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*NO BOOK SPOILERS* Game of Thrones - Season 2 - Sundays on HBO (read rules in OP)

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I felt like that last scene was to show that he wasn't sure. She turns her body away and he's trying to extend out with his head to look around and see her but then Tywin says something that would require his response.

The very end of that scene is Littlefinger following her with his eyes, talking about the proposal he made to Cat about her daughters and with a very strong emphasis on the word daughters. He was 100% sure at that point.


I was actually surprised that he didn't just outright tell her that he was responsible for the attack because, come on:

"I've done many thing, Khaleesi, that a righteous man would condemn. And here I am, with no regrets."

*opens door* everyone inside is dead

I totally expected him to turn around with a shit eating grin on his face. The timing was just too perfect
I was confused because I thought they went back to the 2nd richest man's house. Everyone dresses alike.
The very end of that scene is Littlefinger following her with his eyes, talking about the proposal he made to Cat about her daughters and with a very strong emphasis on the word daughters. He was 100% sure at that point.
That's what I thought, however he did look really preoccupied that whole scene. I guess I just can't read Littlefinger.The whole scene was very tense and well done. The lingering comment on "Let's talk about the two daughters" (I think it was along those lines), was crazy. I want to know what happened after.

When Ser Amory was killed, he did still have the paper, right? But there was no indication that Tywin found it. I wonder if this will be discovered.

I love how the show has picked up in the last two episodes. The week wait is torture.

Funky Papa

Holy shit, I feel like that was the most intense GoT episode so far. I was gnawing my teeth of pure rage for the best part of the first half and very, very intrigued by the rest of it. Ser Rodrik's decapitation is up there with Nedd's on my list of most enraging TV moments ever, right on par with The Shield's Season 5 ending. Fuck me and fuck Theon Greyjoy. Treacherous whores indeed.

Random observations:

  • I liked that the fall of Winterfell wasn't a complete copout like Robb's latest battle. There was little action, but the feeling of dread and "fuck this shit" made for it BIG TIME.
  • RIP Ser Rodrik, may your death be avenged with fire and brimstone.
  • Theon, you CUNT.
  • I loved Ghost wandering around and not giving a toss about Snow. Probably because my Border Collie does the same whenever I take her to the forest. Bitch just runs to the hills while keeping a very distant eye on me. It felt so natural.
  • Littlefinger knows. Littlefinger knows everything.


  • -I find hard to hate Papa Lannister. Writers need him to do something really terrible or I'll miss him the inevitable day somebody puts a sword (or a dart) to his neck.
  • -I'm absolutely in love with that wildling chick. She looks cute but in an awkward redhead way and has TONS of sass. The way he tried to make Snow uncomfortable by rubbing her ass against him was hilarious. Poor, stupid Snow.
  • -Beaten like Joffrey is the new beaten like Sansa. I mean, damn. For being such a cruel monster he surely gets no respect.
  • -I LOVE seeing the Hound being a badass. I HATED seeing Sansa at the brink of being raped. Man, this show is so fucking brutal I was fearing the worst. Toes curled and everything.
  • -Re: Dany. I loved her performance. I know some gaffers are bored of her, but it is not like she's in position of doing much. I also think that the writers are trying to develop her character by showing that she's still a very vulnerable young woman, not the all-conqueror she likes to fashion herself. She was at the point of breaking in tears during her bargaining with the spice trader.
  • -Oona Chaplin/Talisa: Cute AND hot? That's some combination. Cat's cockblocking was lots of fun, if tad sad for Robb. To think that he'll have to marry some ugly chick from The Twin instead of banging that piece of ass (although I'm sure Robb will try to get himself a little something well before that).
  • -Theon Greyjoy is about the get his just deserts and something tells me that this Roose fellow with play a big part.


He is incredibly calm and nonchalant when talking about torture or killing his prisoners to save food AND look at his sigil. What kind of nobleman fashions his house's sigil after a crucified man upside down? And apparently his bastard would be all to proud to shit on Theon's little party. I think the pain train is coming for the Greyjoys in a most awful way and I can't wait for it.

  • -Osha/Natalia Tena: HIYOOOO! I still don't know why would she have to sleep with that salty cunt, but somehow I wasn't nearly as bothered as with other sex scenes. Probably because it shows that she was willing to go great lengths in order to save the Stark children.
  • -Dragons: I don't think Xaros took them, but something tells me that the Warlocks are actually trying to protect them. Baseless speculation, but somehow they seem like the least horrible of the bunch (if tad creepy).

