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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect


The first 3 steps can be skipped. Just travel with your ship close to the ground and watch for a Transimission Tower. Because that Orange Light thingy as you say, can send you to a beacon or an observatory too and i hate it when my screen is full of landmarks i don't want to visit.

There are 2 kinds of Shelters as far as i know. It's the Observatory and the Transmission.

An Observatory:

A Transmission:

You need to find a Transmission tower.
Solve the puzzle 5-6 times so you get the Crash Site landmarks and then go to them. After that repeat the process until you get a 48 slot ship.

Hey, thanks so much for your reply, will definitely be helpful later tonight.

I was under the impression that you had to be on a Gek planet, since others wouldn't allow you to to multiple ship crash pings.

I'm on a rather beautiful planet right now, I would prefer to stay and do this here :)


2 questions.

has anyone been in a system that buys gold for +90-ish % more than the galactic average? i've been warping around with a ship full of gold and can't find more then a +4%

also, do planets exist that don't deplete your hazard protection AND life support. ive landed on plenty of planets that don't have any hazardous environments like radiation, or poison, or heat etc. but they all still deplete my life support. any of you found planets that don't make either drop?
Quite a few planets will have copper, as it is a relatively common element. The most usual form it takes are these dark bronze colored, giant-ass egg-shapes floating above the ground. Once you've seen them, take heed of the color, because it can also show up in various pillar or mound formations, though those are more rare.

for some reason I am stranded in a 1 planet star system with no copper and the stupid pirates took out my reactor thingy so I can't warp out of this place without fixing it

looking for copper but those egg giants are giving me nickle here lol

I really hate the pirates
2 questions.

has anyone been in a system that buys gold for +90-ish % more than the galactic average? i've been warping around with a ship full of gold and can't find more then a +4%

also, do planets exist that don't deplete your hazard protection AND life support. ive landed on plenty of planets that don't have any hazardous environments like radiation, or poison, or heat etc. but they all still deplete my life support. any of you found planets that don't make either drop?

I think literally every planet will drain your life support, but with 2 upgrades on life support, it becomes a non issue. I have to refill mine maybe once every hour and a half, even in the most extreme conditions.


Does anyone play on 2 different computers?

I have the game installed on my home PC, but would like to also install on my laptop to play while I'm on lunch or traveling.

I'm afraid that it might somehow mess up my saves though :eek:

E92 M3

Two things can happen with the patch:

1. They fix the duping and create some kind of unit-sink to "fix the economy." Basically hurting everyone that didn't use any dupes or glitches.

2. They rebalance the economy to where duping isn't attractive enough. Basically fixing the main problem of why some people dupe - to avoid an inordinate amount of grinding.

I am hoping for the latter.


60 Warps in, only 150 left till center.

Fuck me, is there a faster way to do this? I did 20 warps tonight and good lord is it dull just going straight for it. Besides Black Holes (fuck Black Holes) is there any way to do more than 1600 light years in a single warp? This is going to take dozens of hours of literally just warping.
Accidentally posted in the first OT.

So, black holes are straight up not worth it, right?
unless there's a full proof way to protect my ships parts from potentially breaking, I may as well be warping straight for the center. The distance trade off is totally random, and repairing ship parts takes a lot of scrounging.
Pretty sure it's impossible to reach the center within your lifetime without using black holes, unless there's something I'm missing entirely in regards to warp drive upgrades.


Hey, thanks so much for your reply, will definitely be helpful later tonight.

I was under the impression that you had to be on a Gek planet, since others wouldn't allow you to to multiple ship crash pings.

I'm on a rather beautiful planet right now, I would prefer to stay and do this here :)

You have to be on a Gek planet. Sorry if my answer made you think otherwise.

Does anyone play on 2 different computers?

I have the game installed on my home PC, but would like to also install on my laptop to play while I'm on lunch or traveling.

I'm afraid that it might somehow mess up my saves though :eek:

You can always use that cloud save system from Steam or install a Steam save file manager.
lol, jumped like 5 systems and then the game crashes.

They desperately need not only manual saving, but autosaving when entering ship, jumping to new star system, every 5 minutes, etc... Game's way too unstable.
We need a button (right on d-pad currently does nothing) that completely hides the HUD while you're standing still. So many nice vistas ruined by icons.


