There are so many Nintendo experiences but I think I'm going to share my feeling on three franchises.
1) Super Smash Bros. If it wasn't for Smash Bros, then I wouldn't have met a lot of good friends and best friends. Because of that game, I managed to got myself into a circle of wonderful friends. Also there are SmashGAF and SmashGAF IRC (and Discord), they are full of great people too and I had a lot of fun with everyone involved with Smash Bros Community. Everything have been crazy with a lot of hype trains, like Dojo, POTD, Ballot, etc.
2. Mario Kart, I burnt so many hours with my family relatives and friends. Also there are many great people in MarioKartGAF Community. I love them and (rarely or sometime) hate them at same time because it's freaking Mario Kart which is top contender for breaking so many friendships.
P.S. I hate your triple red shells, you know who I'm talking to.
3. Splatoon, mainly because of SplatGAF Discord, it's full of great people there. They were mostly positive and friendly people I ever seen for awhile in Shooter genre communities. Usually, I have seen a lot of toxic communities when it came down to Shooter Genre tho. SplatGAF, please keep that way long as possible because I really enjoy my staying there.