AmazingOT2 | ce-34878-0
Wow, found a planet where sentinels will attack you just for scanning things. has gravitino balls scattered around everywhere.
I'll be farming here for a while xD
Land, grab 3/4 spheres, take the fuck off. Do this 15/20 times (in 10/15 minutes), then go to bank.
Here's how I do it:
Land, grab a ball. The first ball is the most crucial, since that will spawn a "dog"-sentinel that has a nasty laser. Then I just start running away (do you know about melee-boosting? Cause you wanna melee boost. It makes this too easy). While running, I just grab more on the way if I feel I can, then after covering some distance, the dog will no longer shoot at you, but the normal sentinels will try to catch up with you. You'll still have the stars, but they won't be on you. If you take too long to get the next ball, the dog will spawn again, but if you sustain the star, the dog won't despawn and can't respawn, so you can just keep grabbing balls.
Do that until your inventory is full.
It's much faster.
I've been searching merchants for days and nobody seems to sell Omegon. Creatures only poop out a little bit on a super rare frequency so that's not a good answer either. Where can I get some Omegon?
Damn, I got lucky with my latest crashed ship. Not only was it a slot better, but the dead pilot also had a 24 slot multi-tool for me. =).
No. They just exist in the form of some text on the screen.Don't tell me there are bodies of the pilots lying around? If so, I missed everyone.. :}
Also managing to get rank5 on a planet will make it to where they instantly send ships after you once you leave orbitNot sure if people realized this since most avoid space battles, but if you successfully survive 4 or 5 waves when attacking one of those freighters, even bigger ships come out.
Also managing to get rank5 on a planet will make it to where they instantly send ships after you once you leave orbit
Awwwww so cute.Two of the creepiest animals I've seen so far. First was a predator, the second just bounced around,
Nightmare fuel...
Some more fun news since my last update:
2) I found a LIVING PLANET. I went into one of those research pods that's been totally fucked up and the story it told said the planet was alive and the water isn't actually water but pools of its blood. What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
2) I found a LIVING PLANET. I went into one of those research pods that's been totally fucked up and the story it told said the planet was alive and the water isn't actually water but pools of its blood. What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
I've been searching merchants for days and nobody seems to sell Omegon. Creatures only poop out a little bit on a super rare frequency so that's not a good answer either. Where can I get some Omegon?
I just reached my firstAtlas interface with big pulsating red orb. All I got was an atlas sphere (or what ever) but no atlas pass. How do I get one?
Also, I'm having really hard time finding better multi-tools. I got one from a wall locker at a random shelter, but are they supposed to be like reaaaally rare?
I just reached my firstAtlas interface with big pulsating red orb. All I got was an atlas stone(or what ever) but no atlas pass. How do I get one?
Also, I'm having really hard time finding better multi-tools. I got one from a wall locker at a random shelter, but are they supposed to be like reaaaally rare?
just warp to another star system and an anomaly will show up. A Gek named Polo will give you the recipe to make the pass.. you also get multi tools there.
I'm pretty sure every outpost with a single landing pad has one on the wall. Sometimes they're worse than what you've got, either in slots or upgrades, making them not worth trading for.
Well, just finished the Atlas Path a few minutes ago.
I must admit I just warped between the last 5 Atlas Interfaces, had enough warp cells and materials to craft more. The last thing I had to do was scrounge some 300 Emeril to complete my third warp drive, and had incredible luck to land right next to one pillar of it on a hellish extremely toxic planet.
Had to create one because I was getting frequently killed by pirates over 1000 Gold, 700 Emeril I was saving for it, and also because of Atlas Stones.
Now that I spent the stones and upgraded my engine, I have nothing of value, but I do not need anything of value.
My 48 piece suit is half empty, just carrying some basic common resources.
My 26 piece ship is big enough to house my engines and store some extra slightly rarer elements.
My 16 piece multitool is enough to mine a pillar very quickly.
I have been getting duplicate blueprints for the last hundred encounters. I don't need any new words because I don't need anything they might bring me when communicating.
I have to seriously assess whether I want to continue. I guess the only thing I'd ned to do is craft warp cells, and I have enough money to buy about 125 Antimatters to just keep warping. I don't see much point in that.
Maybe I should take a break and come back after a content update.
Yeah. Im totally maxed out on everything with all the best upgrades installed. Beat the Atlas path. All I can do now is reach the center but I dont really feel like hoarding warp drives and spending hours and hours just warping right now.
I will still explore here and there. I tried getting an answer if its even possible to activate the portals but cant get an answer. If I even knew it was possible I would keep playing to figure it out.
Yeah. Im totally maxed out on everything with all the best upgrades installed. Beat the Atlas path. All I can do now is reach the center but I dont really feel like hoarding warp drives and spending hours and hours just warping right now.
I will still explore here and there. I tried getting an answer if its even possible to activate the portals but cant get an answer. If I even knew it was possible I would keep playing to figure it out.
Here's how I do it:
Land, grab a ball. The first ball is the most crucial, since that will spawn a "dog"-sentinel that has a nasty laser. Then I just start running away (do you know about melee-boosting? Cause you wanna melee boost. It makes this too easy). While running, I just grab more on the way if I feel I can, then after covering some distance, the dog will no longer shoot at you, but the normal sentinels will try to catch up with you. You'll still have the stars, but they won't be on you. If you take too long to get the next ball, the dog will spawn again, but if you sustain the star, the dog won't despawn and can't respawn, so you can just keep grabbing balls.
Do that until your inventory is full.
It's much faster.
I just got done playing and I have to wake up in 90 minutes for work. What the fuck am I doing, lololol. Mountain Dew by the caseload at work today.
I got into a groove and visited six or seven planets, made plenty of discoveries and upgrades, and grenaded my way into several buildings. I had just found an interesting high-security planet when several drones attacked me and the game locked up my PS4. I hope i had a good restore point prior. I had had been wandering around looking for copper for a while.
I wish the trade terminals had more variety, both what one can sell and buy. It seems like it never has what I need, and is almost never buying the trade commodities I have (or at least not all of them).
Oh, I found a crashed ship that seemed good, but needed everything repaired. What a waste.
No shit, I feel like doing that too. It wouldn't end well thoughI wake up early to play No Man's Sky. Haven't done that since I was 9 years old.
Umm, you can always sell your whole inventory if you feel like it, barring the few unsellable articles. Unless you're talking about premium prices, which are always limited to a few items/elements per station at best.
Wait what? How?Finally got my 48 slots ship! So fast on a gek system, i went from 41 slots to 48 in like less than a hour.
This OST..
Wait what? How?