the magic world looks kind of flat. Like the foliage in this forest area seems kind of borderline last gen.
I figure I'm probably in the minority here but is anyone else kind of not that sold on the overall graphics? Granted I'm still pretty early and haven't even been to the first real town yet but outside of the characters everything in the magic world looks kind of flat. Like the foliage in this forest area seems kind of borderline last gen.
The towns are the main draw in terms of graphics, imo. Also when the sky changes due to a sunset/sunrise/whatever... it's just gorgeous!
I figure I'm probably in the minority here but is anyone else kind of not that sold on the overall graphics? Granted I'm still pretty early and haven't even been to the first real town yet but outside of the characters everything in the magic world looks kind of flat. Like the foliage in this forest area seems kind of borderline last gen.
Do you get a teleport spell anytime or is theboat and dragon it for transportation?
I figure I'm probably in the minority here but is anyone else kind of not that sold on the overall graphics? Granted I'm still pretty early and haven't even been to the first real town yet but outside of the characters everything in the magic world looks kind of flat. Like the foliage in this forest area seems kind of borderline last gen.
Bit a strange question, but would anyone who got the Wizards thanks to some next day shipping magic be able to tell me what size the box is?
Posted these in the official topic, but here it is. The box is the same size as the WE not even fully wrapped in thin foam sheet.
I'm up to the genie and boy its tough.just gonna say when you guys get to the coastal area make sure your prepared before you enter.
Dude,your hating just to hate, knock it off, you don't like the game, shelve it, sell it, what ever. Just stop trying to convince the people that like the game that your not fucking nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uhhh, someone posted an image of the box in the packaging and the box is JUST big enough to allow the Wizard's Edition in the box.
If you need to know a general size, this video should help since it shows off the Wizard's Edition. The size is almost like two of those special PS3 combo packs side by side?
Have you fought the genie yet?
I'm not sure if that battle is just pure luck for what he pulls out, but if it is then he pulled out the umbrella like all the time for me. I still remember that my partner died the first few seconds of the battle and I did the rest myself.
I just bought it...
For real.
Not sure if I should have, the last day or two people have been ripping on the battle system which, honestly, was the part I was most excited about...
Ugh, getting some buyers open or not to open. I'm terrified right now and my friend Josh isn't around to help.
Screw off with that bullshit. I'm free to post whatever I want about my impressions. If you can't take someone saying anything even slightly bad then grow some balls and deal with it.
I figure I'm probably in the minority here but is anyone else kind of not that sold on the overall graphics? Granted I'm still pretty early and haven't even been to the first real town yet but outside of the characters everything in the magic world looks kind of flat. Like the foliage in this forest area seems kind of borderline last gen.
There is a point to using other familiars, others have really useful skills for certain occasions and IMO it's fun to just raise them and try to get them to learn as much skills as they can. Besides, if you stick to the same familiars you're sort of wasting experience points since you'll inevitably reach a point where your current area's monsters' experience is too little to make any significant amount of progress in battles unless you do A LOT of battles, so at that point it's probably better to use one or two of your best familiars and equip new ones and battle with them to quickly raise their levels and see how they turn out.It's alright but I'm at the beginning. To be honest the people saying there's no real point in using any other familiar but the first one is making me nervous. I'm generally not a fan of games that don't balance stuff and "leave it up to the player" to spice things up. I much prefer the game itself throwing different challenges at me and forcing me to adapt.
Dude,your hating just to hate, knock it off, you don't like the game, shelve it, sell it, what ever. Just stop trying to convince the people that like the game that your not fucking nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got balls and apparently your choking on em right now. If you wanna bitch about it leave the thread, talking shit on a game that many enjoy is the bullshit, and for that matter you may have already realized that this game means more to others than your pathetic posts.
I don't know, I mean, it's like super pretty in some parts and in others it looks like Tales of Graces f or something similar. Also, I'm not sure if it's my PS3 dying or what but I've also noticed a bit of pop-in, specially in the Golden Grove and while traversing the world mapvia the boat.
Anyway, I'm 20 hours in and just got into. I'm liking this so far but I really wish there was a hard mode for people who do all the side quests and all that, since everything is still way too easy :/.Hamelin of the past
I got balls and apparently your choking on em right now. If you wanna bitch about it leave the thread, talking shit on a game that many enjoy is the bullshit, and for that matter you may have already realized that this game means more to others than your pathetic posts.
Defied Data said:Relax, Derrick loves the game. He just can't say so.
What's the deal with you? OTs are no-critiscm zone now?
I don't even know if you are trolling or not.
Ah we've found our first ultra fanboy. There's usually at least one in every OT I follow. They try to chase out anyone who dares say anything bad about the game and interrupt the circle jerk. At least I know I can ignore him now.
Well I don't hate it...yet. It's just alright so far.
Finally unlocked the (not a story spoiler, but some might consider it a spoiler nonetheless)Casino. Not feeling it as much as I did DQ8's casino. I'm pretty good at blackjack, but the dealer gets an exorbitant amount of 20's off the bat, and she doesn't stop at 17 like a dealer is supposed to. Grr!
I also wasted my time on the horrible Double Cross minigame. Cleared all 5 stages and earned a few grey hairs in the process. Lol
Sun > Moon > Stars > Sun
Planet > All, including double planet.
It's in the wizard companion, along with a lot of stuff like alchemy recipes that you may not have the formula for and creature information for stuff you may not have encountered yet. I'm starting to see why the CE book goes for so much on ebay now.
Well I don't hate it...yet. It's just alright so far.