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Nintendo Classic Mini - NES Coming on November 11th (30 NES games)

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I have no idea what the appeal to this is considering how cheap real NES's are and the fact this doesn't even play cartridges.
Brand new hardware so it's more reliable, takes up less space, uses a modern video connector, can use wireless controllers, suspend points, cheaper games


It will be a huge conversation piece sitting on your entertainment stand or whatever. Random family member not into gaming comes over: What is that?
You: Oh its a new NES with some old games on it.
Random person: Oh neat, I bet X would like that. How much is it?
You: $60
Random person: Runs out to get one for a gift.
I know right? The system would sell itself.
Plus that price point is too good to ignore if you were even remotely invested on the NES back in the day
How do you propose they would do that? Lightguns don't work on modern TVs.
They managed to use the IR pointer from the Wii remote without needing the 1 white frame needed for the lightgun on the original.
Mapping a button on a regular classic controller wouldn't be much of a issue me thinks
When will be the pre-oreders go live?????????

And I can see this become a trend, with the NES Mini² with MegaMan 3, Ninja Gaiden 2, Battletoads and so on.

And the SNES Mini with Square clasics will crash the interwebs.

As a side effect I can see some of those games lowering it's price in e-bay in the foreseable future... Good.

Why not just pull a neo geo x and stick them on a cart?


Aren't real NES consoles around the same price these days if they're in working condition? And that doesn't even come with games.

maybe if you're buying from ebay or something? a bunch of thrift stores/flea markets sell NES's super cheap

Maybe it's just me though, but if i cant' even load carts in this thing and it's just an emulator I might aswell just download those games onto my Wii U, the controller is pretty cool though, i might grab that


What's the deal with releasing Super C and not the Original Contra? Some licensing issue? It's not on the virtual console either.


Cool idea, but once again Nintendo is catering to their audience instead of broadening it.

I think you are actually a hundred percent wrong with that statement. This isn't Nintendo catering to Nintendo fans. This is Nintendo catering to people who were Nintendo fans twenty or thirty years ago. This is them trying to attract people who haven't bought anything from Nintendo, or possibly even any video games, in years. Sure a lot of Nintendo fans will jump on it, but I would say most already have the games on this they want in one shape or another. This is a pure nostalgia play.


maybe if you're buying from ebay or something? a bunch of thrift stores/flea markets sell NES's super cheap

Maybe it's just me though, but if i cant' even load carts in this thing and it's just an emulator I might aswell just download those games onto my Wii U, the controller is pretty cool though, i might grab that

But at thrift stores and flea markets, you have no assurances that you're buying a working unit. That's kinda what I was getting at.


Corporate Apologist
Wonder if this will have a way to get more games, or interact with your Nintendo Account in anyway. As is, it looks like a great package though.

Nintendo Classic Mini Wii when???


I'm a little surprised by all the fanfare over this. All the cries of "brilliance" seem just a bit overdone, I think. It's a neat little gimmick and certainly pulls on my nostalgic heartstrings, but come on folks.

Agree. It should do well -- especially at $60, but it's going to be overshadowed by all of the huge games coming out during the Holiday season on the major consoles.

It should do very well with a specific audience (adults who grew up with Nintnedo and/or retro gamers) but I don't think this will be a huge mainstream product.


Sweet, I might it up as there are some games that I don't own plus I never owned a NES when I was younger.

But I would love a Mini SNES and I hope that happens.

Another way Nintendo bundles up nostalgia and sells it back to you. Yes, Nintendo you're so "brilliant".

If you think that Nintendo is the only company in the world to use nostalgia to sell products then you are sorely mistaken.
You guys don't get it. This is going to sell like friggin hotcakes. This is the absolute best deal to get in on some classic NES action than anything else available right now. And retro is still very much in.

Looking forward to SNES and even N64 models if this does as well as I expect.


I just hope the build quality for the NES controller is still as good. And not some cheap plastic. Kind of concerns me with how cheap they will be ($9.99).

Same for the system, for that matter.
Damn this would be even more awesome if you could play either your virtual console games on it via Nintendo Account or use actual NES cartridges.

I'm one hundred percent in for the SNES one when it launches.
If they included a plug they'd have to have several different packages for different countries, this way they can just supply one to the whole of Europe and who doesn't have at least half a dozen usb power plugs at home already
Oh, that actually makes some sense. Ignorant American over here; thanks.
This is so interesting considering the virtual console and its prices... Are they cannibalizing the NES Virtual Console market? I guess it's still good for one-offs and more niche NES games.


I wonder if there's internet connection to sell additional games or a port so they can sell additional game "packs" through USB or something.


check out my new Swatch
I'm buying one.