So basically I loved this episode to bits and I can wait until the next one, even if it looks less action packed. There's one thing about the preview that I find disturbing, tho
Theon capturing the Stark children again? Did I see Hodor getting punched in the gut? NOOOOOOOO
  • Theon, you CUNT.
  • -Dragons: I don't think Xaros took them, but something tells me that the Warlocks are actually trying to protect them. Baseless speculation, but somehow they seem like the least horrible of the bunch (if tad creepy).

I really don't want Pyat Pree(?) to be evil. He seems so interesting. (He was the one that took the dragons, right? The warlock guy).

I'm not sure where I stand on Xaro, there is something really off putting about him (from previous episodes). Though I really don't think he orchestrated the killings. The first shot of the dead bodies after the door had been opened made me think that it was an illusion (as someone in here briefly mentioned). It had a really unsettling quality about it, but, damn, that a lot of death.


Tywin Lannister murdered a bunch of small children, he just hasn't done stuff on screen to be up to the level of Joffrey. He's also an incredibly competent intelligent dude, not a power mongering assclown like his grandson.

I think the warlocks actually took the dragons. I'm actually glad something happened in Danys storyline. Her yelling at everyone to bow before her because she has three small dragons and her ancestry is annoying beyond belief.

Funky Papa

I really don't want Pyat Pree(?) to be evil. He seems so interesting. (He was the one that took the dragons, right? The warlock guy).

I'm not sure where I stand on Xaro, there is something really off putting about him (from previous episodes). Though I really don't think he orchestrated the killings. The first shot of the dead bodies after the door had been opened made me think that it was an illusion (as someone in here briefly mentioned). It had a really unsettling quality about it, but, damn, that a lot of death.

I doubt it. He was dressed very plainly, althogh I *think* he was related to the warlocks. I don't honestly know why, but that lone tower seemed almost as weird as the fact that there was only one person carrying the dragons (no guards for such a precious cargo? mmm...)
I doubt it. He was dressed very plainly, althogh I *think* he was related to the warlocks. I don't honestly know why, but that lone tower seemed almost as weird as the fact that there was only one person carrying the dragons (no guards for such a precious cargo? mmm...)
I'm not sure about being dressed plainly argument for it not being Pyat. If I was carrying a stolen cargo of three dragons around Qarth, I'd want to be wearing a plain robe and that hid my face.

I am convinced it had to be from the group of warlocks, however. From all that massacre and then that single person carrying the dragons, it seems like someone very powerful had to be involved. Maybe the fact that there were no guards was from either: The person being extremely powerful or/and: only that one person knew about the plot.

That tower could be anywhere, but I want it to be "The House of the Undying", it just matches Pyat Pree look.

I think it was Mormont
we didn't see him anywhere and he wasn't among the bodies iirc

I was wondering where Mormont was, though I'd hate to think it was him. One of the last times we saw him though was when the masked lady was giving him a warning though, maybe that caused him to do some digging? And we never saw the face of the guy at the end, though I'm not sure he had the same physique as Mormont. He looked far too tall and thin.


Saw this on a tumblr.. quite epic and worth the read (just a passage from an early chapter of CoK, no spoilers).


“Your brother Robb has been crowned King in the North. You and Aemon have that in common. A king for a brother.”
“And this too,” said Jon. “A vow.”
“Give me a man for every vow I’ve seen broken and the Wall will never lack for defenders.”
“I’ve always known that Robb would be Lord of Winterfell.”
“A lord’s one thing, a king’s another. They will garb your brother Robb in silks, satins, and velvets of a hundred different colors, while you live and die in black ringmail. He will wed some beautiful princess and father sons on her. You’ll have no wife, nor will you ever hold a child of your own blood in your arms. Robb will rule, you will serve. Men will call you a crow. Him they’ll call Your Grace. Singers will praise every little thing he does, while your greatest deeds all go unsung. Tell me that none of this troubles you, Jon… and I’ll name you a liar, and know I have the truth of it.”
Jon drew himself up, taut as a bowstring. “And if it did trouble me, what might I do, bastard as I am?”
“What will you do?” Mormont asked. “Bastard as you are?”
“Be troubled,” said Jon, “and keep my vows.”

Funky Papa

Mormont is pussywhipped. Forget him.

Also, HBO seems to confirm my suspicious that Roose Bolton and his bastard
are going to run a train on Theon
. I'm not sure how much of a spoiler is this since I took it from the show's site, but take a look:


Lord of the Dreadfort [what kind of name is that for a house seat? Jeebus.] and head of House Bolton, Roose takes pride in his family's sigil of a flayed man. Although the practice has been banned in the North,
the Boltons famously skin their enemies as a means of torture.
A proven soldier who fought at the Battle of the Trident, Bolton has joined Robb Stark, his liege lord, on the battlefield.

Yes. YES.

As a side not, WiC's tumblr is hilarious as usual.



