Neo Member
Anyone played I Am Setsuna yet? I'm yearning for some RPG handheld goodness
It's the way I've been playing it. My wife likes to snuggle on the sofa when I play games and she reads a book, it's normally really uncomfortable but I do it cos I love her (awwww I know) split joycons is a fucking god send. So comfy.Excellent, thanks. Going to play Zelda this way I think.
Can you turn this on with the pro controller? I've done it a couple of times but most times it doesn't work.
I believe most people are getting their activity log from the parental control app.Does anyone else see something like this in their profile?
I only have "first played" for my 2 games, but if this is true then somewhere on the switch they save playclocks. That means that they can do an activity log that works retroactively, doesn't it?
I believe most people are getting their activity log from the parental control app.
Tested my switch at the gym, gotta say it makea cardio time go fast, and I hate cardio.
I know! I just played the demo with the mrs and we had a ball. Will be buying for sure.Snipperclips is Switch'es secret killer app, It is amazing and so much fun.
I know! I just played the demo with the mrs and we had a ball. Will be buying for sure.
Also, are the shovel knight games worth a buy?
Can anyone with the separate official power adapter tell me the length of the cable? I can't seem to find any confirmation of this anywhere... I expect it's the same as the one bundled with the system?
It's the way I've been playing it. My wife likes to snuggle on the sofa when I play games and she reads a book, it's normally really uncomfortable but I do it cos I love her (awwww I know) split joycons is a fucking god send. So comfy.
Also, are the shovel knight games worth a buy?
Tested my switch at the gym, gotta say it makea cardio time go fast, and I hate cardio.
No it does notDoes the home button have a led? I thought it had one, and I think I see one on the teardown video by gamersnexus, but I haven't seen it light up at all.
Yeah, I can't wait to hear their new eShop theme. Can still hear the Wii one to this day lmaoI went ahead and opened mine up. I wanted to get it all set up and charged before Monday so I can play Zelda.
I already love it. I'd like to buy Fast RMX, but I've gone kinda spend crazy and I want the dust to settle a little...
But I really want to play it tho. >_>
I wish the main menu and the eshop had music. Looking forward to some new themes, too.
No it does not
Has anyone found a case for this thing yet? Target and Best Buy had nothing on the shelf and the website makes it seem like the products don't exist. Amazon says the hori case won't be around for a couple months. What do?
Why wouldn't they use it for something?
Is there a way to charge both the Nintendo switch plus both joycons during handheld mode?
Anyone else finding it pretty awesome to play docked with just the Joycons untetethered? I always wanted to do this on the Wii but the required Waggle in a lot of games made it less fun. so it's nice to be able to play a normal game with my hands separated and no wires. I like playing portable mode like this with the tablet propped up on my iPad in my lap as well.
Can you turn this on with the pro controller? I've done it a couple of times but most times it doesn't work.
Why, Nintendo, why!?
Why did you have to go and use the A-button for confirmation and B for cancel it's the opposite position from both Xbox One and PS4 and so very annoying.
Why, Nintendo, why!?
Why did you have to go and use the A-button for confirmation and B for cancel it's the opposite position from both Xbox One and PS4 and so very annoying.
Why, Nintendo, why!?
Why did you have to go and use the A-button for confirmation and B for cancel – it's the opposite position from both Xbox One and PS4 and so very annoying.
The only place I see that you could potentially attach a wrist strap is to the vent holes, but I don't think I'd be comfortable putting something so close to the fins inside.Any way to attach a wrist strap to the switch on handheld mode ?
Are the straps needed to play JoyCon games/1-2 Switch?
It's what Nintendo have been doing for decades, it's the other 2 who did it the "wrong" way round.
/Old bugger
You must be new to Nintendo products.
It's been the Nintendo standard since NES, and even Sony originally used the layout for PSX in Japan (i don't know if they've since switched them for Japanese PS systems.)
I don't know who was first to use the opposite positions, I'm pretty sure Sega Master System used them though. Genesis 6-button pads technically had ABXY in the "Xbox" position. Then they cemented the layout/colors with DC (which was then imitated by Xbox.)
As someone who's primarily played Nintendo all his life, I'm personally glad Nintendo hasn't made the swap.
Lol, I've been doing exactly this at my gym. Completely solved my hatred of cardio.Tested my switch at the gym, gotta say it makea cardio time go fast, and I hate cardio.
Damn, this would be perfect if the console supports BT headphone. Hopefully it can be patch.Tested my switch at the gym, gotta say it makea cardio time go fast, and I hate cardio.
Me and my brothers grew up with the NES, SNES, bought a N64 on the release day, same for Wii. Owned a Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, NDS. Skipped both the Wii U and 3DS though. Point is, I'm very familiar with the systems.
Anyhow. I don't think it'd be bad for them to consider adopting use that reflects what's currently a bit of a standard with this type of button layout, at least concerning the two other major consoles. To me it's just a case of the controls being a bit more intuitive for people who've played games in general. I guess if you've only played Nintendo stuff it could be annoying, though.
Tested my switch at the gym, gotta say it makea cardio time go fast, and I hate cardio.
Gaming side is so negative ATM. I understand that there are a lot of legit issues like the screen dock thing and the left joycon (which personally affects me), but how can anyone let these things overrule the enjoyment of using this thing?
The feel, the snappiness, the noises of the joy cons clacking and sliding, the clicks and pops of the UI... it's just pleasurable to use.
Zelda is awesome, Snipperclips is awesome, Shovel Knight is awesome. The experience of playing on the TV, deciding you want to play in bed and just slipping the console out and playing immediately is awesome.