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No Man's Sky Review Thread: The Scores Have Arrived (read OP)

So overall, how does No Man's Sky feel to play? I'm a bit torn. I'm just the kind of nerdy, exploration-loving player that this title is aimed at, but even I'm not sure I'll be able to hang on long enough to make it to the game's end. To my surprise, it's not because I find the procedural generation algorithms lacking. Rather, it's the fact that there's just a bit too much micromanagement required to advance regardless of your gameplay goals, and it can simply take too long to get things done with the limited inventory you're given to work with (yes, it can be expanded greatly, but that takes money, and money takes time).

The bolded really worries me. I just received this from Gamefly, and I've been hearing more and more of this about the game from friends who bought it. I'm still going to give it a shot, but I hope the game doesn't become a chore to play.



one of those frames should say "IT HAS MUSIC FROM MY FAV BAND!"
It bothers me because it means many people are willing to pay $60 for absolute worthless mediocrity. And in turn, this will have an impact on what publishers think they can charge for shitty games.

Depends on your tastes, I can't believe people paid $60 for Division, including myself. But what are you going to do? People buy mediocre stuff every, single, day.


So according to you, there is no way to determine that something is bad? Because all these reviews still haven't convinced you? Ok buddy!

One man's trash is another man's gold I guess.

First off I'm actually playing the game and loving it. I do not need reviews to tell me whether I will enjoy it or not.

Secondly, if this game is objectively bad then why does it have good reviews as well? You do know how opinions work yes?


The bolded really worries me. I just received this from Gamefly, and I've been hearing more and more of this about the game from friends who bought it. I'm still going to give it a shot, but I hope the game doesn't become a chore to play.

I wouldn't worry too much, you only rented it.
It bothers me because it means many people are willing to pay $60 for absolute worthless mediocrity. And in turn, this will have an impact on what publishers think they can charge for shitty games.

Most rational people don't. But yeh, gamers...

Yes! Thank you! What a crock of shit.

So according to you, there is no way to determine that something is bad? Because all these reviews still haven't convinced you? Ok buddy!

One man's trash is another man's gold I guess.

Oh my god this meltdown is amazing

Do you know how many critically panned games have not only sold for more than $60 for decades, but actually sold well in some occasions? And did that destroy the industry? No? Okay then.
And the reviews are mixed. Some really high, some average, some really low. Which is to say it's a divisive game that you can't simply label as garbage.

Oh man but keep going, this insanity is soooo entertaining.


I played the game for about 7hrs total with a friend on PS4 and she intends to sell hers and I cancelled my pre-order. I definitely adore exploration games, but NMS is a painful monotony of grinding and discovery that doesn't inspire or emote. I posted my thoughts earlier:

"I pre-ordered the game on Steam going by the assumption that I could use the 2 hour period to understand if the game was for me (when these exploration heavy games are something I usually adore), and if I found it wasn't engaging enough I could just refund.

However, after watching several hours of different streams yesterday and getting to have a little "coop" fun with a friend and her PS4 version today, I've come to two main conclusions. I would need more that 2 hours to progress far enough to reach a real conclusion if I was playing on my own, and secondly that the "survival" grind is just far too obnoxious that I think I would likely get frustrated at the amount of time needed to really enjoy exploration and "progression". There is also a severe lack of what I would describe as "moments" that really drive how I would "progress", explore, gain insight and fascination for the worlds and the game; something I feel I'd gain from the experience if that makes sense. That is something I think I have found in other games with lots of exploration that I love, but not NMS. Both of us felt the same way, which is disappointing after several hours now. The actual fun was more the usual banter between friends rather than the game.

I've decided to cancel my pre-order since the 2hr thing isn't really going to help, and even if the game does change things up after 10+hrs, it sadly isn't enough to draw me in, along with the crafting survival crap."

If I really had to assign a score to it, I would say 6/10


Plane Escape Torment
First off I'm actually playing the game and loving it. I do not need reviews to tell me whether I will enjoy it or not.

Secondly, if this game is objectively bad then why does it have good reviews as well? You do know how opinions work yes?

Of course reviews are just opinions. I assume you know what general consensus is and how it works? In any case, people have different standards, enjoy!
Gonna be honest I prefer reading those comments than rehashing the worst argument of the last decade: The idea that game reviews should be FACT BASED and OBJECTIVE in nature.