Funky Papa

As I said, I loved that part. Ghost should totally hang out with my Border Collie.

The guard in the middle, rofl
I think that's the head of the Kings Guard, the same douchebag that beat Sansa in the previous episode. I hate his guts.


I honestly feel that if Sansa could choose between her freedom and having to be queen to Joffrey she would still choose to be queen, even after all that's happened to her. She just strikes me as that ambitious...


I honestly feel that if Sansa could choose between her freedom and having to be queen to Joffrey she would still choose to be queen, even after all that's happened to her. She just strikes me as that ambitious...

If that were truly the case then I'm not sure 'ambitious' is the correct word to choose there. :p


I honestly feel that if Sansa could choose between her freedom and having to be queen to Joffrey she would still choose to be queen, even after all that's happened to her. She just strikes me as that ambitious...
I disagree. The marriage was arranged to begin with and although she was excited prior to her dad's head being chopped off by her future husband, I think she realizes she's a hostage and would rather be back home.

EDIT: Typing that I just realized how powerful and peacefull the kingdom would have been if Ned was just a little more corrupt. The 3 largest families would have been combined. It's so funny thinking that considering how everything is now.
I think Jonah not being present when the shit went down in the place Dany was staying was the same sort of tactic used by the Breaking Bad writers to keep a certain character alive at the end of season 4, i.e. he has to live for the story, but the rest of her group can be gutted by whoever stole the dragons. I'm saying that because I kinda like Jonah (the way he took out that Dothraki who was trying to stage a coup against Dany in season 1 was pretty badass)


I think Jonah not being present when the shit went down in the place Dany was staying was the same sort of tactic used by the Breaking Bad writers to keep a certain character alive at the end of season 4, i.e. he has to live for the story, but the rest of her group can be gutted by whoever stole the dragons. I'm saying that because I kinda like Jonah (the way he took out that Dothraki who was trying to stage a coup against Dany in season 1 was pretty badass)

I was gonna post a funny Jonah hill pic but you can't copy image urls on iPad, fuck


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Yeah, what would be his gain if he had stood up right there, pointed his finger at her and shouted "that's the Stark daughter!"?
Now he can either tell the Tywinn later to get benefit x or play that card to someone else.

Exactly. In his own words, "information is power" - he thrives on it. No doubt he figured out it was her.


Exactly. In his own words, "information is power" - he thrives on it. No doubt he figured out it was her.

baelish: "catelyn, i know where arya is, don't worry she is safe"

catelyn: please baelish tell me where she is, i need murr daughter"

baelish: "you know what i want"

catelyn: "fine..."

baelish: "shes with tywin lannister"

i can see that happening

Funky Papa

BTW, I forgot to mention that the revolt at King's Landing was really well done. When I saw the trailers before the premiere (then we only knew about some situation involving Cersei getting booed) it looked like it was going to be super low budget, with just a few extras and lots of shaky cam to make it look bigger and more dramatic, but it didn't feel cheap at all.



Funky Papa

i just want to see a big battle play out just once

Neil Marshall to direct Game Of Thrones‘ most epic battle

Rejoice, fans of The Descent Doomsday — director Neil Marshall is coming to HBO's Game of Thrones.

Author and creator George R.R. Martin took to his blog to celebrate the news:

The Hollywood Reporter has broken the story, so I'm now free to comment on a juicy little nugget of GAME OF THRONES news that I've been sitting on for a week or so:

Neil Marshall has been signed to direct an episode for our second season.

For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past ten years or so, Marshall is the director of CENTURION, of DOG SOLDIERS, and — especially — of THE DESCENT, which I think may well be the best horror film of the past twenty years or so. (Do NOT confuse it with the sequel, a much weaker film). GAME OF THRONES will be his first foray into television.
And what makes this especially exciting is that the episode he'll be directing is... mine. Yes. He's going to directing potential series spoiler:
episode nine, "Blackwater." The Battle of the Blackwater.

I still don't how the hell we can possibly afford to do half of what I put into that script, but if anyone can pull off my budget-busting battle, it's Marshall.


Loved this episode. I always kind of pitied Theon but now I just want him to get what he deserves. I don't get the scene with Osha though. I thought surely when she woke up and was slinking away she would put a knife in Theon's chest. What did she gain from sleeping with him? I'm glad she's loyal to Bran though. She's an interesting character. Very feral and unsettling. But to hell with all the Greyjoys. I don't care about any of them.

I'm really enjoying the relationship between Arya and Tywin. Aside from Tyrion, Tywin is the only Lannister that seems to know what he's doing. I keep suspecting he knows who Arya is, with the way he questions her. At least he seems to realize there's more to her than just a peasant girl. I think Littlefinger knows about Arya but is going to keep the info to himself for now. He'll use it for his own benefit when the time comes.

