You can go into the friend list icon (looks like the 3DS friend list icon) on the home menu and add someone like a friend code. Meaning they have to add you too, they don't get a request.
well, shit
looks like i gotta delete those requests and try again from the miiverse! that's not very well thought out though
well, shit
looks like i gotta delete those requests and try again from the miiverse! that's not very well thought out though
Yeah, send them from within Miiverse. Go to User Menu > Search Users.
Yes this is right.Note that, if the Giant Bomb stream was accurate, if you want to actually follow a friend on Miiverse you have to go to their profile manually and set the option. Adding them as a friend won't do it :/.
I've downloading Nano Assault Neo, for a total of 8 games
Hope it's-a-good
Yeah, apparently I didn't realize you had to set things up to get requests, so adding my id here, rather than reposting it in the release thread. Feel free to add me, I don't have any friends :-(
NID: delirium
Smiles, I believe you have your NNID incorrectly listed on the spreadsheet, because I tried to add you but It acted as of you didn't exist. I'll try and add the one you just listed above later tonight.
glad andrex updated the OP, even if he did trade in his WU for skylanders figures in anger.
Can your profile message get flagged if you reduce its visibility to friends-only? profile got flagged for the following line
freelance philosopher: whiskey is acceptable currency, inquire within
something tells me i should've opted for scotch
I had my comment on private and they still made me change it. I think anything that sounds like you're promoting a business or twitter or anything flags it.Can your profile message get flagged if you reduce its visibility to friends-only?
The activity feed pulls the posts from your friends and people you follow.So whats the difference between following and just checking the activity feed? profile got flagged for the following line
freelance philosopher: whiskey is acceptable currency, inquire within
something tells me i should've opted for scotch
I'll probably follow some of you guys. I don't feel like adding people for the sake of adding considering I don't have any online games yet.
So whats the difference between following and just checking the activity feed?
We need to get a clan going.Reposting, but anyone up for Black Ops should friend me. Sometimes I play well.
Just drew and posted this. Let's see if it lasts:
We need to get a clan going.
Agent Unknown said:Drawing.jpg