Nights was a exact port of the PS2 Ver which already had twitchy controls lol. If you probably run them side by side they look and feel the same.
Look, enough of this BS misinformation already.
I've got my Japanese Saturn right here, along with my Japanese PS2 and copies of both versions. I also have the HD version on my Xbox.
It's not because you think most people can't check it out for themselves that you have to try and convince them you know what you're talking about.
Playing them back to back right now, I can state once and for all that the PS2 version plays very much the same as the Saturn version, although due to the difference in analogue sticks they don't quite feel the exact same.
That said, all the motions are extremely fluid and every move can be pulled off effortlessly on both the Saturn as well as the PS2.
Some small timing problems become apparent after a while though, but these are very minor details that are hard to notice even for veteran NiGHTS players.
This has nothing to do with the controls though, but with the way things turned out when trying to emulate the original game as well as the PS2 sticks not having the exact same feel when controlling NiGHTS.
It's a small miracle that they even came this close actually.
As for the HD versions. It is true that it shares nearly all assets with the PS2 version, but when it comes to controls it's way off. Even keeping in mind the different controller and analogue sticks, it's blatantly obvious from the very first second that even the simplest move is a struggle to pull off exactly as one would like.
Everything else is seems to be fine from graphics to music, although I've come across some occasional hit detection anomalies. But it's too early to judge if that's a widespread thing or not.
The controls in the HD versions can be overcome when you take the time to adjust to them, but they never do feel anywhere near as smooth or precise as the Saturn or PS2 versions.
They go from somewhat unresponsive to twitchy in a split second making high end play a pain.
The weirdest part is that when you play the PS2 version with the D-pad it plays very close to the HD version.
I wouldn't be surprised if they simply ported the D-Pad controls over to both the D-pad and analogue sticks of the PS3 and 360.
And if so, that's a huge oversight and something that should be relatively easy to fix seeing as everything else seems to have been taken from the PS2 version in the first place.
So no, the controls are not fine and no, it doesn't play exactly like the "twitchy PS2 port lol".