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*NO BOOK SPOILERS* Game of Thrones - Season 2 - Sundays on HBO (read rules in OP)

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Tyrion is awesome, but I wish he'd stop slapping Joffrey about. He's sailing pretty close to the wind the more times he does it.

Yeah... wouldn't Joffrey have the power to just make Tyrion just 'disappear' one night? Doesn't seem like it would be outside Joffrey's immoral decision making. Maybe Joffrey, despite his arrogance and sadism, actually has a great deal of respect for his uncle?

....Naaaaaaaa. :p


Yeah... wouldn't Joffrey have the power to just make Tyrion just 'disappear' one night? Doesn't seem like it would be outside Joffrey's immoral decision making. Maybe Joffrey, despite his arrogance and sadism, actually has a great deal of respect for his uncle?

....Naaaaaaaa. :p

He derives pretty much all of his "power" from Tywin's army, so I don't think there is much he can do to Tyrion


Yeah... wouldn't Joffrey have the power to just make Tyrion just 'disappear' one night? Doesn't seem like it would be outside Joffrey's immoral decision making. Maybe Joffrey, despite his arrogance and sadism, actually has a great deal of respect for his uncle?

....Naaaaaaaa. :p

He's kept around I suspect because time after time, Tyrion displays a wisdom Joffrey simply doesn't have, and desperately needs. He also acts as a father figure to him, again, something he doesn't have but needs.

But Joffrey's temper is short. And Tyrion keeps making a fool of him in public.

Actually, thinking about it more, I'm not sure Tyrion is a father figure to Joffrey. They're not exactly best buddies.


Yeah... wouldn't Joffrey have the power to just make Tyrion just 'disappear' one night? Doesn't seem like it would be outside Joffrey's immoral decision making. Maybe Joffrey, despite his arrogance and sadism, actually has a great deal of respect for his uncle?

....Naaaaaaaa. :p
I was wondering the same thing. Considering Cercei was threatened and that's his mother, Joffrey has a serious phobia of Tyrion who repeatedly makes him look like a fool in front of more noble people than the castle workers that saw Cercei slap him. Maybe he's secretly scared of little people.

I know he can't actually kill Tyrion but he can't really kill his mother either
maaaaaaaan.... The Hound fucking owned this episode.
That is some kind of mutant family that raised him and [last season's] The Mountain


Maybe Joffrey is scared of Tyrion because Tyrion isn't scared of him. Even Cersei fears her son, Tyrion doesn't.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
I think the Hound has a thing for Sansa. Also the look that Luwin gave Theon when Theon told him to send the letters was priceless. It was totally a "you are so fucked and don't know it" look.
Majority of the armed forces inside King's Landing are the City Watch, and they answer to Tyrion via Bronn.

I don't think Tyrion would slap Joffrey if he were afraid of the consequences. He knows Joffrey can't touch him, at least right now. In the future who knows, but Tyrion is mostly concerned about right now.


Tyrion has the city watch and more importantly he has Bronn

He also has tribes of wild men, though they haven't been seen since he arrived in King's Landing. But they were following him when he first got there.


I keep forgetting another wonderful scene between Sansa & Tyrion's girlfriend.
Deep knowledge being dropped in 15 seconds of screentime.

"Your horse is worth more than his kids..."

Life in Winterfell is so different.

This episode really was just all kinds of good. I can't think of a real failing scene this time around.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
I keep forgetting another wonderful scene between Sansa & Tyrion's girlfriend.
Deep knowledge being dropped in 15 seconds of screentime.

"Your horse is worth more than his kids..."

Life in Winterfell is so different.

This episode really was just all kinds of good. I can't think of a real failing scene this time around.

The line was actually "your horse eats better than his children", but yes, good scene and I really like Sansa's character arc so far. She's starting to see what reality is like outside her bubble.
I thought it was "your horse looks better than his children"?

Excellent episode, things are really starting to pick up steam now.

