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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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What Nintendo IP(s) would you like to see getting revived?

F-Zero... Nintendo for heaven sake! ;_;


What Nintendo IP(s) would you like to see getting revived?

Oh boy, this is one I could possibly go on for quite a while, and partly why the "spinoff" question earlier was tough to me. And I like this route quite a bit because it partly addresses this quote as well:

New IPs. The Wii U and 3DS really felt like "here's more of the same games we've given you for 10 years now."

An IP revival on the level of something like Kid Icarus does a great job of killing two birds with one stone in these cases, as it provides a name brand that can ping people's sense of distant nostalgia and provide the basic foundation of a setting while still allowing the developers enough design freedom to introduce new ideas and play around a bit with expectations. Uprising handled all of this fantastically, giving people a "Kid Icarus" game that they'd been clamoring for but doing so in a totally new style and managing to build a ton of new series canon in the process. There are a lot of brands that Nintendo could mine and revive if they'd like...

StarTropics, which I'm pleased to see quite a number of people mention already. With Breath of the Wild giving gamers an adventure with a big open feel, StarTropics is the sort of IP that could give players a more directed adventure, following with the chapter-based structure of the first two games. It's even already a series willing to throw the book out when it comes to narrative restrictions, going from island-hopping to cave-diving to alien spaceship-infiltrating to far-flung adventures through time. Your main character uses everything from baseball gear to magical items to psychic powers. Basically, you could do damn near anything with this, but I envision a series of environments based around chapters, each one including exploratory overworld segments and "dungeons" full of enemies and traps to get through. It might seem a little redundant compared to some of Nintendo's existing staples, but I think this could find its niche in between Zelda and the 3-D Mario games pretty decently. Unfortunately since the originals never came out in Japan, I feel like the IP is destined to remain forgotten.

Nazo no Murasamejou: Probably the other most well-known potential revival, but this feels almost inevitable in its likelihood. For whatever reason, Takamaru and his series are something that Nintendo continues to drop little teases and recognition for. If Nintendo was looking for a higher-paced, action-packed kind of title compared to Mario, Zelda, and Metroid's more adventurous sense, this could be it. Fast, fluid combat and a number of ninja tools to change things up. This is the sort of thing I could see happening if Nintendo really wants to try and court the "core" gamer back into the fold, and for some reason I could envision them going with some kind of really cool, unique art style for an IP like this.

Balloon Fight/Trip: A bit of a spin on other flight-focused games, and more likely an eShop sort of game. But one thing I've always been curious to see them tackle with this franchise: multiplayer balloon dogfights. Give this an online component or allow multiple switches and their joy-cons to hook up together, and I bet a stage of eight ballooners all vying to take each other out could make for some really frantic fun.

Wild Gunman: Kind of an off-the-wall suggestion and one I honestly didn't consider at all prior to starting to answer this question already, but this, like Balloon Fight and Murasame Castle, is one of those old games that Nintendo seems to love referencing. For the folks that would like to see Nintendo's take on an FPS, this might be a fun direction to go in since the old west is such a romanticized setting already, and shooting in first person is already what the original light gun game was based around. It's probably not very likely given Nintendo's typical stance on violence against other human beings in their internal-developed games, but I find the idea intriguing at least.

I could go on but I guess that'll do for now. :p

What Nintendo IP(s) would you like to see getting revived?


I just think Takamaru is a cool design and I like the feudal japan setting. Takamaru is kinda like the long lost sibling of Link, Pit, and Samus, being the star of a Famicom Disk System game released in 1986. Like how Kid Icarus was a sibling to Metroid (running on the same engine and both made by R&D1), Mysterious Murasame Castle was like a cousin to Legend of Zelda, both being produced by EAD and presumably also sharing the same engine (At the very least, they both have a similar top down perspective going on).

Nintendo hasn't completely forgotten about him, as he makes cameos in things like Samurai Warriors, Captain Rainbow or Nintendo Land every now and then. Most notably, he appeared as an assist trophy in Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS recently, and Sakurai even briefly thought about making him playable, but decided not to, due to his obscurity.

Since then, Nintendo actually did bother to release Mysterious Murasame Castle outside of Japan, through the 3DS's virtual console. I'd just like to see someone give Takamaru the same treatment Little Mac got: as in, getting a brand new game after all these years and thus being upgraded from an assist trophy into a playable character in Smash Bros. I know Hideki Kamiya seems to be interested in the series, he said that he wanted to work on either Star Fox or MMC for Nintendo.

(if only he worked on SFZ, maybe it could of been better...)



What Nintendo IP(s) would you like to see getting revived?

It doesn't depend on Nintendo, but Mother series.

Of series that depend on Nintendo, I'd go with F-Zero. I'm not a big fan of the series actually but the prospect of a futuristic racer with solid mechanics and awesome graphics makes me excited.

Azure J


I just think Takamaru is a cool design and I like the feudal japan setting. Takamaru is kinda like the long lost sibling of Link, Pit, and Samus, being the star of a Famicom Disk System game released in 1986. Like how Kid Icarus was a sibling to Metroid (running on the same engine and both made by R&D1), Mysterious Murasame Castle was like a cousin to Legend of Zelda, both being produced by EAD and presumably also sharing the same engine (At the very least, they both have a similar top down perspective going on).

Nintendo hasn't completely forgotten about him, as he makes cameos in things like Samurai Warriors, Captain Rainbow or Nintendo Land every now and then. Most notably, he appeared as an assist trophy in Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS recently, and Sakurai even briefly thought about making him playable, but decided not to, due to his obscurity.

