It probably is a skybox from a technical POV -- I imagine it renders a texture from the 3D galaxy view based on the star system's position in the galaxy. But still very cool.
Foundation is already out. No need for beta for that.
Yeah, if you look at those Twitter replies, they're actually mostly positive now. Quite a change from the deluge of "stop lying, thief!". I'm sure the positive feedback is good for the team's emotional state, and also increases their ability to hire good people.
??? The Foundation update has been out on PC for days...
It probably is a skybox from a technical POV -- I imagine it renders a texture from the 3D galaxy view based on the star system's position in the galaxy. But still very cool.
- Fixed an issue where underwater buildings could spawn without doors which in rare cases would mean the NPC missions could not be completed. (Note: If you are still being pointed to missing facilities during the NPC questlines, you can either claim a new base and re-build the NPC terminal, or if you have a Freighter, remove the NPC terminal from your base and rebuild it in the Freighter. The NPC should then give you new coordinates. We are still working on a more permanent fix for this issue).
Due to this post I'm gonna try and get the two upgrades I'm looking for, secure and build up my freighter, and rack up another mil, before landing on another planet.
Is Tropheum new with the foundation patch, for killing pirates? I remember just getting random elements from them before.
It probably is a skybox from a technical POV -- I imagine it renders a texture from the 3D galaxy view based on the star system's position in the galaxy. But still very cool.
Chiming in to ask some questions about survival. So i really enjoyed survival on the first planet, working through caves and gathering resources and it took me like all day to fly off. However, as soon as i enter space i get a pretty quick pirate detection notice and they kill me pretty quick. All my shit is lost on the ship and equipment gets broken to all hell real bad. I was able to roll back to a save where i was still on the planet, but that kind of killed things for me. Are there general tips or something im doing wrong that will make it easier to travel? I want to get back into survival because i think it greatly enhances the game aspect but i feel like if its as simple as rolling dice every time you enter space and match up against 4 pirates that shit is weak.
I'm beginning to think that having every single suit upgrade is a bad idea. I mean, I don't spend nearly enough time on hot/cold planets to warrant 3 slots each to be taking up valuable space in my inventory. Less than half my inventory can be used for items at this point (I've got max slots). Should I remove some of them? Maybe the low level upgrades? I don't think I'll ever need to have THREE oxygen upgrades for swimming :lol
Also, did they make jetpacking more expensive, by draining faster? Even with max upgrades, since the update, it's draining in just a couple of seconds of flying.
Having all 3 of each type is overkill. I only keep the highest level upgrades on. The lower level environmental protections (sigma) aren't very resource intensive and can be built and used in specific situations and disassembled when you're done.I'm beginning to think that having every single suit upgrade is a bad idea. I mean, I don't spend nearly enough time on hot/cold planets to warrant 3 slots each to be taking up valuable space in my inventory. Less than half my inventory can be used for items at this point (I've got max slots). Should I remove some of them? Maybe the low level upgrades? I don't think I'll ever need to have THREE oxygen upgrades for swimming :lol
Also, did they make jetpacking more expensive, by draining faster? Even with max upgrades, since the update, it's draining in just a couple of seconds of flying.
I have only the strongest version of the environmental&swimming protection upgrades installed. Multiple ones don't give you a bonus like the jetpack or health. Don't you have to then fill them all up individually? That means the only thing you gain is a longer time between refills but then you have to do all at once and I bet the lower rank ones are less efficient in resource use.
The other thing is, you can craft the lower rank ones from basic materials, so could still craft them on the fly. The higher rank ones need graviton balls which you can't find everywhere (although you can grow them now yourself in the base?), so keep them.
Having all 3 of each type is overkill. I only keep the highest level upgrades on. The lower level environmental protections (sigma) aren't very resource intensive and can be built and used in specific situations and disassembled when you're done.
Edit: Beaten
So the Albumen pearl quest is broken and there should be a ruins there? I've also got someone asking for a Vortex cube but he won't accept the three I already have. Is that broken too?
I'm stuck on the Albumen pearl quest myself because the farmer spawns the marker underwater and there's no building there whatsoever. Interestingly enough, I had a similar problem with the scientist, but he kept spawning the structure on different coordinates so eventually it spawned on land so I could finish the quest. The farmer keeps spawning the location at the same exact coordinates every time, so I'll have to either transfer my base temporarily, or placing only the farming station and the farming specialist inside my freighter might make him spawn the location on different coordinates or even on a different nearby planet (just speculating, haven't tried this yet). I'm kinda dreading to rebuild my station on another planet because I have 10 containers full of stuff and I fear the game might glitch out and I'll loose all of that cargo.
As for the Vortex Cubes, I'm not sure, I think I had some old items like that and finished their corresponding quests, but maybe the quest requires you to go to a location or needs you to get new ones after unlocking the quest?
these are good tips. Thanks man.Unless you were just attacked by pirates when you exit a planet or space station hang around a bit until you are attacked. Duck back into the space station/planet atmosphere and they will lose interest. The game then usually will not generate another pirate attack for enough time to let you fly to the planet or space station you were going to. Also, if you have less valuables on your ship you'll get less pirates attacking you. And keep a good supply of iron to refresh your shields if/when they go down in battle.
