Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades has left the studio

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades has left the company.

On a recent visit to the Cambridge, UK-based studio for a Hellblade 2 preview, Polygon noted that there was no sign or mention of Antoniades, who was formerly the company’s chief creative director.

A spokesperson for Xbox, which owns the studio, later confirmed to the site that Antoniades was no longer with the developer.
While he worked on numerous games at Ninja Theory, Antoniades notably served as writer-director on Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, DmC: Devil May Cry and Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice.

He was involved in the early stages of Hellblade 2, but the game is now being led by three creative leads: environment art director Dan Attwell, visual effects director Mark Slater-Tunstill, and audio director David Garcia.

Microsoft and Ninja Theory announced Hellblade 2 alongside the Xbox Series X console in 2019.


Happens all the time I guess. Only thing I find weird is that not a single thing was said about it. Now that doesn't ever seem to happen.


Gold Member
I watched plenty of behind-the-scenes development footage of Hellblade. It was clear that Antoniades was the main creative force behind that game -- he had the vision, the sensibility to try to do it right, and the passion.

I'm not sure why he decided to leave the studio. My hunch is that he was too much of a "creative" type to live under MS direction. He must have been in good shape financially after MS bought the studio. Maybe he decided he'd rather do something else than work under MS. But I'm just speculating.


Dude seems like too much of a playboy... creative sure but he seems to take too long with the creative process. MS wants more games out through the year so there was probably a clash here and he decided to leave. Hopefully the studio hangs in there and continues to do well, they've made some awesome stuff.


Good on him. We can see who he really was. He might return with another studio. Guy was a real character.


I enjoyed watching interviews with him over the years. He always sounded like a pretentious, esoteric bullshit kind of a guy but obviously a talented writer and game designer. Judging by the instagram videos here, he dropped all the goth guru pretence and just went into full cocaine party mode. Good for him!
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