Since then, Nintendo actually did bother to release Mysterious Murasame Castle outside of Japan, through the 3DS's virtual console. I'd just like to see someone give Takamaru the same treatment Little Mac got: as in, getting a brand new game after all these years and thus being upgraded from an assist trophy into a playable character in Smash Bros. I know Hideki Kamiya seems to be interested in the series, he said that he wanted to work on either Star Fox or MMC for Nintendo.

(if only he worked on SFZ, maybe it could of been better...)

I've kinda been on this train forever now. I really like the idea of Nintendo adding their own "face" for action/"stylish" action to their stable and the character has a very simple but endearing kind of design unto himself. I'd really love to see another non-Bayonetta Platinum x Nintendo collab again too and with Kamiya saying he's game and interested in the franchise, it's like the stars want to align, but only time will tell.

Another revival I'd love to see is the StarTropics series with either Retro or Next Level Games. The original games were full of some fun surreal things with a twist of campy "America"-ism and a spelunking slant. That would make for a very fun reprisal with the right team.


I understand why the Platinum combination for a Murasame reboot is a popular thing to bring up, but being totally honest I think I'd rather see Nintendo keep that one in-house. I feel like they'd do a better job of keeping the game hype while still being a bit more accessible than what P* usually provides, and possibly adding an extra dash of polish. If they wanted to really bring the franchise itself back and not just have it show up as a one-off, I think that would be the better way to go.

For the Frog the Bell Tolls please! That game had so much charm.

Completely forgot about mentioning this but YES this is a fantastic suggestion. Come to think of it, I'd love to see the folks at Intelligent Systems take a stab at this, since Paper Mario's already trended towards making games based around navigation and problem solving rather than focusing on combat, given how battles in Frog/Bell worked.

What Nintendo IP(s) would you like to see getting revived?

Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon RPG by Genius Sonority
Kirby Air Ride
Excite Truck
Chibi-Robo (proper)
Custom Robo
Hey You Pikachu
Super Mario Sunshine
Endless Ocean
The Last Story
Xenoblade Chronicles (a true sequel to the original)


I really, REALLY want a Kid Icarus main console game.

Back when I was a kid, I got Kid Icarus before I actually got a NES, so it was literally the first Nintendo game I ever played. Uprising was also awesome, but I would LOVE to see what could be done with the IP beyond that, especially with a more traditional and consistent control scheme.

But really I would take another shooting platformer with little shops ala the original.

What Nintendo IP(s) would you like to see getting revived?

GiFTPiA/Captain☆Rainbow (or something in that vein)
Chibi-Robo! (if I can't have a spiritual successor to GiFTPiA/Captain☆Rainbow, I can settle for Chibi-Robo! I guess)
Metroid Prime
Eternal Darkness
Tingle RPG or something

I wouldn't mind a Mother-esque RPG either, but that's probably off the table forever.
I have a couple things I wanted to say.

With Laura being blacklisted by Nintendo doesn't that give her even more validity? I feel like it does. I already believe her anyways so I didn't need the validation, but I was thinking about it.

Also, I was thinking how much I wanted a true Battle Mode and we all know Emily's rumor said a new real version would be in MK8. It hit me how much I used to play Mario Kart 64 when I was younger and I played Battle Mode so much with my family. I loved it a lot. I never realized though how much other gamers who played Mario Kart liked it too lol. When I was younger I didn't really talk about it with friends. Now, I see how many people say how much they loved it makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only love.
So what is the likelihood that Switch uses MicroSD as supplemental storage? I'd like to take advantage of Black Friday deals but I don't want to get one if there's less than a 75% chance of Switch using MicroSD.


So what is the likelihood that Switch uses MicroSD as supplemental storage? I'd like to take advantage of Black Friday deals but I don't want to get one if there's less than a 75% chance of Switch using MicroSD.

Laura Dale has reported from her sources that the Switch will support microSD cards, so it seems pretty likely Switch will support them (official support is rumoured to be 128 GB, but, like 3ds, larger cards will almost certainly work just as well).


What if one of the big surprises is that Nintendo will support PC Shield tablet streaming? Nvidia already has a software and hardware infrastructure in place and it would be a nice selling point for owning a Switch if you have an Nvidia powered PC. It would also give Nvidia incentive to continue improving the functionality of the Gamestream tech. It could potentially help with game droughts too...


What if one of the big surprises is that Nintendo will support PC Shield tablet streaming? Nvidia already has a software and hardware infrastructure in place and it would be a nice selling point for owning a Switch if you have an Nvidia powered PC. It would also give Nvidia incentive to continue improving the functionality of the Gamestream tech. It could potentially help with game droughts too...

The only issue would be with third party games that are on PC and Switch. I doubt Nintendo would want people being able to play "Switch" games on their Switch without buying a copy specifically for the console.


Here's a question.

Is it safe to sell my Wii U now? Or should I hold on to it in case there's a cheap upgrade path for those Switch ports like MK8, Smash and Splatoon (I own them all digitally on Wii U).

If I sold my Wii U I would lose those purchases under the current account system, right?



What Nintendo IP(s) would you like to see getting revived?
I hope the next questions does not encourage lists for answers. I mean, I'm just skimping over all the lists because they are just that, and makes the thread that much more boring. Maybe it's just me though. I do encourage daily questions, as long as we can get an interesting discussion out of it.


I'd like to see Pilotwings make a return on Switch. The 3DS game was good but having it Mii'd up was disappointing and made it lose a lot of the fun and flavour of the first two games. If they made it similar in style to the SNES game that would amazing.
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