- Tywin needs to stop being such a decent bloke, it's making it harder for me to dislike him :p
- Theon is such a nasty piece of work, it's like having a Joffrey of the North. I hope someone hacks his head off in a clumsy manner soon.
- The wolf is becoming all sorts of awesome. I think he's going to become a lot more central to the story in the coming weeks.
- Oh Jon Snow...... You are a naive fool. I hope we don't have a reason to have a "stupid Jon Snow" meme at the end of this season, as I quite like the character. Still, at least we know he's Ned's son.
- Oh Sansa...... You are naive.
- An attractive redhead joining the cast? That is always welcome. :)

Off to Turkey tomorrow on hols, might be looking at two weeks if no GoTs..... Dang.
I get the feeling that Joffery is at least smart enough to know that Tyrion keeps shit from falling completely apart -unlike Cersei (plus she's just a woman - even if it's his mom). Granted, I don't think he's smart... but at least smart enough. However, I do agree that Tyrion has been walking a fine line lately going against him. Between last week and the apothecary to this week's slapping him...

Also, I hadn't noticed before but he said the Hound's name when he thanked him for saving Sansa. Has he always referred to him by his name? Or was that just a one off respect thing for what he did?

I'm also now excited to see what Littlefinger does next. I really do love everything happening with Arya.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Jaqen H'gar is reaching supreme levels of badasssery.

Anyone know if he pops up in any of the books after ACoK?

Not an appropriate question for this thread.


Awesome episode.

Theon is a backstabbing asswipe and it'll be satisfying if/when he gets what's coming. Hoping Robb gets to do it, too. I laughed at how easily he fell for Osha.

Osha still weirds me out with the way she stands with her head cocked to the side and all. And when she was skulking backwards after Theon was asleep that was so weird. Very animal-like, though, and it makes sense I guess. Still weird.

The scene with little finger and Arya was so tense, and the scene with Arya demanding Jaqen kill that guy right then was great. Love that guy.

Jon and Daenerys have really been grating on me this season. Jon's turned into a bumbling idiot. He seems to almost be so stupid with things that you can't even sympathize with him as much anymore. I was hoping after he'd tighten up and really show himself as a future leader or something like you're led to believe Mormont wants him to become. But he just fucks it up time and time again.

Daenerys' schtick is getting so old now. I really loved her part in the first season. Absolutely adored her character. Now I barely want them to show her shit anymore. She just rants and raves about how she's a Targaryan and she thinks anyone gives a shit. She expects everyone to drop everything and give her exactly what she wants so she can go conquer or whatever. She's literally turned into her brother at this point. He was a whiny sack of shit that no one liked because he just went on and on about the throne he should rightfully have, and it was satisfying when he died because of that. You'd think she'd have learned a thing from him...


This is totally coming from someone who hasn't read the books, so please take it as such, but Daenarys' story is so self-contained that it's almost JRPG protagonist-level obvious that she's like *the* person who dominates the whole thing somehow.

But I don't want her to. She's just annoying and the fact that she's played by a mediocre actress makes it all the worse. Again, this is just speculation on my part.


Some great, GREAT scenes in this episode. Guy falling through the door dead of blow dart. Jon with ygritte grinding the hips on him. lol I didn't get the sense she wanted to escape more than just make him feel uncomfortable. They seemed to have good chemistry on screen from the beginning. Tyrions rant and slapping almost came away as to over the top given it's against the King. It's hard to put away the thought that Joffrey would have him killed right on the spot.

Some people last page complained that Jon's men left him to kill the girl alone but I think it was a great link to Theon. They seem to be mirror characters in a lot of ways. Theon seems to be a great argument for how much environment matters to how you turn out. Both Theon and Jon do lots of dumb stuff. Theon is a hostage who would be a prince and possible King elsewhere; Jon is a bastard who'd probably be worse off anywhere else. It really changes how you look at things and it doesn't help that Theon is incredibly mentally weak. He's always looking to others for reinforcement that what he is doing is right. Not exactly the signs of a leader. Once he decided to join his father's cause it was clear he was an outsider. They've made fun of his clothes and everything else. The fact that he wanted to lock Rodrik up instead of killing him was another, "You're just a faux Stark and not a Greyjoy" shot that he couldn't let pass even though he didn't want to do it. Jon has second thoughts about killing a lady but his men just believe him and leave him to do the business.

edit: oh yeah, this series always starts slow and then builds like a crescendo but it still feels like it needs more episodes. Tons of characters that seem fairly interesting get very little screen time.


I thought the Maester guy was going to bite it this episode. I don't want that guy to die. He's cool. I literally breathed a sigh of relief for him a few times.


I don't like the idea of a child rape scene involving a child actor.

