That whole conference was hype. Well the beginning sucked with Skyward Sword but they had great momentum after that.
Anybody think they can guess the 15 rumored launch games
If they have nothing to show tomorrow, they most certainly will at E3. Either that or they have extremely shitty management. As by that point they will not have had a showable product within 3 1/2 years.Tropical Freeze was released in 2014 but it was done at the end of 2013, right? So, more than three years.
The bolded are my reactions to your guesses.Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Agreed
Splatoon Agreed
New 3D Mario I wouldn't get your hopes up
Mario Rabbids RPG I think Laura heard that this got pushed to Fall
Mario Kart If I recall, this was rumored for the first 3 months, not Day 1
Skryim Agreed
Just Dance 2017 Agreed
Street Fighter 5 Not happening, it's a PS4 console exclusive
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Maybe
Batman: The Telltale Series Maybe, but Telltale Guardians may fill the void
Mass Effect Andromeda nope.avi
Resident Evil 7 Maybe
NBA 2k17 Agreed
Sonic Mania Probably
Bravely Third I wouldn't get your hopes up
There's my shot
Majora's Mask 3D + Ocarina of Time 3D HD Collection for Switch?
A man can dream.
So some people are saying Nintendo streamed just a few second to play the "Dawn of the Last Day" jingle.
Eh, its a bit late for FIFA this year. People who play it will already have it, most likely for PS4/XBONE.I don't trust EA but FIFA17 alone could make the Switch an international success.
Here is the link to the presentation video, for people who won't watch it live and would like to watch it spoiler free:
Tropical Freeze was released in 2014 but it was done at the end of 2013, right? So, more than three years.
Anybody think they can guess the 15 rumored launch games
I'm in the same boat. The Wii U burnt me out lol, maybe we will be very surprised tonightI think I've reached the point were I'm not hyped anymore and now ready for the worse: a boring reveal with tons of ports and no new amazing games. Prove me wrong Nintendo if you want my money.
Out of curiosity, how would people feel about a Splatoon like strategy to releasing free DLC updated bi-weekly on Smash Bros.? If every two weeks they could update with some combination of new stages, items, characters, trophies, balance patches, updates to other modes, etc. It could be really exciting and get people playing it for a long period of time. If they went with that strategy they could have the free DLC last 6 months with a new character and stage about every month-month and a half. I think it would be a cool substitute to unlocks and having character reveals via directs. Instead you can load up the game one day and get the New Challenger!! warning and discover the new character that way.
In less than 24 hours we'll be watching and rewatching trailers featuring female Link, Metroid Dread, Earthbound 2, FFVI remake, Half Life 3, StarTropics 2, Kid Icarus Uprising 2, F-Zero Switch Velocity, Super Mario World Tour, Pokemon Stars, etc.
1. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2. New 3D Mario
3. Mario Kart 8 port
4. Splatoon port
5. NBA 2K17
6. Skyrim
7. Mario and Rabbids game
8. Just Dance 2017
9. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
10. Madden 17
11. Smash Bros port
12. Bayonetta 2 port (fingers crossed)
13. Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
14. Lego game
15. Switch Party game
I've gotta trade some stuff in at Gamestop tomorrow night after work for preorder credit on Friday.
Can't be dealing with that shit at open on Friday morning.
Bye bye (for now) GBA and Wii.
1. Scalebound
2. Bayonetta 3
3. Shenmue 4
4. All-new Wipeout
5. Final Fantasy VII-R: Complete Edition
6. All-new Crash Bandicoot
7. All-new non-Skylanders Spyro
8. All-new Medievil
9. AAA Harry Potter RPG
10. Jumpswitch Flash
11. Deswitchon Derby
12. 1080p Snowboarding
13. Gex: Switch On The Gecko
14. Perfect Dark Switch-O
15. Rayman 2 port
1. Scalebound
2. Bayonetta 3
3. Shenmue 4
4. All-new Wipeout
5. Final Fantasy VII-R: Complete Edition
6. All-new Crash Bandicoot
7. All-new non-Skylanders Spyro
8. All-new Medievil
9. AAA Harry Potter RPG
10. Jumpswitch Flash
11. Deswitchon Derby
12. 1080p Snowboarding
13. Gex: Switch On The Gecko
14. Perfect Dark Switch-O
15. Rayman 2 port
I just wanna see the rumored new IP! I wonder if Mr. Iwata had any input on it, if it's real?
Just found out NS is using Type C USB for changing. That's a megaton to me.
I'm a little late, but here's my bingo thing
I hope that we'll get Elder Scrolls Online in addition to Skyrim. I would so love to play an MMO on the go and I've loved ESO (bought it 3 times: non-Steam, Steam, and Xbox One).
USB Type-C is the standard of the future & allows for fast charging as well as large amounts of data transfer. It's likely the reason why we're able to get multiple USB ports on the Switch Dock as well as the necessary HDMI & power plugs.
You forgot Half Life 3
Hype trains were banned a while ago, dude.The Train has arrived....
Just found out NS is using Type C USB for changing. That's a megaton to me.
It's more than that. The data transfer speeds of USB Type-C as well as its various other features could have it potentially replace the standard rectangular USB Type-A plug in the near future. Hell, we're already seeing laptops like the various MacBooks use USB Type-C (or more specifically, Intel's Thunderbolt 3, which uses the same Type-C plug) exclusively.Because Nintendo proprietry chargers a annoying AF and C-Type is tomorrow's 'Micro USB'; people be drowning in them soon.
I heard Xbox fans get to use them.Hype trains were banned a while ago, dude.
Hype trains were banned a while ago, dude.
Playable Inklings... In Splatoon...?
I'm a little late, but here's my bingo thing
I was just told that apparently this happens for every livestream that has 24 hours left. That's pretty amazing!!!So some people are saying Nintendo streamed just a few second to play the "Dawn of the Last Day" jingle.
This please please please please please!!!! I want to play Majora's Mask on the big screen!Majora's Mask 3D + Ocarina of Time 3D HD Collection for Switch?
A man can dream.
Honestly the biggest benefit is not having to pay attention to which side is up/down. USB type c won me over on that and quick charge alone.Because Nintendo proprietry chargers a annoying AF and C-Type is tomorrow's 'Micro USB'; people be drowning in them soon.