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*NO BOOK SPOILERS* Game of Thrones - Season 2 - Sundays on HBO (read rules in OP)

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Funky Papa

The more I think about it the more I'm convinced there has never been a CGI effect of that scale and authenticity in any other TV show. I've seen worse effects in more expensive films.

I literally thought to myself "holy shit this is television?".

That wildfire explosion tesselated the shit out of the ship.




Oh, totally forgot about the origin of that doll.

Makes this episode even better. T_T


Although the show didn't say I always assumed it was a one shot type of thing. It seemed like it was born for a specific purpose.

Once it shot out of her it went straight to Renly. I don't remember where it went afterward.

It went off to have a drink in the netherrealm with the other depressed and jobless shadow entities who have been summoned throughout time and subsequently cast aside.


i've watched that wildfire gif like twenty times now and I just can't stop being impressed. The atom bomb at the end, the evisceration of Davos ship with an unflinching shot of him flying back from it, the way the concussion from the blast initially blows back all the sails on the ships surrounding it before the fire consumes them

i think i'm in love with this cg effect

Between this, Boardwalk Empire and miniseries like John Adams, HBO has some beastly CGI companies at their disposal.

I honestly think some of their stuff rivals lots of high quality movie effects.

Funky Papa

Oh, totally forgot about the origin of that doll.

Makes this episode even better. T_T

I'm loving the new and improved Sansa (tm)

I used to be a hater and wanted to smack the snot out of her, but she is doing a total 180º. I hope she manages to fly to safety.
I don't think Melisandre's shadowbaby is a one time thing. But I also don't think she can just pop them out either. I'm going to assume that it takes as much out of her to given birth to one as it does to a woman actually giving birth.

So I don't think any woman who just gave birth is going to be ready physically to give birth again immediately. She's going to need some time to recuperate before she can do it again.


I'm loving the new and improved Sansa (tm)

I used to be a hater and wanted to smack the snot out of her, but she is doing a total 180º. I hope she manages to fly to safety.

Its been going over in my mind that with the Tyrells seemingly aligning with the lannisters and renlys widow wanting to be queen, that Sansa might be in trouble.

I hope I'm wrong but she could become fairly dispensable if Jaime is no longer captive, and the alignment of the tyrells and lannisters lends a much more advantageous scenario through marriage. Since really, other then Jaime and stability from Roberts reign, the stark marriage is really provides nothing for the Lannisters.

And if that happens Catelyn will be my most despised person on the show, even more so than Joffry.


man Catelyn did what she did out of the same blind love for her children Cersei has. I can't really hate someone like that, even if it was the wrong choice. At some point, you lose enough family... you start to go a little mad
To be fair, Tyrion did a hell of a good job, but Tywin should get credit for saving the city, given that he - you know - saved the city. Tyrion's plan was brilliant in its efficiency (greatest number of deaths caused by one arrow ever?), but it only delayed them, it did not destroy Stannis' forces. For that, Tywin's men, and those added by his apparent alliance with the Tyrells, saved the day.

Funky Papa

To be fair, Tyrion did a hell of a good job, but Tywin should get credit for saving the city, given that he - you know - saved the city. Tyrion's plan was brilliant in its efficiency (greatest number of deaths caused by one arrow ever?), but it only delayed them, it did not destroy Stannis' forces. For that, Tywin's men, and those added by his apparent alliance with the Tyrells, saved the day.

Tywin deserves mad props just for his badass entrance alone. He is one commanding motherfucker.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
"Should be in for a bit of a rape" is such an acidic phrase.


To be fair, Tyrion did a hell of a good job, but Tywin should get credit for saving the city, given that he - you know - saved the city. Tyrion's plan was brilliant in its efficiency (greatest number of deaths caused by one arrow ever?), but it only delayed them, it did not destroy Stannis' forces. For that, Tywin's men, and those added by his apparent alliance with the Tyrells, saved the day.

realistically, both of them saved the city. Had Tyrion's Wildfire plan not wiped out the ships, Stannis men would have still dwarfed the Lannister's men even with the Tyrells and Tywin. And had Tywin not come at that time, Tyrion's wildfire plan would not have been enough


man Catelyn did what she did out of the same blind love for her children Cersei has. I can't really hate someone like that, even if it was the wrong choice. At some point, you lose enough family... you start to go a little mad

If she does end up fucking shit up, I can and will hate her.

