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Nintendo Network + Miiverse Thread: RIP Friend Codes, 2005-2012

Davey Cakes

Even with 5000+ posts I know I don't have much of a GAF presence but I'm a big Nintendo fan and already a Wii U enthusiast after one day.

NNID: Rash3434

Games: NintendoLand, NSMBU

Add me if you like!


posting from my wii u!

anyway updating with my gamelist

and again NNID: kiryogi

owned games
nintendo land
warriors orochi 3 hyper

How is warriors orochi? Even though I had no intention of getting it, I suddenly became really interested yesterday.
NNID: Dvader


Anyone here that will be doing awesome drawings and such like in swap note? I want to add you.
How in the world do I include a message in the friend request.. I feel so dumb, haha

Make sure you are using the search user function in the Miiverse, because apparently you can't request friends from your friends list. If you send a request from Miiverse it will give you the option to send a message with it.


I have some questions regarding the MiiVerse:

MiiVerse: I can access it via the main menu. However when I'm in-game and try to post something to MiiVerse, it says to go and configure it first. What gives? Am I missing something?

Anyhow, my nickname is SuikoU. Feel free to add me.


This activity feed stuff/posting a comment to miiverse as soon as it enters your head is addictive.

Nintendo's twitter indeed.


How is warriors orochi? Even though I had no intention of getting it, I suddenly became really interested yesterday.

Well in general, it's the best "warriors" game out there. Over 130 characters with so much variety and personality. My only beef with it is the framerate, it does drop a bit when things get a bit mobby. Cant say I ever experienced that much at all on the PS3 ver.


FYI: if you want to receive friend requests from GAFfers, enable the option in Miiverse. Otherwise, if you want to exchange via PM only, please say so.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
NNID: Plinko

Only games so far are Nano Assault Neo and Nintendoland, but I'll have Skylanders and Sonic Racing this week.


NinID: NickoSwimmer

Playing: NSMBU, Zombie U, ACIII, Nintendo Land.

I'm on all the time! Please add me! I have always loved the "Nintendo Nuance" ;)

I guess we are doing this this way now.

NNid: plagiarize

I've got zombi u, nintendoland and BLURPS toooo.

send a request to me if you know and like me, whatever games you have. I'll be going back through here and sending friend requests out again tonight or some time.

If you do send a request, say you are off gaf and put your gaf tag in if different.
Well, I went through and " provisionally" added people, which means instead of sending a friend request, they also need to add me. : /

Did a decen amount too. So at this point, please add me the correct way, I'll accept

NNID TheApatheticOne

For Mario, zombieU, and Nintendo Land.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
So I've noticed that no non-Nintendo miis are showing up in my WaraWara plaza. Do I have to enable anything?


NNID: Hulks_Smashed

games: NSMBU, Black Ops II

Your id name combined with your avatar is cracking me up


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Peeps I haven't added in the last day or so: I probably won't add you back. Sorryz. :( However, feel free to follow me on Miiverse. If you comment on my stuff I'm more likely to friend/follow you too.
ID: Panjeet

Games I've got are:
- Nintendoland
- Black Ops 2

Shoot me a friend request, especially if you need someone to play some CoD with, my friends list for that is absolutely empty.

Side note: I thought it was kinda funny what the Nintendo censors consider profanity. The ID i try and use universally is PanjeetTucker, but it wouldn't let me use the word Tucker when making my nin id...
NNID: SkullBoy

Would like to have some friends for Miiverse and for ZombiU's online features (showing graffiti, hunting zombie friends, etc...). Please add me and I will be adding others when I get a chance.


I'll have to go through this thread later and add a whole bunch of you.

My NNID is Jarlaxle

I only have Nintendoland right now but I'll be picking up NSMBU and Scribblenauts soon.
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