Accidentally posted in the first OT.

Pretty sure it's impossible to reach the center within your lifetime without using black holes, unless there's something I'm missing entirely in regards to warp drive upgrades.

Well, I'm only 150,000 light years out. Doing roughly 1600 at a time will theoretically get me there, I am getting closer according to the map screen.

More importantly -- is there a full proof way to protect my ships Hyper-drive components from breaking upon entering Black Holes? finding the materials to fix that damage is actually more work than just B-lining it directly. The Black Holes seem to spit me out all over the place, and while they tell me I'm going super far distances, I'm not travelling linearly towards the center, so I end up usually being like 3000 light years closer to the center despite travelling 100,000 light years total.


Found myself on a fairly barren planet where the sentinels where apparently protecting valuable items and would shoot almost on sight. Initially I couldn't figure out what was so valuable, just aluminium and copper on the surface - finally got my brain in gear and went underground and all the caves are full of alien style egg pods, interacting with them gives you a massive pearl worth almost 40k. There happened to be a space station literally just by the planet, so I spent a little while running back and forth - got myself maybe 2mil nice and easy, giving me almost 4mil total, enough to buy a 24-26 slot ship.

I didn't farm too long though, despite the monetary gains, it got a little fraught dodging the sentinels on the planet and in space.


.............wow, I think I actually managed to get myself permanently stuck with no way out. I blew the door to a Korvax Operations Center, saved and ran inside. A bit later, I needed to reload, and for some reason, both the current and the previous save have the exact same situation: I'm inside the Operations Center, but the door has respawned. And you cannot do any violent activities like melee or shooting of any kind within. Very fucking nice.

I'll have to see if I can glitch out of there somehow, but if not, it is fucking duping time because my PS+ backup is about 14 hours back and I've done some serious progress with the most expensive element in the game, namely my ship.
Wait, your life support will still drop inside, doesn't it? Die and spawn at the beacon you saved at, or your ship, if you saved exiting it.
Good call. Have to try it.

And nope, respawn inside the building anyway. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!. I guess it is cheating time.
.............wow, I think I actually managed to get myself permanently stuck with no way out. I blew the door to a Korvax Operations Center, saved and ran inside. A bit later, I needed to reload, and for some reason, both the current and the previous save have the exact same situation: I'm inside the Operations Center, but the door has respawned. And you cannot do any violent activities like melee or shooting of any kind within. Very fucking nice.

I'll have to see if I can glitch out of there somehow, but if not, it is fucking duping time because my PS+ backup is about 14 hours back and I've done some serious progress with the most expensive element in the game, namely my ship.

Damn that sucks, hope you can glitch out of there.

Wait, your life support will still drop inside, doesn't it? Die and spawn at the beacon you saved at, or your ship, if you saved exiting it.
Yeah, if you save at a way point a second time after discovering it, stand still until you see the save point notification pop up. You get like 3 seconds to move before it actually saves so you can end up saving away from the way point.
Currently on a planet with flora and fauna "not present". Yet... the scanner picks up a lot of lifeforms. But they fade in and out and are always out of reach when i move towards them.
Is my planet haunted? The vistas look like it.

The only thing here are those pearl pods but the scanner icons are not for them either.


Accidentally posted in the first OT.

Pretty sure it's impossible to reach the center within your lifetime without using black holes, unless there's something I'm missing entirely in regards to warp drive upgrades.

You travel can travel about the same distance in a single jump by maxing warpdrives and not using blackholes. By doing this, you don't beak anything, and you can also choose to visit systems with red, green, or blue stars.

I think there are red herrings in the game, and the blackhole is one of them. Another obvious red herring is
the Atlas quest with that big RED sphere and the lore it provides


Can someone explain the progression system of this game? Does heading for the centre of the galaxy stop you from following the Atlas path or can they be done at the same time? I currently have four Atlas stones, and I'm not sure whether to just find the remaining ones and then head for the centre, or try and find another anomaly (somehow?) and attempt to find Atlas interfaces during my trip to the centre?

Any (non spoilery) advice?


So, does the last animal spawn based in time in planet or distance traveled?

Anyone finding that you find them all in 15 min except the last one?

Seems something funky is going on. Or maybe spawn locations are just super rare?

It's god damned Pokémon all over


Can someone explain the progression system of this game? Does heading for the centre of the galaxy stop you from following the Atlas path or can they be done at the same time? I currently have four Atlas stones, and I'm not sure whether to just find the remaining ones and then head for the centre, or try and find another anomaly (somehow?) and attempt to find Atlas interfaces during my trip to the centre?

Any (non spoilery) advice?

Atlas stones take space in your inventory. Going all the way to the centre would be tedious if you want to keep them, I don't know if anyone managed to complete this as a personal challenge. I think it is more natural to follow the Atlas path first and I think this is what most people do.


So, does the last animal spawn based in time in planet or distance traveled?

Anyone finding that you find them all in 15 min except the last one?

Seems something funky is going on. Or maybe spawn locations are just super rare?

It's god damned Pokémon all over

Some animals are nocturnal aka only come out at night. That might count for some of 'em.
I posted this last night in the first OT and didn't get any response. Any help?

I'm kind of lost at the moment, I don't know what my next objective is along the Atlas quest.

Got a quick question...

Playing on PS4; I am in my third star system following the Atlas path and there is a distress call out in space and as I approach that area in space, there is nothing there at all. I just fly passed the marker, nothing revealed by a scan. Is there some significance to this? Do I maybe have a bug? Or perhaps I am missing some context to this entirely?

I feel like maybe that marker popped after I did something on a planet, but I can't remember.


I love the game but it crashes too much on me to keep playing at this point.

This and the instant-to-space bug are irritating.

Hopefully there will be a patch soon to fix these.


Atlas stones take space in your inventory. Going all the way to the centre would be tedious if you want to keep them, I don't know if anyone managed to complete this as a personal challenge. I think it is more natural to follow the Atlas path first and I think this is what most people do.

I thought I read somewhere that you needed the Atlas stones at the centre of the galaxy but maybe that person was mistaken.

So most people do the atlas quest first, and then head to the centre?
Wow, TIL why you can't dismantle stuff while comparing multitools. I had no idea the game offered you a multitool comparable to the one you currently have equipped in terms of upgrades. I wish this was the way it worked for crashed ships.

You travel can travel about the same distance in a single jump by maxing warpdrives and not using blackholes. By doing this, you don't beak anything, and you can also choose to visit systems with red, green, or blue stars.

I think there are red herrings in the game, and the blackhole is one of them. Another obvious red herring is
the Atlas quest with that big RED sphere and the lore it provides
Should I go ahead and stop doing this Atlus quest then and focus on maxing out the inventory of my ship and start investing in warp drive upgrades then?


I posted this last night in the first OT and didn't get any response. Any help?

I'm kind of lost at the moment, I don't know what my next objective is along the Atlas quest.

Distress calls are markers for areas where pirates are preying on cargo ships. Fly toward one and you should be able to spot the battle somewhere near the beacon. Whether you interfere or not is up to you.


Unconfirmed Member
They haven't said when the happy patch is releasing right?

It's "in testing" right now. That's all the info I can find.

Hope it's here soon, and stabilises the game somewhat (crashes, glitches). I'm itching to get back into it, but it just felt too...iffy, last time I played.


You have to be on a Gek planet. Sorry if my answer made you think otherwise.

You can always use that cloud save system from Steam or install a Steam save file manager.

Yeah, I just found out for myself about the Gek Planet, I'm in a Korvax system at the moment. :p

Also thanks about the save manager tip as well. Is this it: http://www.gamesave-manager.com/

I've been manually saving my NMS folder from AppData as a precuation.

You've been extremely helpful to me today, I wish I could award you gaf gold ^_^


Is there a good way to browse through different ships for purchase?

Sometimes I see other pilots land at the space station I'm at, but I don't always want the immediate option. Is my best bet just to stand there and wait, fly in and out of the station, or warp to the next system's station? I've got a few hundred k of credits saved up, and I'd like to get past this 15 slot starter ship I've had all game.

I check crashed ships too, but no luck there so far.

Edit: So I'm seeing up in the previous posts, about the Gek thing. Had heard I could ping multiple times, was wondering why I couldn't. That'd certainly make it easier, guess I'll look for a Gek system a little while.

E92 M3

So, does the last animal spawn based in time in planet or distance traveled?

Anyone finding that you find them all in 15 min except the last one?

Seems something funky is going on. Or maybe spawn locations are just super rare?

It's god damned Pokémon all over

I've been looking for my last creature as well. Searching the oceans, skies and land lol.
Ah, OT2!

To follow up from my last post in the last thread, I'm going to go for this crashed ship even though I'm on a totally inhospitable toxic planet. What I'm going to do now that I didn't do before:

- Dismantle all the upgrades on my current ship.
- Make use of my suit inventory so there's space for everything.
- Stock up on Zinc.

I must have been dead tired or not thinking right because I didn't do any of this stuff with my first crashed ship. I moved the current ship inventory over and that was it. Mistakes were made.


Should I go ahead and stop doing this Atlus quest then and focus on maxing out the inventory of my ship and start investing in warp drive upgrades then?

You definitely want a bigger inventory (not necessarily the maxed one), because atlas stones take space anyway.

I think the best upgrades are:
- warp drive upgrades, so you travel further in 1 warp jump, so you can do whatever you want (galaxy center, atlas quest, free roaming to non-yellow stars) faster and in a less tedious way,
- atlas pass at least level 1, so you can increase your inventory more easily (in each space station at least).

The best thing about doing the atlas quest is that you learn tons of alien words if you walk on the white lights.
Distress calls are markers for areas where pirates are preying on cargo ships. Fly toward one and you should be able to spot the battle somewhere near the beacon. Whether you interfere or not is up to you.

Oooh. Okay, that makes sense. When I entered that system I got a note about enemy ships approaching or something, but I was already diving down to a planet. Maybe this all happened already and the marker is just still hanging out there.


I think the best upgrades are:
- warp drive upgrades, so you travel further in 1 warp jump, so you can do whatever you want (galaxy center, atlas quest, free roaming to non-yellow stars) faster and in a less tedious way,
- atlas pass at least level 1, so you can increase your inventory more easily (in each space station at least).

Do warp drive upgrades need to touch core warp drive in order to work? Seems like my Theta Drive isn't working :( Also I think Atlas Pass isn't worth of chasing because you can get full 48 slot inventory just from planets, drop pods are everywhere.


Do warp drive upgrades need to touch core warp drive in order to work? Seems like my Theta Drive isn't working :( Also I think Atlas Pass isn't worth of chasing because you can get full 48 slot inventory just from planets, drop pods are everywhere.
Is 48 the max for both suit and ship?


I played for about 45 minutes last night and I think I swapped multitools three or four times. I kept getting presented with better options for low to no cost. I'm at a point now where I feel my suit and multitool are where I need them to be - now to work on getting a much better ship.
I effing love the music in this game.

Also, I kinda want to start naming planets with a code system that explains if there is anything cool to find on the planet for other players - resource wise.

Has someone already suggested this? If not anyone have a good idea how to do this?


You definitely want a bigger inventory (not necessarily the maxed one), because atlas stones take space anyway.

I think the best upgrades are:
- warp drive upgrades, so you travel further in 1 warp jump, so you can do whatever you want (galaxy center, atlas quest, free roaming to non-yellow stars) faster and in a less tedious way,
- atlas pass at least level 1, so you can increase your inventory more easily (in each space station at least).

The best thing about doing the atlas quest is that you learn tons of alien words if you walk on the white lights.
My exosuit's actually already maxed out. That was the easiest because you can find those pod things without finding anything else beforehand, whereas the ships require like a three step process and then a bunch of inventory management, and I'm not even sure what the guaranteed method to getting multitool upgrades is.

Looking for a Gek planet next. Can you max out ship inventory with just crashed ships?
Is there a definitive answer on if you can find Atlas Pass schematics without doing the Atlas Quest? I don't have one and I'm like 40+ hours in...

Also is anyone else getting this: Sometimes when I meet aliens at stations on planets and I give them what they want in the dialogue box, you get a reward, but lately it's been saying I have received a new item for my journey and it's something like ship thrusters, or the exo suit or something else I got in the first hour of playing the game, lol. It's not even coming up as a duplicate either. 40 hours in I doubt the ship thrusters are going to help me...
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