Someone earlier mentioned the smart thing would e to have Brienne take Jaime somewhere that is aligned with the Starks like that crazy sister of hers and have the trade off be made there.....if she just drops Jaime off somewhere I'll be pissed because that would just show ignorant foresight.


Presumably next ep we get Robb and Cat's reactions to Rickon and Bran's "deaths."

Should be quite a thing. I'm curious how Robb will look at the whole scenario with Jaime being let go then.


If she does end up fucking shit up, I can and will hate her.

Someone earlier mentioned the smart thing would e to have Brienne take Jaime somewhere that is aligned with the Starks like that crazy sister of hers and have the trade off be made there.....if she just drops Jaime off somewhere I'll be pissed because that would just show ignorant foresight.

sure you can, but does it make sense?

Moms do a lot of irrational shit out of the love for their children, and most would do almost anything to get their kids back. For example, if I knew where my children were being held captive, I would probably rush over there myself even if I risked being killed.

Catelyn did not do what she did because she's dumb or mean. Catelyn isn't dumb; she's currently in an irrational state of grief because everyone she loves is dying or captive. And how can you judge someone to the extent of hate because they're being blinded by the pure love a mom has for their kids?
Yeah, Tywin is an absolute badass, and so was his entrance, but there was something 'off' in his delivery of "The battle is over, and we have won" which I can't put my finger on.


I'm loving the new and improved Sansa (tm)

I used to be a hater and wanted to smack the snot out of her, but she is doing a total 180º. I hope she manages to fly to safety.

She never had many fans. Not even between the book readers. But I never hated her.

The TV version of Sansa is a bit more bitchy, though. The doll scene makes up for it. I think I'm going to T_T during the second playthrough. It's so nicely done, now that I think of it.


The more I think about it the more I'm convinced there has never been a CGI effect of that scale and authenticity in any other TV show. I've seen worse effects in more expensive films.

I literally thought to myself "holy shit this is television?".

I literally went "Holy Shit" when I saw that. Those man screaming and burning to death were quite hard to watch.


Tyrion was there ordering the troops and coming up with the tactics. If he died, the city would be much more likely to be sacked. There would be no Lannisters left.

I think it was pretty clear that Cersei had resolved to the probability that Stannis would win, and that they would all be killed shortly.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
You also have to remember that, from Catelyn's perspective, Sansa and Arya are in the most vulnerable position. Robb is fighting a war as king of the north, and even though Theon holds Winterfell, she probably doesn't believe he'd ever bring harm upon Rickon or Bran.

As far as she's concerned Sansa and Arya are completely out of her reach, surrounded by the very enemy they're at war with. Deep down she knows that whatever happens to the Lannisters at the hand of Robb will come back to Sansa and Arya. Her move was stupid in the grand scheme of things, but it came from a place of honesty and protection for her children.


If she does end up fucking shit up, I can and will hate her.

Someone earlier mentioned the smart thing would e to have Brienne take Jaime somewhere that is aligned with the Starks like that crazy sister of hers and have the trade off be made there.....if she just drops Jaime off somewhere I'll be pissed because that would just show ignorant foresight.

Cat is at wits end. All of her children are facing death on a daily basis so of course she's going to act stupidly.


Its been going over in my mind that with the Tyrells seemingly aligning with the lannisters and renlys widow wanting to be queen, that Sansa might be in trouble.

I hope I'm wrong but she could become fairly dispensable if Jaime is no longer captive, and the alignment of the tyrells and lannisters lends a much more advantageous scenario through marriage. Since really, other then Jaime and stability from Roberts reign, the stark marriage is really provides nothing for the Lannisters.

And if that happens Catelyn will be my most despised person on the show, even more so than Joffry.

And before last week's episode, the series had done a good job of presenting Catelyn in a sympathetic light. Several of the story arcs of the second season have been fumbled somewhat, and having Catelyn free Jaime without being told Bran and Rickon had been murdered and mad with grief at the time was the biggest blunder of the year.