The only parts of the episode I wasn't crazy about were Dany's and Snow's plots. I love the character of Dany but there really doesn't seem to be much for her to do until those dragons are grown. Aside from the scenery, Jon Snow's arch doesn't seem all that interesting right now.

All in all loved the episode. Seeing Joffery getting bitch slapped never gets old. The Hound was awesome too. Really starting to warm up to that character. I'd like to see him be the one that eventually rips Joffrey a new one.
Loved this episode. I always kind of pitied Theon but now I just want him to get what he deserves. I don't get the scene with Osha though. I thought surely when she woke up and was slinking away she would put a knife in Theon's chest. What did she gain from sleeping with him? I'm glad she's loyal to Bran though. She's an interesting character. Very feral and unsettling. But to hell with all the Greyjoys. I don't care about any of them.

Theon was an interesting character for me because I both liked and disliked him at the same time. You always hope that he'll fall on the right side of things, but this episode he clearly is "lost" as Rodrick said. I hope he gets F-ed up like no tomorrow now.


I guess. But it didn't seem like they would capture him at the end. Meryn was pretty clear on "kill the Braavosi".

In a show that is more obsessed with gory close-up deaths than God of War, I find it just a little bit suspicious that Syrio would the only one to die off-screen.
In a show that is more obsessed with gory close-up deaths than God of War, I find it just a little bit suspicious that Syrio would the only one to die off-screen.

The only case I can imagine is Syrio fled and Meryn hasn't told anybody yet. I can't imagine Syrio rotting in a dungeon somewhere.

Okay it'd be sweet if Syrio reunited with Arya, now you got me all hopeful.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Memorable characters such as Syrio rarely die off-screen, especially in a show as explicit with violent deaths as this one, but honestly I can't imagine him fleeing (he said he wouldn't) or the Kingsguard capturing him alive (Meryn ordered to kill him). I sure hope we'll see him again.


See, I think that her whole exchange with him, the whole "Yeah, you caught me, I'm totally a spy" is great for disarming people from being suspicious of her...

Maybe I'm falling for a red herring, but I just got a vibe from her is all.
It's possible because she also is sympathetic to the Lannisters (Although she seems to be anti-war regardless of party). However, they are throwing so many clues that way, I would hope they don't actually take that route.
In a show that is more obsessed with gory close-up deaths than God of War, I find it just a little bit suspicious that Syrio would the only one to die off-screen.
Most of the characters we knew from Ned's house died off screen though (like Sansa's nanny).

I hope we see him soon if he is still alive.


Loved this episode. I always kind of pitied Theon but now I just want him to get what he deserves. I don't get the scene with Osha though. I thought surely when she woke up and was slinking away she would put a knife in Theon's chest. What did she gain from sleeping with him? I'm glad she's loyal to Bran though. She's an interesting character. Very feral and unsettling. But to hell with all the Greyjoys. I don't care about any of them.

Osha kills Theon -> Theon's men kill everyone in Winterfell the next morning.

I don't get why she slept with him either, but I assume it's what allowed her to sneak out and take the boys. They don't really do a good job of explaining that.


So I never watched a single movie or anything about Harry Potter but apparently Osha is in there. I bet all the kiddies wanting to see her naked in those films got their wish in GoT.


Yeah she was Tonk's in potter, some auror I think that fights death eaters

She's pretty hot

EDIT: I fucking hate iPads autocorrect bs, about to turn it off


Wow, never noticed she played Tonks until you guys mentioned it. She did look more unique in Harry Potter due to changing hair colors.


Memorable characters such as Syrio rarely die off-screen, especially in a show as explicit with violent deaths as this one, but honestly I can't imagine him fleeing (he said he wouldn't) or the Kingsguard capturing him alive (Meryn ordered to kill him). I sure hope we'll see him again.

I doubt they'll show him again or mention him again. His character was supposed to be this sort of mysterious, mythical sort of dude. Showing him die would ruin that. Not showing anything or talking about it prolongs the myth. Did he survive? Surely he couldn't have died, because he was an awesome swordsman! If he died they would have showed it! He'll be back to help Arya, etc. That's his character. It's supposed to elicit those sorts of responses. He's a living myth now.


I doubt they'll show him again or mention him again. His character was supposed to be this sort of mysterious, mythical sort of dude. Showing him die would ruin that. Not showing anything or talking about it prolongs the myth. Did he survive? Surely he couldn't have died, because he was an awesome swordsman! If he died they would have showed it! He'll be back to help Arya, etc. That's his character. It's supposed to elicit those sorts of responses. He's a living myth now.

Well i hope they do show him again! Love the character and the actor. Great delivery both verbal and physical.
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