So the Albumen pearl quest is broken and there should be a ruins there? I've also got someone asking for a Vortex cube but he won't accept the three I already have. Is that broken too?
So I just got the builder and he gave me the Beacon. It requires a voltaic cell. When do I get blueprints for that (and can I buy them in the meantime)?
Also, when do I get plans for the gloves you need to harvest some plants. The builder wants me to find some resource for the science terminal which I think I need gloves for.
So can I have multiple bases or how does this work? I got one going on a crap planet and now I'm regretting my decision. I'm also having a hard time finding a cactus for my construction dude. Something about needING it for a science dealy.
I'm kind of wanting to skip out of this system and find a more hospitable one even though I'm surrounded by planets loaded with rubeum. Maybe I'll mine for a while and buy a freighter. ...
Talk to the weapons specialist for the gloves.
I don't have the weapons specialist workstation unlocked to build so I can't hire him. The first quest he gave me was for the scientist.
(Also if some one knows how I get the voltaic cell).
The plant you need for the science terminal doesn't require gloves.
The cells blueprint will be unlocked by the next builder quest IIRC
So I thought Hello Games changed their algorithm to wear there were more lush planets. I've been running into basically the same 3 planet types since this update after jumping 7 or 8 times. Their either completely hot and desolate, toxic and desolate, or freezing and full of life.
Also, do all planets have claimable bases on them, or one or two every few systems? I've not gotten everything unlocked for base building due to trying to track down that cactus element for the builder, so I don't know what opens up after that, but so far, the only way I've found bases I could claim were by scanning the system and it would pop up. Most systems seemingly haven't had any.
Alright, onto my next stupid question. I thought I recognized the plant ma,e which is why I thought it was one I needed gloves (as everything I've come across that I have not picked needed hazmat gloves). But I didn't think to re,e,her the name and apparently the game doesn't give you a list of quests and what you need.
What was that a plant I should be looking for again?
Having all 3 of each type is overkill. I only keep the highest level upgrades on. The lower level environmental protections (sigma) aren't very resource intensive and can be built and used in specific situations and disassembled when you're done.
Edit: Beaten
I kind of always assumed this was the case although I never bothered to check it out. One interesting thing about these sorts of geometrical constellations is that they get much more frequent the more you get to the outer edges of the galaxy. Early on I flew away from the center in the galactic map and the star groups just become these obvious cube-like formations until they just disappear altogether. I suppose the algorithm just ends up showing all of the combinations, including the least natural looking ones.
Btw, this is probably just me being dumb and never noticing, but I bought my first freighter, and while transferring some cargo I noticed that you can press the quick transfer button (X on PC) on an empty slot in any inventory and you'll get a two row list of all of the items from the other inventory as a quick list. Was this always there? Can't believe I never noticed.
While I'm at it, I knew that each star system had a small fixed number of ship variations, but had never noticed that (at least on space stations) the same looking ships had the exact same NPCs in them. As in, you see two exact looking ship designs land, they both have the same looking and named NPC with the exact same inventory. I only noticed this now because I started buying their Zinc and Titanium a lot (much easier to stock up than chasing it on planets).
Another thing that was probably there before but I never noticed that it seems stations' trading interfaces change their goods and prices after a while, and even the stations themselves kind of reset (a tech unlocking terminal was operational and had new tech in it after I already used it an hour ago). So I found a nice station that paid good money for Neutrino Modules, and my base was on an extreme sentinel planet, so I earned some nice cash destroying sentinels and teleporting back to the station, but after a while the commodities list changed dramatically. Not that I mind, it's nice to see these things change, but there's really no indication that I (or an internal economical simulation) caused it, it just seems to randomize after a while.
So I thought Hello Games changed their algorithm to wear there were more lush planets. I've been running into basically the same 3 planet types since this update after jumping 7 or 8 times. Their either completely hot and desolate, toxic and desolate, or freezing and full of life.
Also, do all planets have claimable bases on them, or one or two every few systems? I've not gotten everything unlocked for base building due to trying to track down that cactus element for the builder, so I don't know what opens up after that, but so far, the only way I've found bases I could claim were by scanning the system and it would pop up. Most systems seemingly haven't had any.
Are you sure you don't need a Korvax Convergence Cube?
I'm beginning to think that having every single suit upgrade is a bad idea. I mean, I don't spend nearly enough time on hot/cold planets to warrant 3 slots each to be taking up valuable space in my inventory. Less than half my inventory can be used for items at this point (I've got max slots). Should I remove some of them? Maybe the low level upgrades? I don't think I'll ever need to have THREE oxygen upgrades for swimming :lol
Also, did they make jetpacking more expensive, by draining faster? Even with max upgrades, since the update, it's draining in just a couple of seconds of flying.
