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Nintendo DS -- Sold Out at Gamestops


BuddyChrist83 said:
So, my mother (stop laughing!) preordered a DS today from Gamestop.com. Any idea if we can get it before Christmas...or should I preorder elsewhere?

P.S. I preordered Drill Spirits and Feel the Magic.

If she preordered it at GameStop, it's in for the first shipment. There's no word on when the second shipment will be and what sort of quantities there will be, so there's no second shipment preorder.

aoi tsuki

If the SKU isn't active, you can't preorder them anymore, unless they reopen or create a new SKU for the second sjipment. That's how we did it for the PS2 and DC (IIRC) when i worked at GS. If there's no second shipment SKU, you'll just have to fight everyone else when they finally get another shipment in.

i'd visit Gamecrazy, EB, Target, and any other store that accepts preorders and see if they have any open. You should be able to easily get one before Christmas, but the later you wait, obviously the more difficult it'll be to get one.


ChrisReid said:
If she preordered it at GameStop, it's in for the first shipment. There's no word on when the second shipment will be and what sort of quantities there will be, so there's no second shipment preorder.
The only thing that worries me is that you can still order a DS from their website, it's just got a warning that cautions "Release quantities may be limited, orders will be filled in the order which they were received."


Oh well, it'll all work out one way or another.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I view getting a DS at launch as a luxury, not a necessity, because of the underwhelming software. Sure I would like to go ahead and get it, and I know I will eventually, but it just doesn't make sense right now with my gaming budget.

I can spend $150 on a launch DS to play Super Mario DS for a few months. Or, I can get Halo 2, MP2, and Baiten Kaitos with that money and buy the DS during the barren months of Feb. or March when I will be looking for something to spend my discretionary income on. (and hopefully Hunters, Warioware, Animal Crossing, and/or Advance Wars will be out.) Now if I were made out of money I'd be all over the DS at launch.


GameRush actually is supposed to start preorders tomorrow for anyone thats interested. Unfortunently you haft to put $25 down and each store can only accept a maximum of 5 preorders.

If they can't find it in the POS tell them to type Find Nintendo DS. The games are in there as well under NDS- if they can't find those either. Find NDS-Super Mario
Guileless said:
I view getting a DS at launch as a luxury, not a necessity, because of the underwhelming software. Sure I would like to go ahead and get it, and I know I will eventually, but it just doesn't make sense right now with my gaming budget.

I can spend $150 on a launch DS to play Super Mario DS for a few months. Or, I can get Halo 2, MP2, and Baiten Kaitos with that money and buy the DS during the barren months of Feb. or March when I will be looking for something to spend my discretionary income on. (and hopefully Hunters, Warioware, Animal Crossing, and/or Advance Wars will be out.) Now if I were made out of money I'd be all over the DS at launch.

My thoughts exactly.


I'm either grabbing myself a DS for my birthday in March, but if neither Advance Wars or Mario Kart is out by then I might wait. If they are, I'll pick it up then. Games may be more difficult.

I'm expecting at least Wario Ware by March...but I'd expect Advance Wars and Mario Kart to release to combat PSP. So...June? I don't expect Animal Crossing before next fall...in Japan. Sso Early 2006 it is.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Hopefully my import preorder at videogamesplus is gonna be alright. Put it in like 2 weeks ago so hopefully.

Hooray, VGP have adjusted most of their prices again.


I haven't preordered yet. I hope I don't get screwed.

(I do plan on preordering within the next week or two)
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