So Pilotwings Resort is a comfortable mix of old and new. You've got the same kind of challenges featured in the Super Nintendo and N64 games as you work your way through Nintendo's Sky Club, but this time they're set against an island backdrop more recently seen playing host to Wii Fit and Wii Sports. Even this is familiar territory, of course, but it feels more like a warm home-coming than a nifty spot of recycling. (Ask Greenpeace Nintendo doesn't like recycling.) And now it's all in 3D too. It looks wonderful.
In fact, the 3D effect is really excellent. Your head-up display stands out from the screen, the mountains disappear towards the horizon, and your craft feels like a little die-cast toy suspended in the foreground. The illusion of depth is surprisingly useful when it comes to judging distance in some of the more precise challenges, and sitting down with the console held steadily in front of you, the image doesn't separate very often either.
I tend to be happiest with the 3D slider set around the halfway mark, although I suspect it's different for everyone, and the game remains entirely playable and bright and attractive if you view it in standard 2D. In case you're worried about your own eyes, it's worth noting that I have trouble with 3D stuff at the cinema (often because it's in crap like Avatar LOL) and I could see Pilotwings' tricks and tweaks perfectly.