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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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I don't think anyone see optical media as outdated btw.
I don't think it's outdated. I think it's archaic. It's slow and it should die. I'm so glad my no disc switch prediction was right. This is one thing that will see huge improvement over PS4 and xbone.


People are expecting way too much from the january event anyway.
They should remember that Nintendo is rarely one to show stuff that is not releasing soonish, and that they have to focus mainly on launch while keeping stuff for E3.

People lose thier minds at Sony conferences because they announce games that won't release for years or haven't even started development. Nintendo should probably do that more often because it's a good strategy but so far they really haven't

They're going to have to show stuff so that people know the Switch is going to get games support. I expect they'll tease at least a couple first-party games for 2018.

Heck, for Wii U at the September event they announced Bayonetta 2 and that didn't come until 2 years later.


SSB has less new content but comes out way later than MK, feel like that doesn't add up.

Balancing smash is hard. And given Sakurai publicly saying he doesnt want to do it again, I'm guessing a few new characters, a few new stages. That still sounds awesome to me. I'm still picking up characters from release and finding new stuff to play around with.

If they add an awesome new single player mode tho... :D


Junior Member
As expected given the patent info, but always great to have another confirmation. Looking forward to learning Splatoon Switch with a controller that (hopefully) has better battery life! lol
I don't think the patents had any mention of the Pro Controller......did it?
Are we expecting Nintendo to reveal all of their Virtual Console plans at the January event?

If Laura Kate Dale, Emily, Eurogamer, and Nintendo World Report are all saying Mother 3 exists, then maybe there's some smoke to this fire.

Personally? Prioritize:

1. GC VC, as it's never before been a VC platform.
2. Platform quantity. NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii*, GB, GBA, DS, Master System, Genesis, Saturn**, Dreamcast, Neo Geo, TurboGrafx-16. Even if it's like two-five games each, show that it will be a massive treasure trove of systems.

* Wii depends on how they'll do it. I guess since it's new tech, they'll have to emulate it this time, and they should be able to pretty easily if they get GC working.
** Saturn depends on emulation possibilities, as Saturn was very infamous for its VERY complex tech, with it having I think 2 CPUs and 2 GPUs. Dreamcast should be doable if GC is.


I want something like this on NX = (



Junior Member
Personally? Prioritize:

1. GC VC, as it's never before been a VC platform.
2. Platform quantity. NES, SNES, N64, GC, Wii*, GB, GBA, DS, Master System, Genesis, Saturn**, Dreamcast, Neo Geo, TurboGrafx-16. Even if it's like two-five games each, show that it will be a massive treasure trove of systems.

* Wii depends on how they'll do it. I guess since it's new tech, they'll have to emulate it this time, and they should be able to pretty easily if they get GC working.
** Saturn depends on emulation possibilities, as Saturn was very infamous for its VERY complex tech, with it having I think 2 CPUs and 2 GPUs. Dreamcast should be doable if GC is.
No Arcade? That's the one thing that I missed from the Wii Virtual Console going into the Wii U. I need mah Super Turbo & Third Strike emulations.


Junior Member
Yea I imagine we would see a teaser of at least one game that wouldn't be releasing 2017. Could be A first-party studios title or a third-party exclusive.

Edit: I mean it's a generally trend for these types of things to have an announcement of a game that won't be releasing anytime soon.
I'm still scratching my head about her report of the October devkits but I guess there's still too much unknown about any customizations.

Game rumors seem good. No MH sounds a bit odd though, unless they really wanna sell this as a home console at first.

I'm probably the most excited about Retro's game. I'm hoping it's an IP revival, specifically StarTropics or Eternal Darkness, though I guess a new IP would be nice too.


SSB has less new content but comes out way later than MK, feel like that doesn't add up.

It is MUCH harder to make new content for smash ... making a new character means testing interactions with moves from more than 50 characters and god knows how many itens to avoid any bug AND balancing everything.

In MK8 you make a course (or even port one) and just see if all the track is solid or if the blue shell can move it ok =P


I can appreciate the perspective. I actually agree with the pointer/IR stuff but for different reasons; the possibility of more obtuse, original software. Same goes for motion control.

Honestly the PS4 is a bit of a dud for me. I have it to fill the odd niche here and there but generally I could take or leave a majority of Sony published games. As game development gets more expensive and console architecture closer to PC the fewer games are exclusive, and this I buy them on my platform of choice: PC. I remember buying a PS3 quite late into the console's life and having a whole bunch of console exclusives to catch up on; games that also might have been on 360 but not PC. The modern era is different and my PS4 library is super stagnant. Microsoft is now porting everything to PC too, so there goes much reasoning behind grabbing a XONE.