I know they could do that, but it's a bit much.
Hell, I kept thinking Tywin was gonna turn out to be a pedo or something. This series has really fucked up my brain.

Nah, I don't see anything from the interaction that would give off that gibe. He's incredibly impressed by her knowledge and composure, for the most part. She's a good kid and the Starks raised her well.


Nah, I don't see anything from the interaction that would give off that gibe. He's incredibly impressed by her knowledge and composure, for the most part. She's a good kid and the Starks raised her well.

No, I meant a few episodes ago when he said she'd be his cupbearer or whatever. I was like "oh crap..." I'm not worried about it any more; now I'm in the "Tywin is cool" camp.


I was bracing myself for a Sansa rape scene, but perhaps that is too much for HBO to handle.
I thought by the end it was going to happen and be added to the story somehow. That scene totally got me.
Speevy said:
This is totally coming from someone who hasn't read the books, so please take it as such, but Daenarys' story is so self-contained that it's almost JRPG protagonist-level obvious that she's like *the* person who dominates the whole thing somehow.

But I don't want her to. She's just annoying and the fact that she's played by a mediocre actress makes it all the worse. Again, this is just speculation on my part.
I agree that the signs point to her (She better not have some weak kneed out of the blue death).

However, i liked her in this episode because she was clearly all bark and Qarth don't play that. Even the one helping her the most isn't helping her unless she marries him. She is repeatedly getting humbled in that place.


The other thing that bothers me about Daenarys is that she's so freakishly eager to go right now. Her dragons are barely the size of chihuahuas. Just. Wait. I thought when they hatched that she'd wait it out and conquer like that Aegon guy did. You know, use the dragons. But, no. She wants to go right now. At least wait until the freaking things can grill a cheeseburger!


The other thing that bothers me about Daenarys is that she's so freakishly eager to go right now. Her dragons are barely the size of chihuahuas. Just. Wait. I thought when they hatched that she'd wait it out and conquer like that Aegon guy did. You know, use the dragons. But, no. She wants to go right now. At least wait until the freaking things can grill a cheeseburger!
Lol! Yeah, one of them just barely cooked a piece of meat with its breath. It's cool to see that they're at least starting to breath fire. I hope Dany does get her dragons back just for the potential of a scene with her arriving in Westeros with three huge dragons flying behind her.
Well, it's kind of understandable, she just got news and the three major figures of the rebellion, Jon Arryn, Robert Baratheon, and Ned Stark, are all dead. Westeros is embroiled in a civil war with 5 different men claiming to be King.

From a tactical point of view there is no better time then to strike now. If she waits, and one of them wins the unites the realm, and then the task is only that much harder. I think before she got to Qarth, she was of the "when my dragons are grown, I'll burn cities" mindset.

Now, she thinks if she just shows up, she being the "true heir" with people in Westeros not sure who the rightful ruler is, will draw a lot of followers. I'm not saying she's right, but her sense of urgency is not that hard to understand.


I guess she doesn't quite know it yet, but anyway, it'd be best to swoop in after the big war. Coming in right now would actually be the worst time, especially without dragons. There are a ton of armies at the ready. If she came in after all the battling when everyone's still licking their wounds like a year or two from now with dragons? Yeah, she'd win.


I know that this thread really hates speculation, but I really think that Talisa is a spy. Perhaps the very spy that sent the letter that Arya stole. Think about it. She's obviously attractive and performing a service that would appeal to the honorable Robb Stark. And she's from a far away place that would make checking her identity impossible. I don't know, I just get that feeling.


For some reason, Mormont seems to think she has enough allies to seize the throne just by going there and no battle.

I tend to think the dragons would just be taken or killed & Dany certainly would be by anyone but possibly the Starks. Again I don't think Mormont has explained much and it's difficult to gauge since he's only been either a spy against her or a loyal servant.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Having read the books I absolutely love reading people's speculations about plots and characters in this thread.

ygritte was way hotter than I pictured her.
Once more for the new page.


- ABSOLUTELY NO BOOK SPOILERS. It doesn't matter if they're under spoiler tags, they should not be in this thread. Use the other thread for book-related television discussion. This includes alluding to things, subtle hinting, comparing the books to the show, etc...

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    e.g. "Well, that's different than in the book where they..."
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    e.g. Q: "Wait, how is Robb related to Ned?" A: "Robb is Ned's son."

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