Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades has left the studio



I remember he change dante face into his likeness only ... Left many sours to me to not playing his game at all since that time


His next move will be the formation of a new studio. The salaciousness will be in his choice of publisher partnership.

Ok I had to turn that off. That's a guy just complaining for the sake of complaining. I mean he's seriously complaining about the joke they did in showing the new Dante dressed as the old one? It was clearly a joke and he called it "really bad game design" even after acknowleding it was probably a joke. Still not a good enough for him so it's really bad game design because even if it's a joke it's insulting your core audience. I can't listen to a person who's going to be that sensitive over the smallest things.
I enjoyed playing Heavenly Sword, Enslaved OttW, and DmC. I thought DmC would have been much better received if it didn't have to carry the burden of being a Devil May Cry game and the way Capcom treated it and that franchise at the time. Not really happy with how they pivoted from those 3 games (gameplay was a fairly strong focus) to HellBlade (story is the main focus). I own HellBlade but have yet to play it. Honestly bro should just retire and go live life. He achieved the dream of starting a software business and cashing out on a Microsoft check. Tameem, you won bro :messenger_bicep:.


Sold the studio to Microsoft then left after finishing Hellblade 2.

Was probably part of the deal when Microsoft acquired Ninja Theory.


As an Xbox fan I have to say Ninja theory is one of the acquisitions that Microsoft made where I just shook my head. Not a fan of their games.
The schizo walking sim from next month is gonna come and go like it never happened. Overhyped trash, how MS could let this develop for 6years it is unreal. Such a shame, this is the company that made DmC Devil May Cry which
The schizo walking sim from next month is gonna come and go like it never happened. Overhyped trash, how MS could let this develop for 6years it is unreal. Such a shame, this is the company that made DmC Devil May Cry which was cool.
Every studio MS has bought seem to go to shit after their acquisition. Exactly, six years for this? They don’t know how to manage or produce anything of quality. Or they just don‘t give a shit.
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My man deserves all the sweet ass and pussy he can get as a reward for his work in building up the studio to sell it to MS for a hundred million dollars.

Who cares if the games that come out of them are vapid junk. MS was so desperate for an answer to GOW that they would have thrown millions at a hobo if he was willing to cosplay Kratos convincingly enough to please that idiot Phil Spencer.


DmC was woeful. The game became tolerable when they retooled it into something that more resembled classic DMC, which speaks volumes of how useless this game was. It pissed off the fanbase and newcomers didn't bite. Why Capcom signed this studio is beyond me. The gameplay of HS and Enslaved was awful and they ran like shit.


Smart move, the clips of the gap of char designs of stellar blade vs hellblade will put ninja theory straight to hell, if you work for them, this is the final chance for you to look for new job before the hellblade 2 embarrassment is released. Doubt any employers would want to hire any of them after that travesty is released, at least now you could still lie your way through interviews.


Can't say I'm not jealous. My man is enjoying retirement to the fullest. :p

There "were" men on this boat,he just threw every single one off it.

Anyway this doesn't bode well for H2. People leave all the time yes but people this important don't leave every two weeks especially before the release of the game they worked on for 6 years.


Wasn't this the guy everyone hated and clowned on when DmC was being marketed and released?
Now the studio is apparently doomed without him, make up your mind internet.
I mean everyone hates Neil Druckmann too but it'd still be a blow for ND if he leaves regardless of what people's feelings towards him are.


the project is done. this was the best moment to go. i don't think it speaks of issues inside NT....yet
This is not new. Go check previous studio videos and see when he was last seen. Must’ve left years ago. All I’ve seen for like 4-5 videos is Melina and costume designers and fight choregraphers.
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