I am a little worried about using wii controller ports on the console, unless the cable has a break-away like OG Xbox controllers.
Wii classic/pro controllers have pretty short cables too, maybe they will release an extension cord.


Cool idea, but once again Nintendo is catering to their audience instead of broadening it. As the years pass it becomes clearer and clearer that I'll never be a Nintendo fan again.

I know people want this though, so this is good for them.

What a leap!

I don't see how this isn't broadening their audience by providing a cheap introduction to Nintendo's classic library on NES, without having to own another one of their systems, at an affordable price. Lots of people, including non-Nintendo fans and even non-gamers in general, have a great introduction to Nintendo here.

I would just like to say that I love the inclusion of StarTropics on this. While I wish both games were there (the second in place of Balloon Fight), I am shocked that Nintendo has been showing the attention to this series that they have lately. For a decade or more, Nintendo forgot the series existed. Eventually, it got a Wii VC release, then disappeared again. Now, in the last month, both games popped up on Wii U VC, and we have confirmation that it will be included on this new system. Is Nintendo priming StarTropics for a comeback?

StarTropics is so great; I'm glad it was included too! It'd be great for a comeback!

There's no mention of it in the op, but I do see the little slot. Is it possible to play cartridges on this?

Oh, that slot has a special SD card slot where you can buy additional game collections to load up.

Dreaming! But something is in there....


Agree. It should do well -- especially at $60, but it's going to be overshadowed by all of the huge games coming out during the Holiday season on the major consoles.

It should do very well with a specific audience (adults who grew up with Nintnedo and/or retro gamers) but I don't think this will be a huge mainstream product.
It's coming out for the holidays. Those adults will be buying Christmas gifts you know. Hell I will be buying 4 minimum at this point, one for myself and 3 for gifts and likely more.

Plus all those people who may not have played a Nintendo game in years might bite on an official Nintendo console. Plus NX hype plus Pokemon Go hype.
I am VERY happy with that game selection. Maybe ditch castlevania 2 for something else but that's fine. I will likely pick two of these up. One for me and a gift for someone.


If this has an online service for buying additional games, I'm totally in.

Also, idk if this is a result of Kimishima's leadership or not, but the man is looking really good to me at this point. Miitomo, Pokemon Go, and now Mini NES are all things that make me feel confident about Nintendo. I feel like they are getting their shit together finally.
I think this is going to be a nice little cash cow for Nintendo... my mom texted me about it this morning, and she doesn't follow gaming news at all. People are going to buy this as a gift like crazy.
Haha. Mine too. She's in her 60s and doesn't follow gaming at all, yet she texted me this earlier.



Brand new hardware so it's more reliable, takes up less space, uses a modern video connector, can use wireless controllers, suspend points, cheaper games

Eh, less space and HDMI are nice, although to be fair I prefer the older style of inputs... i'm super limited for HDMI ports anyhow though I understand i'm probably alone in that problem with the sheer amount of devices I have hooked up. cheaper games etc I don't mind looking around to find that $2 copy of zelda etc, and never been too crazy about the whole save state thing, but maybe that's just me

Cucurbitacée;209946630 said:
Go to some previous pages and look for the actual price of these games cartridges, you may understand why.

I guess, but that only really applies if you want every one of those games (and nothing else I guess), maybe I just don't like the idea of being limited to those 30 games when there are so many more out there to play.

But at thrift stores and flea markets, you have no assurances that you're buying a working unit. That's kinda what I was getting at.

I guess that's a pretty big advantage, although i've never had any problems personally that couldn't be solved with a little bit of cleaning.
I might end up getting this. I want to play enough NES games by next year's Games of the Generation Voting thread so I can vote in it, not to mention I never played the majority of games that's included in this.

Is the Punch-Out in this different from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out?


I might end up getting this. I want to play enough NES games by next year's Games of the Generation Voting thread so I can vote in it, not to mention I never played the majority of games that's included in this.

Is the Punch-Out in this different from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out?

Same as Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, just Mike Tyson is swapped out for Mr. Dream (since Tyson's deal expired with Nintendo).

Brilliant for capitalizing on the retro game demand while introducing a cheap entry point for newcomers to Nintendo's back-catalog? Bear in mind that you've got very popular indie games out that employ those old 8bit/16bit aesthetics, so there's an opportunity to tap into that market as well.

I'd say brilliant is pretty apt.

The big thing this seems to have over the other similar Sega/Atari systems is the build quality and hopefully excellent virtual console-level NES emulation.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
That's a bunch of quality games that I'll no longer have to emulate if I want to play them. This thing is going to sell out so fast, I'm buying 42 of them and price gouging lol.


The more I think about this, the implications are pretty wild.

I mean if Nintendo is willing to go down this path, what else might they do? Exciting times ahead.
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