I'm leaving before I end up banned or something over bad reviews for a game I don't even particularly care for.
Oh trust me, both sentiments are irksome to see.


So now we now why reviews weren't released before release.

Will pick it up, when it's on sale. Not for the full price.
In the end, now that I'm finished, happy with my journey, I look back and am very happy with my journey. The developer gave me a way to experience the universe how I wanted, and also made it possible for me to finish in my own way and be happy with what I did. It also left a path for me to keep going, apparently infinitely, if I choose. Not sure I could have asked for more really.

Sure there were flaws, things that I feel could have been done better, and crashes, way too many crashes, but those first few hours on my starting planet, and the search for answer that branched from that were great.
Lots of good scores to accompany the bad ones, some of you on the fence might be inline with those scores, if the premise interests you, I say give it a shot. Definitely not the train wreck people were hoping for.


Imo this game is the ultimate example quality over quantity. A game can have infinite amount of "open world" but if the gameplay is not there / not fun (imo) then your video game is trash, which this game is(imo). I do praise hello games for the technological achievements. I hope others can use this technology to make a better game. Also once again I am happy to see gameplay is still king in video games. That's why games like overwatch or sfv still played very actively while games like this will be forgotten in a month. If the gameplay is not there then your game will be trash imo.

The game was always going to be love or hate.

It sure does have a couple issues at present but I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying myself quite a bit since launch.


Like I can't see anything short of a significant free expansion pack to drive sales, and Hello Games need to keep their lights on.

We'll see Joe Danger 3 in a year.

Isn't it selling well on PS4? Sales probably aren't an issue. It is the top seller on Steam right now so I don't think they are in danger of turning their lights off.

Plus I've seen plenty of people like this game. It's a mixed reaction, not a bad reaction. Obviously not living up to the hype but that doesn't mean its bad.
Ok. I'm just trying to understand people views on defining a 7.
O plz they'll flip flop and say a 7 is fine when it's a game they like I dont pay these people any mind it's the internet

Isn't it selling well on PS4? It is the top seller on Steam right now so I don't think they are in danger of turning their lights off.
Top seller on steam,amazon and GameStop for weeks,top 10 for months they're fine
I wouldn't pay $60 for a 7 rated game. The average game review is around a 7 isn't it? So it's literally average, mediocre, whatever you want to call it.

So what you're saying is that you only buy exceptional games? I mean, there's nothing wrong with this perspective and it's (at the risk of stating the obvious) your money and time, but that drastically narrows what content is available for you.

Isn't it selling well on PS4? It is the top seller on Steam right now so I don't think they are in danger of turning their lights off.

Anecdotally it's been hard to find in my area, which I literally can't remember happening with a physical release since Fire Emblem: Awakening, and that was just a production issue IIRC. Combined with the Steam sales I feel like Hello Games is going to be able to handle this for sure, and ideally expand their studio for a sequel. Would also be nice to see an Xbox One version in 6-12 months.
Because reviews are subjective, not objective. Because different people place greater value on different things. Because even the statement that the mechanics are weak and thin is a subjective value statement that not everyone agrees with.

You should've quoted my whole post, just taking the first line makes it easy to patronize. After playing it I can't imagine anyone, even people who enjoy the game, being able to call the shooting mechanics for example 'good' compared to what's out there. That was what my question was about. I'm not a moron, I understand that reviews are purely subjective but I think the average gamer can agree on on a certain base standard of mechanics.

Salty Hippo

I don't understand the "all over the place" posts. Literally every game with a 70 average has very high and very low scores. This one is no different. It's not like the game is lacking a bunch of 7/10 scores or something.


I'm enjoying the game. the inventory and resource management is a pain though, but it's what keeps me going. I've been killed by space pirates too many times, but of course I need more shielding for my ship. this game is pretty simple to understand, and there's plenty to do, you just got to set goals for yourself as you play. oh it needs a patch badly, been crashing a lot lately.
I'm still interested in the game but not to the tune of 60 bucks (or 66.49 CAD). Will be very curious to see how the game develops, what happens with patches, etc.


do you not remember the amount of people who fucking threw a fit when mako was removed in ME2?
Because instead of building upon ME1 exploration they cut it all out for the equivalent of a shitty flash game. Good job leaving out that little tidbit of info.
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