Amir0x said:
For example, Resident Evil 4. Best Gamecube game that existed, essentially. I'm a pro at it, never an issue aiming at a billion mph. Suddenly RE4 Wii comes, and whoooa, how did anyone survive the TRIALS and TRIBULATIONS of using a fucking analog stick to aim?
I also was quite adept and prefer aiming on the GameCube. However, aiming on the Wii is objectively faster and more accurate (unless you have an unsteady hand or something). You can unquestionably aim from one corner to the other faster than what's possible with the analog stick--there is no disputing this.
Amir0x said:
It's the same here. I am an adult with fully developed gaming skills. I have never once had an issue judging platform distance, with or without character shadows. Ace Combat is one of my favorite franchises in the world. I never have a problem judging distance.
If it's indeed the "same thing," then determining distances using 3D is also objectively more accurate. You may not need it, nor may it enhance your particular feelings toward it, but it is more accurate.
Amir0x said:
Now, 3DS comes, and maaaagically, there's this huge group of people clamoring about how it's time to be impressed because SUDDENLY you'll be able to judge distance between jumps and vehicles and shit. Welp, I never needed that help. If you did, congratulations, but that just seems the sort of handicap a shit player needs. It's not a real world benefit for me.
For you, indeed. And is it really that surprising that new innovations may highlight problems that existed before? People weren't exactly knocking the one-analog second design until they were given a second either.
Amir0x said:
It seems to me you and others just want to convince yourselfs I think that. I think my opinion is the only correct one - for myself. The drawbacks are facts. Their importance for you is not.
Where have I tried to convince anyone that 3D is objectively better for them (perhaps others have, but don't lump me in with them)? I'm merely trying to highlight the fact that is is subjective, and the mere act of compiling a list of pros and cons (some of dubious importance) really serves no one but yourself.
Some of your drawbacks are facts (limited viewing angles) of varying subjective importance. Hell, this thread has already proven many hardcore gamers can barely perceive frame rate differences. However, some of your other "facts" are more dubious in nature. If you experience headaches, that's fine. Most people won't have that problem, however. Also, most 3DS games do not suffer performance degradation, and the few that do doesn't automatically mean it's not worth the off-set of what many people deem to be a "magical" effect.
I just feel like the issue isn't as two-dimensional (heh) as you present it as. Just because some want 3D doesn't mean their gimmick-whores or shit at games.