two were about working off the clock (one was for if you were a keyholder and one was if you were not). the third was about using your own vehicle for company purposes (like driving to the bank or going to other stores to pick up products) and not being reimbursed for gas.
the one that still irks me is the lack of scaling pay when the minimum wage went up. as far as i know, that still hasn't been brought up. i was paid more than a normal employee was in 2007 because i'd worked there for a while and i was a keyholder. then in 2008 when the california minimum wage went up to eight bucks an hour, i was being paid the same as a new hire instead of reflecting my time there/extra responsibilities like it previously had. then when i called the dm he basically told me to deal with it, so i put in my two weeks. i'd been working another job for a year at that point anyway.