Nintendo wins me out because I generally enjoy Nintendo software, and given I obviously can't get that stuff anywhere else Nintendo hardware sits nicely alongside my PC as a gap filler that, by the end of its lifetime, has justified its existence. But like the PS4/XBONE the more homogeneous the software becomes (read: ports) the lesser value the hardware has. And the fewer games Nintendo invests in that I'm really keen on, again the value drops.

The Wii was a total gem for me because it filled that niche hardware/software combo perfectly. I didn't stop playing games on PC and (eventually PS3), but with the Wii I was getting a trickle of great stuff from Nintendo, oddball stuff from third parties, weird B-games that were almost totally non-existent on Microsoft and Sony's offering, with a peripheral that was obtuse and unusual and thus resulted in some cool, unique experiences. Meanwhile the Wii U was for me a shit PlayStation/Xbox without the inventive software and, to be perfectly honest, output from Nintendo that I largely wasn't happy with.

I hope there's some neat cool surprises come the 12th.

That's an interesting perspective. I have to admit that the Wii was/is my favorite system as the sheer amount of crazy games released for it was unmatched. I want the same for the NS. I just don't mind buying 3rd party games as long as they add some interesting control options, since that's what excites me personally. You're right, though, ports aren't anything special since at the end of the day they're just ports. Interesting exclusives make the difference and I hope we get those with the NS. I hope that the NS doesn't see games with interesting control options die. Definitely the most impressive thing to me about the Wii and it's software line up. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I still want to play a IR/motion controlled Dead Space or Read Dead.


As in "Heathcliff"
Balancing smash is hard. And given Sakurai publicly saying he doesnt want to do it again, I'm guessing a few new characters, a few new stages. That still sounds awesome to me. I'm still picking up characters from release and finding new stuff to play around with.

If they add an awesome new single player mode tho... :D

Publicly saying he doesn't want to do it again? source please?

1. Smash already had a ton of content.
2. Smash is a newer game than mk8 so it makes since to be released after.

I agreed but here is a thing, it only take them a year to a year and few months to make 7 characters. I understand why people are going to be disappointed otherwise.

When some people found out that there would be only two characters and some stages, they lost their interests in Switch and Smash Bros because they felt that they doesn't really want to buy new console for only two new characters since the characters are big deal for those people. I do understand their stance because they already double dip for Smash Bros for 3DS and Wii U, and spend over 40 dollars on DLC.
I'm not sure about everyone else, but I still want to play a IR/motion controlled Dead Space or Read Dead.

Too many control options was one of the reasons Wii U died. No one else wants weird rail shooters; there's a reason they got left back in the arcades 2 decades ago.
Too many control options was one of the reasons Wii U died. No one else wants weird rail shooters; there's a reason they got left back in the arcades 2 decades ago.
How would giving people multiple control options responsible for killing Wii U? People would say otherwise, especially for games like starfox.
E3 most likely. Nintendo has to hold back alot of game announcements for E3.

Regarding E3. I think Nintendo should unveil their line-up for first six months (launch window) at the January Event, and every game that isn't going to make it to this timesptam should be shown at E3.


Regarding E3. I think Nintendo should unveil their line-up for first six months (launch window) at the January Event, and every game that isn't going to make it to this timesptam should be shown at E3.

If Nintendo does that we can just look forward to a 1000 articles talking about the Switch has no games.


Gold Member
Dear Nintendo.

Announce on January 12th event that it is up to the user/player whether or not the Switch down-clocks when out if its dock.

thank you very much.



The Birthday Skeleton
I don't understand the weird obsession with E3 here. This year Nintendo had just Zelda, Pokemon and some minor things. And E3 was no longer that important for Nintendo. And it was pretty OK considering the conditions. Now suddenly the next year's E3 is again very important for whatever reason. I guess for some people "winning E3" is more important than a successful console launch. Really strange mindset.

Switch is launching in March, thus E3 becomes a stopgap in the whole process. Unless you want a repeat of 3ds launch.


That had nothing to do with why the Wii U died. That's a completely unfounded assertion

If you wanted to make a list of reasons the Wii U failed, I don't think too many controllers would be in the top 5. But maybe in the top 10.

Do I need to use the tablet for this game? Can I use a Pro controller? Is the Pro controller even worth buying? Do I need Wii motion + or can I stick with Wii motes? Do I still need Wii motes? What about Classic controllers? Should I get the Gamecube adapter and some Gamecube controllers? Etc. Questions like these were fairly common on this and other forums. I can only imagine what the typical gamer was thinking. Most games were pretty flexible with the controllers, but not all of them.

And comments like "unfortunately, my coffee table has become crowded with half a dozen different controllers" were common in many reviews of flagship games, particularly Smash 4.

As much as I love the Pro controller, I think it was a mistake. Especially given that third party support never really materialized. Either that, or do a tilt-sensitive Pro controller and get rid of the Wiimotes.
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