Hero of Legend

Now it's actually 24 hours left!
It has to be Metroid, looks just like it.But he's not holding anything.
I just realized it's been forever since we've seen a live on-stage presentation by Nintendo. When was the last time? Was it the Wii U reveal?
My prediction for the event tomorrow:
Nintendo will focus on launch window titles, but they will tease a number of games scheduled for beyond the spring and summer. I'm not worried about this presentation disappointing me.
At this time tomorrow Nintendo will start the hour long blowing
of minds
1440p screen Bros! (for OS only) All gaming in native 720p.
wow just 24 hours now
come ooooonnnn gta v port
24 hours...
it's not even official yet
Harada(Tekken) just retweeted something in japanese about the Nintendo Switch event, so Tekken 7 more or less confirmed then?