When Ned was killed, the very first thing I thought was "dammit, Catelyn and Robb are gonna flip a shit like Westeros has never seen.". I can't imagine what their reaction to Bran and Rickon's "death" would be...kinds hurts just thinking about it.


realistically, both of them saved the city. Had Tyrion's Wildfire plan not wiped out the ships, Stannis men would have still dwarfed the Lannister's men even with the Tyrells and Tywin. And had Tywin not come at that time, Tyrion's wildfire plan would not have been enough
I might remember wrong but didn't Cercei order the production of wildfire in the first place?
so i guess some credit goes to her too


I might remember wrong but didn't Cercei order the production of wildfire in the first place?
so i guess some credit goes to her too

yeah, that's true. But Cersei's original plan would have likely burned all of King's Landing to the ground, whereas Tyrion's modified plan made sure only Stannis got fucked up. Plus Tyrion managed to rally the troops and mount an offensive when the king was too much of a pussy

but yeah, I suppose, Cersei, Tyrion and Tywin all came together to save King's Landing, they all deserve some credit


And before last week's episode, the series had done a good job of presenting Catelyn in a sympathetic light. Several of the story arcs of the second season have been fumbled somewhat, and having Catelyn free Jaime without being told Bran and Rickon had been murdered and mad with grief at the time was the biggest blunder of the year.

They may have done that as a way to get Robb to see things from Cat's point of view once they get the news of Rickon and Bran, and be more understanding as to why she'd let Jaime go. The reality of the dire situation the Stark kids find themselves in will hit him like a sledgehammer.


Man, what an amazing episode, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. The explosion reminded me of a certain game ending though..But it looked so good, can't believe that it was a TV show


When Ned was killed, the very first thing I thought was "dammit, Catelyn and Robb are gonna flip a shit like Westeros has never seen.". I can't imagine what their reaction to Bran and Rickon's "death" would be...kinds hurts just thinking about it.

I've been dreading this too, I hope they don't find out :(

Funky Papa

I honestly feel the season finale is going to be underwhelming. I'm already bracing for disappointment; there is NO WAY they can top the battle of Blackwater.

Who else was waiting for melisandre to suddenly step out of the boat and give birth to some demon?

I'll be horribly disappointed if Stannis kicks the bucket in Kings Landing (we saw his men pulling him from the battle, but never his actual escape) and her arc ends just like that.


^ the preview of the next episode was pretty amazing

technically, the shadow creature would have been heir to the throne if Stannis had succeeded. All hail to the Shadow King!


No matter what else happened, I'd be like "Kiss my ass Melisandre, a lot of good your lord of light did in that battle."


And before last week's episode, the series had done a good job of presenting Catelyn in a sympathetic light. Several of the story arcs of the second season have been fumbled somewhat, and having Catelyn free Jaime without being told Bran and Rickon had been murdered and mad with grief at the time was the biggest blunder of the year.
At first I didn't really like the change either, but her reasons for doing so were explained pretty well in the 8th episode (all of her children are captives, of course she'll want to at least try to get the two back she has the means to do so). She knows firsthand that Greyjoys are not to be trusted + Tyrion has already offered the girls back for Jaimie -> she decided to take up on that offer. In the end, I really don't think it matters at all if they are killed or just captives, for a mother both are horrible, devastating news. I don't see how it lessens how symphatetic Cat is. Also, (Episode 10 spoilers)
it seems we are getting to see their reaction for the news in the next episode, so you'll get your mad-with-grief Catelyn for sure.
Yeah, but Melisandre can just say that his defeat was due to him wanting the glory of victory for himself instead giving it to the Lord of Light, and that if he wants to win he needs to pledge himself to the Lord of Light completely.
The more I think about it the more I'm convinced there has never been a CGI effect of that scale and authenticity in any other TV show. I've seen worse effects in more expensive films.

I literally thought to myself "holy shit this is television?".

Definitely. The green hue is part of what makes it look so great too.
Poor Davos better keep the fishes company...

Edit: Melissandre is a fire priest, but I have to wonder about the extent of her abilities. I mean, it would take one hell of a rough fuck* to stop a fire bombing like the one that devastated Stannis fleet.

*I'd gladly make the effort, rotten vag or not.

"so, melisandre, what malady to destroy my enemies can you pull out of your pussy this week? death of every firstborn...or a plague of toads maybe?
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