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Nintendo DS -- Sold Out at Gamestops


I just received an e-mail today informing stores that the company has sold through its entire first shipment of the Nintendo DS. Anyone can confirm this by checking the reservation SKU, which is now gone.


Yes the email was sent out by our regional manager telling us why the reservation SKU was gone, as though it weren't obvious.


All preorders will be honored. The only issue some might run into is that we will only release one unit per name (i.e. wholesalers are SOL if the reserved multiple units).


TheGreenGiant said:
never question the loyalty of NBOTS!

I don't know whether it's sad or encouraging that Nintendo can survive as a business with that loyalty alone.

(Has already pre-ordered and pre-paid 2)


PkunkFury said:
If I didn't pay in full with my pre-order will I still get the machine, or am I screwed?

So long as you left the minimum deposit, your machine will be there on the 21st.
TheGreenGiant said:
never question the loyalty of NBOTS!

Heck, maybe I will preorder one. If the NBot are as asinine as the Sony tarts, these things will be selling for insane prices on Ebay (700+ for PS2 still burns me to this day).


Running off of Custom Firmware
I walked into an EB in Manhattan a couple of days ago and reserved my DS and SM64 DS. I'm number 22 on the list, and I'm still good for the first shipment. I imagine they'll be selling out shortly, however.


AniHawk said:
We only allowed 25 preorders. We had a few people trying to preorder today but couldn't.

We had well over 50, and we are a low volume strip mall store. We were just told to take them until the SKU was gone.

As for games; I don't see why there should be a problem, but to be safe I would if there is a specific game you want.


It's really hard to say about the games.. I kinda think there'll be enough Mario 64 DS, but there might not be. I'd definitely preorder Sprung/Feel the Magic or other slightly more obscure titles. I expect lots of Spiderman/Madden/Urbs in stock.


Syckx said:
I just received an e-mail today informing stores that the company has sold through its entire first shipment of the Nintendo DS. Anyone can confirm this by checking the reservation SKU, which is now gone.

What took so long? Nintendo could launch a ironing board and it should techinally sell out 4months before launch P


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
Scalemail Ted said:
Should I pre-order games? I didn't bother doing that when I pre-ordered the system.

depends on what you want. you could probably walk in and get mario or the EA games pretty easily, but I preordered mr. driller and feel the magic just in case.


I don't know whether it's sad or encouraging that Nintendo can survive as a business with that loyalty alone.


'There are levels of surviving we are prepared to accept'


lockii said:
I don't know whether it's sad or encouraging that Nintendo can survive as a business with that loyalty alone.

(Has already pre-ordered and pre-paid 2)
Well, Apple's been doing it forever....


Party Pooper
i'm 3rd on the list at gamecrazy. all paid off.

in the TRU conference call, they told us "very small shipments, no reserves"
Are you guys gonna preorder the games?

I think i'll just chance that the game supply will be ok at launch.
Worst case I'll be stuck playing Metroid Hunters demo for a while.


Son of Godzilla said:
Kinda off topic, but how profitable was the virtualboy?

Don't know for sure, but I'm guessing it either wasn't profitable or, in the very best case, barely broke even. It's the only console or add-on I can think of that was truly dead on arrival.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Wait, can you still buy it on the internets?

I canceled my preorder when the launch software was finalized. No Metroid + no Animal Crossing = no sale. I'm not going to pay $150 to play yet another version of Madden.


Luckily, my brother has put his preorder deposit down already. He's going to pay it off before it release just to be sure.

I guess I should head over to EB and put down $5 for the PSP also, just to be sure.
I'd definitely reserve the games you want at launch. Think about it...if they're sold out of systems, at least that many people are going to want games to go with it when they pick up their systems. Games may end up being just as tight as the systems are.

I'm going for Mario and Feel the Magic :)
When I went to reserve SM64DS and put more down on my DS deposit, I asked one of the guys about the "sellout" and he also confimred with me that the sku was no longer in the system. So then I asked how many there were for this store, and he said about 25. So it won't be too busy that day when picking one up.


I preordered a DS at EB the week they announced the price. I preordered Mr. Driller & Mario 64 last week. My sister's getting a DS with Feel the Magic so I don't need to preorder it
Guileless said:
I canceled my preorder when the launch software was finalized. No Metroid + no Animal Crossing = no sale. I'm not going to pay $150 to play yet another version of Madden.

I'm debating on whether to cancel as well.


damn, is this shortage nation-wide or what?

I was able to score a GCN on the first day at Best Buy a few years ago, and it was in the afternoon (somewhere between 1-4 pm I think) don't remember exactly, so hopefully I can do the same this year...
I think they only stopped taking preorders for the first shipment. You'll probably be able to get one if you do it before the Christmas rush.


So, my mother (stop laughing!) preordered a DS today from Gamestop.com. Any idea if we can get it before Christmas...or should I preorder elsewhere?

P.S. I preordered Drill Spirits and Feel the Magic.
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