well i'm not a hardcore pro evo player by any means, so take what i'm saying with a grain of salt; the last few games i've owned have been 2009, 2008 (wii), 6 (360), 5 (PSP) and 4 (PS2, my favourite). i have no idea how i'd slot this game into those, but basically it feels like pro evo and is nothing if not competent - the graphics are somewhere between wii and current-gen, the gameplay is somewhere between PS2 and current-gen and the 3DS features (camera, effect) give it its own feel.
i also picked up ridge racer and played a fair bit - it seems to me a big part of the back and forth on how the game looks is based on track selection, because some of them are ugly as hell but a bunch of them actually look really nice. the PSP one is probably technically ahead but taking 3D and art style into account, i prefer the way it looks on 3DS. plus it plays really really well!