Isaac Otherworld
Is there a way to control where
shop spawns or get him to move a different location?
Keep fast traveling.Is there a way to control whereshop spawns or get him to move a different location?Emil's
Gonna just bring people the feels real quick...
Gonna just bring people the feels real quick...
I...actually like those. Maybe I'm weird?Not gonna lie: the 2 back to back tracks with the kid voice singing are INSTANT skips for me. So bad.
So. Well. Deserved.Gonna just bring people the feels real quick...
Keep fast traveling.
go talk to him first then leave his shop. Any time you chapter select or clear a route he resets, once he resets he will only be at the desert entrance until you talk to himI've tried this like 20 times and he won't change his route.
go talk to him first then leave his shop. Any time you chapter select or clear a route he resets, once he resets he will only be at the desert entrance until you talk to him
Also, was anyone else disappointed that there wasn't any unique dialogue for talking to the masked Resistance androids while wearing the Machine Mask?
Thank you.
Is there a way to control whereshop spawns or get him to move a different location?Emil's
So, I have a pc with a 980 and a ps4pro both hooked up to the same 4K tv. Which version of the game do I get, gaf?
Just finished the game, with ending A ...
Yes.What is this game? Is there a story?
You're seeing more story.Why am I playing as S9 all of a sudden?
Kind of sort of.Can I get back to 2B?
No, all upgrades, items, sidequest completion (note completion counts for entire chains, not individual steps), carry over in between routes.Do I have to do all the sidequests again? I progressed pretty far into a lot of them.
Play it again, and keep an eye out for the differences.What should I do now? I'm just sitting here like a big question-mark.
Just finished the game, with ending A ...
A lot of questions.
What should I do now? I'm just sitting here like a big question-mark.
Nearing the end of Nier Automata now, and I want to put my thoughts down, as I've found this a strange game in some ways.
I've really enjoyed it so far, probably my favourite game of the year so far(?), but I think given the hype/reception it's had I wanted to like it more?
That said I've enjoyed the combat, and especially the sheer style and creativity of the game; the game has had some amazing moments.
But it feels like the game has a number of, at least imo, noteworthy flaws that aren't getting that much mention from what I've seen or read anyway.
-The fast travel, should've been unlocked much earlier, but at least it is a fixable gripe
-Similarly, the map is pretty darn bad, and needs some more helpful signposting, but again you can get used to it
-The story has been surprisingly slow, in many ways. It's had some genuinely impactful moments (see my above post!), and the characters are likable, but the story is more character driven than plot driven I have found, that's fine but just not what I expected; but I find myself nearing the end of the game now with still many unanswered questions that I hope do get resolved (fwiw, I haven't played Nier 1). Oh, and Route B feels really rather pointless, bringing me to...
-The biggest gripe I have though is that this game feels really padded. The side quests have been largely a chore, most being largely fetch quest-like. I've found myself having the staring at icons on the mini-map "tunnel vision" reminiscent of Ubisoft games as i quickly go from place to place speaking to NPCs and picking up items, clearing out enemies.
I'm over 30 hours in now, near the end of Route C with 2/3rds of side quests complete, and I feel very much ready to put this to bed now.
The idea of finishing the remaining side quests or grinding for the requirements towards the final hidden ending does not instill me with any joy. But I know I may very well do it cos OCD/completionist syndrome =/
Just wanted to say my bit I guess, the game feels like a solid 8/10 for me that's being held back from being more.
I think most of the side quests are valuable for building on the world of Nier:A, so even if they're simplistic, I don't find them as problematic as a more engaging side quests that ultimately brings very little to the overall picture.
Crossposting my thoughts from the steam thread, I'm prepared for some to disagree with me =/
That said, I haven't finished it yet but I'm very near the end
Quite frankly I don't think Nier Automata really needed to be open world. I don't think it really justifies its open world all that well and a lot of times just feels like its there. I haven't played through every single ending or anything but after being it once and working my way through a second time it could have easily been a game a more a straight up linear style game or at least one with a hub area that like the Bunker or Resistance Camp and each of the major story missions being its own area, most of which already are self contained levels anyways.
I think most of the side quests are valuable for building on the world of Nier:A, so even if they're simplistic, I prefer them to more engaging side quests that ultimately brings very little to the overall picture.
I agree. I loved traversing this world. Stringing jumps, double jumps, dashes, pod floating, spins and pod throws was great fun. I kind of wished there was a wall run or jump but overall, it was awesome and the music helped tooHonestly the zen of traversing the open world and taking on packs of enemies was my favorite thing about the game in terms of the gameplay. The world is great, traversal is fun and it gives you a real sense of immersion and the desolation of the world. I think the game would be immensely less appealing with a level select or a more straightforward world.
Honestly the zen of traversing the open world and taking on packs of enemies was my favorite thing about the game in terms of the gameplay. The world is great, traversal is fun and it gives you a real sense of immersion and the desolation of the world. I think the game would be immensely less appealing with a level select or a more straightforward world.
This is why I genuinely put them up there with Witcher 3's sidequests. There are several NPCs you just don't forget, some either foreshadow things or get you more attached to the characters, fits the whole theme of the game, etc. But that's just me. I'll "suffer" through any sidequest if I'm enjoying the story, humor, or character behind them.
There is no way to know for sure, but I feel like it being completely linear might mean we wouldn't get things like Father Servo or the Stamp Quest, and I don't wanna live in that timeline...
So, I finally opened one of the chests I kept wondering what had inside during route A.
Traffic Viollation Notice - License Custody Certificate (Number: Mai A 4321)
Date and Time of Notification: July 21 (PM),2013
Affliation, Rank and Name of Notifier: Maihama Police Station, Police Constable Kenichi Sato
Issued to: Yosuke Saito
Violation Details: Exceeding the speed limit by 30km to 35km
God bless you, Yoko Taro.
If you're really willing to go through with this idea, get a guide for Drakengard 1. Or else you won't see everything relevant story wise.
Don't play Drakengard 2. It's mostly considered a spin-off since it wasn't directed by Taro.
Nier and Drakengard 3 you can go blind and without guide. Those are really easy to get everything needed.
And, if you do go through this, keep us updated with LTTP threads as you play them. It will be fun.
20 hrs in. Still on route A.
Just realized you can hold down the pod program button for stronger variants....
Anything else completely obvious that I should know but might not?
So, planning on getting this very soon.
What buttons does this game hit for each one of you? Is the game overwhelming you in feelings you can't find the right words for?
Also the combat, how is it, less/more replayable than MGRR?
Things I've missed or notice people miss:
Jump + shoot the pod will throw you, good for going over gaps.
Jump then quickly heavy attack will do a launcher. Good for juggles and traversing the environment since you go higher with launcher -> double jump than jump -> double jump.
You can switch pod programs during the shooting sections.
edit: And yes it charges the more pods you have.
The game is an emotional rollercoaster. Combat isn't as good as MGR, but for an jRPG is pretty damn good.
What are the bonuses and stuff you get from recovering other players bodies?
Like Evade Range Up and stuff?
Like I don't see anything in the menu detailing any stats like that.
And did it say I lose my plug in chips if I die and don't recover my body? Aren't they quite expensive?
So, planning on getting this very soon.
What buttons does this game hit for each one of you? Is the game overwhelming you in feelings you can't find the right words for?
Also the combat, how is it, less/more replayable than MGRR?
So many side quests and so far away. Does it take long to unlock fast travel?
So many side quests and so far away. Does it take long to unlock fast travel?