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Nintendo Switch: March 3rd 2017 worldwide, MSRP $300

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Also have to add that with how stingy Nintendo is with price cuts, this will never sell well in Canada- the WiiU Mario cart Bundle is still $330 at Best Buy.


Take out the SoC and the rest of the Switch specs are worse than a $50 china tablet (720p LCD, 2gb ram, 2 hour battery... the SoC itself isn't more than $100 which is entering desktop core cpu pricing territory
The SoC price is for Nvidia's own product. It will be further marked up for Nintendo, plus whatever library/support services Nvidia touted.


Ha ha, upset? I don't care! I care about what I'm doing! Me! I'm on this forum for fun! And I see a lot of nonsense on here, so I'm talking about it. That's the beauty of GAF. And the beauty of my right to disagree with everything you just said as well. I've been on here long enough to see plenty of the "enthusiast" opinions fall completely on the other side with the public. Painting everyone else out there with a broad brush just because most of the people in here are "on your side" with this has, I can assure you, proven plenty of others silly in the past. Time will tell if this console is successful and I'm not predicting that either way, all I'm saying is
1. I'm cool with the price
2. A lot of you were hyped up on some nonsense
3. You need to stop pretending your opinions represent anyone beyond yourself.
I don't get upset on here. I'm too old for that.

Calm down man
Here in the U.K. £199 would be a fantastic price but it's easily going to be £249 or even £299.

For me it all depends on the exclusives but £249 might be my limit.

Shame really as I think £199 would have seen this as a major success in the U.K.

$300 converted with 20% VAT would be £300 total due to the drop in the £

Sony have managed to keep the Pro at £350 while its $400 in the US. It should be £390-400

Switch UK price will be interesting but I doubt Nintendo can make it £250. £300 Switch sounds like a failure.


I got a ps4 for $212 US dollars a few months ago and now Nintendo thinks that they can charge $300 AND introduce paid online? I will wait for that emergency price drop at the end of this year similar to the 3DS.


$300 plus paid online. This thing is going to be a tough sell.

Thank everyone who was ok with it and paid for it when MS introduced the concept. Why should Sony or Nintendo not follow suit when it is obvious people will pay it and it makes them extra money? The precedent has already been set and I do t see why Nintendo would say no to more money.
I don't know how you all were expecting anything less than $300.

Some of us were kind of expecting that after the WiiU bombed (never mind the struggles with the 3DS before they dropped the price) it would've snapped Nintendo back into reality of the position they're in, it obviously hasn't. Super Mario Run should've probably been taken as a sign.
So remember when people thought the switch was going to replace the 3DS?

It's not happening. This is the Wii U replacement.

I've been saying this for weeks, but Nintendo fans just seemed to want to ignore all the signs that pointed to that blatantly obvious fact.


You want a shot at the champ? [NG gif winner July 23]
$300.00 for the Switch
$100.00 for 2 games on launch
Paid online service

I'm looking at $500.00 here for me...Yikes


The initial intro was such an obvious use of the shit sandwich technique, it was beautiful I thought.

First, the date, March 3rd - As close as could be hoped for - Great.
Then, wham! $300.
Double wham! Paid online!

But then, a nice thing to end it: No more Region locking.

Amazing :)


I feel like so much information was missing.

We SAW Mario Kart battle mode. Why the fuck didn't they say anything about it?

The console comes out in two months, when are we going to find out these details? It sounds like it's only going to be Zelda at launch?
Thank everyone who was ok with it and paid for it when MS introduced the concept. Why should Sony or Nintendo not follow suit when it is obvious people will pay it and it makes them extra money? The precedent has already been set and I do t see why Nintendo would say no to more money.

Sony offers game downloads and regular sales with deep discounts along with gated online multi. Unless Nintendo does this, they will be missing the point. People will just get a cheaper PS4 or XBO and at least get perks with the paid online.
What a disaster of a presentation. I have never seen a hardware dev sell their customers on buying something a year after it releases but Nintendo just did.
Ha ha, upset? I don't care! I care about what I'm doing! Me! I'm on this forum for fun! And I see a lot of nonsense on here, so I'm talking about it. That's the beauty of GAF. And the beauty of my right to disagree with everything you just said as well. I've been on here long enough to see plenty of the "enthusiast" opinions fall completely on the other side with the public. Painting everyone else out there with a broad brush just because most of the people in here are "on your side" with this has, I can assure you, proven plenty of others silly in the past. Time will tell if this console is successful and I'm not predicting that either way, all I'm saying is
1. I'm cool with the price
2. A lot of you were hyped up on some nonsense
3. You need to stop pretending your opinions represent anyone beyond yourself.
I don't get upset on here. I'm too old for that.

You seem out of touch with reality. Take a breath and read through the thread so far. Most people in here think the price is too high and they barely showed any launch games.


Sorry Nintendo. This is where we part ways. But hey, it might get an early price reduction if it's unsuccessful so that would sway me beyond the launch price.


Haha, this so much. I guess that's price psychology for ya. People point to the 3DS price drop, but the lack of games hurt 3DS more than anything else. This thing is clearly more high tech and involved than 3DS was for its time (which launched at $250). Why are people surprised by this?

Games will be a bigger determining factor than price I think, and I think launching with a new Zelda will give it a good kickstart.
My jaw literally dropped when they announced the $299.99 price. I did not think Nintendo would be crazy enough to charge that after the Wii U. It's an instant nope for me when Zelda is the only launch title I would play and the only other title they showed that I'd play was Mario Odyssey (even though some parts of it I thought looked bad).


They didn't do a good job of explaining the value proposition.

It should have been "US$299 for a home console AND a handheld device!"

But the conference made it sound like you're paying $300 + $60 to play Zelda and take a chance that your dumb family will play shoot-out and boxing games with you.


Hyped as fuck, 299 ain't shit, will probably play the hell out of 1 2 Switch cause it looks like a good party game.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I really enjoyed just about everything they had to show. This system looks amazing.

I'm probably in the minority here, but I haven't been this excited for a console in a very long time.
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