Not sure about this. I've tried using them on entirely barren worlds and I get pings on different planets in the solar system. Was actually impressed the game has it search out that far. Not even an outpost on some planets to say nothing of a claimable locale, and a few times I've discovered 1 total point of interest despite dozens of attempted searches. This is in stark contrast to pre-patch when every single planet had infinite numbers of things you could discover, which was a game mechanic I absolutely hated.I believe every planet has at least one claimable base. If you build a Signal Booster on the surface, there's an option to point one out. (you build the SB from the new crafting menu...press up on d-pad)
Not sure about this. I've tried using them on entirely barren worlds and I get pings on different planets in the solar system. Was actually impressed the game has it search out that far. Not even an outpost on some planets to say nothing of a claimable locale, and a few times I've discovered 1 total point of interest despite dozens of attempted searches. This is in stark contrast to pre-patch when every single planet had infinite numbers of things you could discover, which was a game mechanic I absolutely hated.
Alright I'm chock full of questions tonight. How do you unlock the ability to teleport to your base from a space station and back (I have a base and a builder and I haven't even finished his first quest)?
that is super sexy cool. Whoa.So someone matched up a star constellation on the galaxy map with a constellation seen from within a star system. No lie confirmed.
Wait...I only have a V1 also, and now it doesn't even open anything. :|
The canisters with the free warp materials are all gone?
That sucks...
This is what I think too now. It's gonna be great not having to hear the awful "inventory is full" voice every 5 steps... What about ship slots? I think I'm at 19 slots total and all but two are relatively essential ship parts, so I can't really store anything there :/ I'm at 11 mil, but I want to use that for a freighter I think.Yeah consider only building out full suit upgrades for the needs of the planet you're on and then dismantling when you leave. You get a decent portion back. Under most non-extreme circumstances the inventory space is much more valuable to me.
My next course of action, for sure.On my suit I only keep the top tier of the elemental shields and the lines around my icon for protections on the right is 100% filled on all levels, so based on that I assume inserting more would be pointless. The underwater ones suck though, god. Useless.
That could be it, absolutely. Hope it comes soon. Otoh, I haven't gotten around to fixing a base yet, so a buggy could be months away, ever after its release for all I know :/re: the jetpack, I had also noticed it seems like the total air time seems less now. I don't mind it, it certainly makes traversing mountainous terrain more of a challenge. But I bet they also might have reduced the jetpack's effectiveness so that the (possibly forthcoming) dune buggy is more useful.
Yeah I'm definitely going with this.I only build the underwater upgrade when i need to go under water.
I only kept 1 shield upgrade for each type ( the best one ) and only build the lesser ones if i plan to stay on that planet for a while. ( When i do build them i bluid them near the first one )
This is what I think too now. It's gonna be great not having to hear the awful "inventory is full" voice every 5 steps... What about ship slots? I think I'm at 19 slots total and all but two are relatively essential ship parts, so I can't really store anything there :/ I'm at 11 mil, but I want to use that for a freighter I think.
I apologize as I do not have a screen shot and I don't think I've read about this before but, is it possible that HG snuck player models into the update???
You know how the camera angle vantage point always shifts over when talking with NPC's? Well, although I get no real clear image of my own character, whenever I talk with my Gek freighter captain and the camera angle shifts over, I can see a model to the right of the camera kind of in an idling animation of sorts. I think I can see what looks like my character's left shoulder or something? It's hard to explain.
When I am not talking with the captain there is NOTHING standing there normally so it HAS to be my own character.
Makes me wonder if it was like this all the time and now only the cramped quarters of the front of the bridge on some (or all?) freighters now only shows the actual model? It's like the camera angle is kind of "clipped" into the model though.
I don't use a screenshot service but if someone wanted to explain to me how I could easily upload screenshots to NeoGAF then I'll try to upload a screenshot if this is of interest to anyone...
Oh, whew. That's a load off. I love those things, lolOh...right. No, those are still around. I just meant there's no more secret club room.
What if one of the updates allows for third person view and you can customise your character?
Oh, whew. That's a load off. I love those things, lol
No Man's Skyyy and good red wiiiine on a friday niiight
it's a song.
Yeah, that or they may seriously be working on the multiplayer (and thus need player models). I took a bunch of screenshots and made a video, all in photo mode. You can't see much, but I *think* I am seeing the side of my helmet. I'll look into uploading the screenshots.
So the Albumen pearl quest is broken and there should be a ruins there? I've also got someone asking for a Vortex cube but he won't accept the three I already have. Is that broken too?
Ah, that's it! How do I get it?
I apologize as I do not have a screen shot and I don't think I've read about this before but, is it possible that HG snuck player models into the update???
You know how the camera angle vantage point always shifts over when talking with NPC's? Well, although I get no real clear image of my own character, whenever I talk with my Gek freighter captain and the camera angle shifts over, I can see a model to the right of the camera kind of in an idling animation of sorts. I think I can see what looks like my character's left shoulder or something? It's hard to explain.
Before talking with captain. Notice there is nothing standing to the Gek's left? (i.e. nothing to the left except his terminal):
Images taken while the camera is panning across to the view you get while conversing: