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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect


Maybe I shouldn't have said majority. I was looking forward to getting to that rare planet with life on it, they said it would be 1% or an even smaller number.
Of course. But I think the majority of people would be mighty pissed if it took them 50-100 planets to see an animal.


landed on a planet this morning...

soon as i stepped out of my ship I was attacked by this vicious little crab like fucker..
killed it and moved on..

then was killed by a bull like creature that rammed my ship as soon as it landed.. it took just 3 blows to dispatch me...

I love this game :)


I'm not sure if it's been posted yet but this is a good breakdown if the game from Matt Lees, explaining why some people won't enjoy it and why some, like me and most of the folk in this thread are loving it despite its apparent flaws.


i found the kotako-review really good as well actually!


and yes, i love how nice people are in here. :) too much hate on the internet nowadays!


I noticed after the patch I'm able to have youtube or twitch running while playing. Before, videos would heavily stutter whenever I flew around in a low orbit or boost-jumped over long distances. Best effect the patch had for me, actually.

Yoooo! Finally received the last and best jetpack boost.

And my account got activated!

Hello NeoGAF! :)
Welcome, fellow junior! :)



I'm trying to be as helpful as possible with these.


So far I have visited 48 planets. 22 have had no animal life at all, and most of them had no plants either.
So I wouldn't say it's rare, you just had better (worse?) luck.
Been to about 10+ planets and everyone has had animals and lots of plants.


This game is driving me bonkers. The longer I play the worse it gets. Glitches and crashes galore. Now I'm getting the damn blueprint glitch as well. It reminds me of Fallout 3, where it eventually became too broken and frustrating after a couple dozen hours.

Btw, how do you get the upgraded hyperdrive? I still have a basic one after making 17 jumps.

I'm praying it doesn't glitch when I get those blueprints.

Also I was on the same Atlas path for awhile as someone named mortician(some numbers). Although that player seems to have skipped most planets.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
jeez, the first hyperdrive upgrade really trivialises the Atlas path.
landed on a planet this morning...

soon as i stepped out of my ship I was attacked by this vicious little crab like fucker..
killed it and moved on..

then was killed by a bull like creature that rammed my ship as soon as it landed.. it took just 3 blows to dispatch me...

I love this game :)

Yeah, every time I see guys like that I name them 'jerk lizard' or 'jerk face'.


Redmond's Baby
Question about Atlas path -
I have already visited 10 Atlas stations and I have 10 Atlas stones. Do I need to continue with visiting next Atlas stations or can I freely go towards the core?


jeez, the first hyperdrive upgrade really trivialises the Atlas path.

I didn't really start the path until I had Sigma-Tau-Theta. If I hadn't stopped off at planets I could have done it in half an hour. Less if I didn't pick up the words in the stations.

Question about Atlas path -
I have already visited 10 Atlas stations and I have 10 Atlas stones. Do I need to continue with visiting next Atlas stations or can I freely go towards the core?

1 more station to go.

I got planet name swiped AGAIN!! By the same person! I guess I need to name shit the second I discover it now. I even went out of my way to go the opposite direction as it looked like they were following the path to the core so I just picked a random star and yet the son of a bitch ganked my planet naming again.

Which fucking sucks because it's COVERED IN GRAVITINO BALLS and I would LOVE to have been able to name it to remind me where it is.

The guy doesn't even name systems or land on planets he just makes the planets and leaves. Arrrgghhhhh I want to max out my warp drives just to get the fuck away from this section of the galaxy.


Man. Used a black hole last night and I am pretty sure it moved me backwards.

Oh well at least I have all my warp drives set up together. I can jump around 1600 light years now.


jeez, the first hyperdrive upgrade really trivialises the Atlas path.

It is barely enough to get to the Atlas system, sometimes it is just one system away from the Atlas system.


I got planet name swiped AGAIN!! By the same person! I guess I need to name shit the second I discover it now. I even went out of my way to go the opposite direction as it looked like they were following the path to the core so I just picked a random star and yet the son of a bitch ganked my planet naming again.

Which fucking sucks because it's COVERED IN GRAVITINO BALLS and I would LOVE to have been able to name it to remind me where it is.

The guy doesn't even name systems or land on planets he just makes the planets and leaves. Arrrgghhhhh I want to max out my warp drives just to get the fuck away from this section of the galaxy.

So this is the reason black holes exist. At least, blackholes send you to a random location, right?
So are there any differences between ship types? I know when it comes down to it the slots are all that matter, but the size of the ship isn't taken into consideration beyond landing on planets? Like in space battles?

I'm trying to figure out if certain ship types have more "health".


Man, where did you get so much Omegon? I need 500 units of it for a blueprint and I've got 48.

While I was doing the "repair crashed ships until I get to 48 slots" method, I would break down any upgrades from the old ship and transfer over the rare resources I didn't have, like Omegon, to the new ship. I would make sure to keep all or a nice amount of Omegon from each break down/transfer.

Now I'm just discovering new systems and trying to get Atlaspass v2 or v3 recipe.
I can't seem to find my way back to the system that had the
Atlas Station
I discovered?! I named it and everything (got swiped on the planet in there though) I want to get back to that planet but I can't find it?!? I've gone through the "past discoveries" thing in the galactal map but it's just gone. I've been looking for like an hour. Can I never get back there since it had that special station in it?

Also it looks like there are now TWO people in my vicinity, the name swiper and someone else now. Get me the fuck out of here. New goal in the game above any of the paths is to craft a hyperdrive that can get me far far away from these others.
I feel this game would have been better without all the aliens. Not every solar system needs a space station. Every planet should not be dotted with hundreds of outposts.

I feel the same way about the majority of planets teeming with animal life, that's the opposite of how they advertised it in interviews. Coming across a barren planet is rare, should be the other way around.

I never watched the leak streams, but was it the same way in 1.00? This is just my personal speculation, but I think there are strong hints that they altered the game late in development.

1. The 90/10 rule no longer seems to be in effect. There are barren planets, but they seem to be the minority based on most people's experience.
2. Planets are littered with stuff, to the point where you could probably max out your suit on your starter planet alone.
3. Blueprints are not a rare reward for NPC interactions or breaking into a factory, they are given out like candy from terminals everywhere. I am still on my pre-order ship and my exosuit is 24 slots, yet I already have three Omega-level blueprints and more upgrades than I can even deal with right now. The progression system has no tension at all.
4. Weird stuff like floating rocks/islands were supposed to only be seen as we got nearer to the center, but now seem to be on most every planet.
5. Portals were highlighted as a feature in the game during previews, yet seem to have been turned off and just left in the game in a nonfunctional state, suggesting that this feature was scrapped suddenly.

My personal theory is that someone (Sony?) late in development took a look at the game and told Murray, "Nah mate, this is shit. You can't expect a AAA audience to grind in this game for hours and barely make progress. Change your algorithm to put all the cool stuff where they can see it in a few hours playtime, and give them quick access to upgrades. And there's too many dead planets, people want to see your creatures. We want people to feel like they've had the NMS experience in 10-20 hours and can move on." I don't know, maybe Hello decided this all themselves internally, and it's possible that 2 and 3 were always the way the game was, but that 90/10 rule seems like it was mentioned in every interview, and 4 was reiterated by Sean often.

Personally, I'm fine with the current distribution of animals on planets. It's still in the general spirit of the 90/10 rule, as most have very few creatures, and many only have plants. But I do think there's way too many upgrades and buildings everywhere. There's not much sense of challenge to the progression system when every building you go into has a new blueprint. I think if every planet had 4 or 5 POIs tops, it would have made each planet more significant and each blueprint more of an achievement.



I got planet name swiped AGAIN!! By the same person! I guess I need to name shit the second I discover it now. I even went out of my way to go the opposite direction as it looked like they were following the path to the core so I just picked a random star and yet the son of a bitch ganked my planet naming again.

Which fucking sucks because it's COVERED IN GRAVITINO BALLS and I would LOVE to have been able to name it to remind me where it is.

The guy doesn't even name systems or land on planets he just makes the planets and leaves. Arrrgghhhhh I want to max out my warp drives just to get the fuck away from this section of the galaxy.

Sean was right, you can grief other players


Used my lunch break effectively and got my ship from 35 slots to 41. Will finally max it this weekend, then finish the atlas path.


My third warp and I jump into a system someone else has discovered, but didn't go to any of the planets... Currently on a snowy forest planet with cubes loafing under trees and in shallow depressions. I love that I can just spend hours poking around on a planet and seeing new landscapes.

I'm not sure what's worse, not being able to play again until Sunday night, or that I've been glared at for the past 10+ hours by one of my psych patients :-/
I think for me, they could have easily gotten away with a 90/10 split, but only if they had a bit more variety in planets and their physical features.

There are so many unusual and awesome things in real life planets which aren't represented in the game which I was hoping for. It would be awesome to arrive on a barren moon such as ours with no atmosphere. Icy planets where you crack into the oceans beneath (like Europa). Gas planets. Ringed planets. Etc.

I remember watching Interstellar for the first time and thinking how unusual the planets were in that, and hoping I would have similar experiences in No Man's Sky. If you came across 9 planets all like that, only to find life on the 10th, it would be all the more special.

Matt Frost

The planets are really similar to each other. Way too similar. And the distance to reach the center is insane. Going to warp until I no longer desire to play this. They could have added somethig more mysterious to the game, like those portals but functioning, or some empires with cities, they could added a few scenes here and there, like when going into a fight the captain asks us for help, to get rid of the pirates... but no... you get in, dont know who to attack, end up just shooting and they all shoot at you. Not fun. And the grind + repetition to get to the center is... well... at first I really liked this game, but as I progress I find it more and more tedious. Hope Sean Murray adds more things into it and make it the thing they initially said, like multiplayer, like the variety, etc... as it current stands, a little bit barren.


My apologies for asking again. Are the warp drive upgrades randomly given, or do I need to do something specific to get them? I still only have the basic hyperdrive.
The planets are really similar to each other. Way too similar. And the distance to reach the center is insane. Going to warp until I no longer desire to play this. They could have added somethig more mysterious to the game, like those portals but functioning, or some empires with cities, they could added a few scenes here and there, like when going into a fight the captain asks us for help, to get rid of the pirates... but no... you get in, dont know who to attack, end up just shooting and they all shoot at you. Not fun. And the grind + repetition to get to the center is... well... at first I really liked this game, but as I progress I find it more and more tedious. Hope Sean Murray adds more things into it and make it the thing they initially said, like multiplayer, like the variety, etc... as it current stands, a little bit barren.

I think they really need to look at improving the galactic map, as at the moment it is horrible to navigate and it is kinda homogenous in the sense that I am travelling so many light years, but it all looks the same, there are no nebula, supernova, or anything that prompts you to want to investigate.


Welp, I'm out. I haven't been able to save since the 15th, despite 2 patches. Lost many hours of progress, a new ship, etc. :( Have tried manually removing files from appdata folder, reinstalled entire game, no love. Between the crashing, performance issues, and now this, I really want to like this game, but it's not making it easy.


It seems like when you dismantle the hyperdrive upgrades to move to another ship you don't get the full amount of materials back? is that right? it makes it a pain having to find the materials again every time you find a ship with one extra slot in it.


Only crashes for me now when I press Options then quit the menu again right away. Otherwise I can just play without worrying.

But I got an occasional new bug, where the game doesn't show me the basic info of a planet right on first landing anymore. I can live with that.

Matt Frost

I think they really need to look at improving the galactic map, as at the moment it is horrible to navigate and it is kinda homogenous in the sense that I am travelling so many light years, but it all looks the same, there are no nebula, supernova, or anything that prompts you to want to investigate.

Yeah the game stays the same thoughout, no changes, everything is the same in every solar system, from hour zero to hour 100 nothing has changed. Same planets, same markers on the planets... game lack variety, should have been worked on more. Sean said that the closer you get to the center the more different it was going to be. Definitely not true along other things like multiplayer, planets, etc... great concept, mesmerizing first couple of hours that wears thin after a while... but I keep playing in hopes that this will change... and become the thing Sean promised us...
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