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No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle |OT| of Ultimate Vengeance (loli too)


And done.

Boy, this was a lot better than the first game. By a lot. Fits nicely between the first NMH and MadWorld for me as far as brawlers go on the Wii. I like the minigames, and I like that they're completely optional and that you're given the ability to just play through the game. I like being able to switch beam katanas in battle, and I like that a lot of the tedious overworld stuff is gone in favor of shops and a streamlined menu system.

It was surprising to see the game offer up different fighting styles
in the form of Shinobu and Sir Henry Motherfucker. And with the exception of Shinobu's platforming stuff, I think they all worked pretty well.
The overall tone was less silly than the first game, but there was still a lot of humor
even at the end, when Henry reveals the heads were elaborate fakes.

I think the fights were a bit too samey in a few places. Most were about you killing someone fighting with a sword. There wasn't anything like NMH's #3 ranked fight. However, I did think the final boss was kinda fun.
And god dammit, I almost died on the third part. I was losing health fast thanks to Batt's ice breath and I noticed there was a chest I hadn't opened. I get there, manage to kick it open with one HP, and he kills me. Almost. I managed to revive Travis, who was now standing on a full pizza. His HP refills and I refill the beam katana meter and go to town. Pretty damn close there for a second though.


I'm a little disapointed about the overal bosses presentation, it didn't have memorable characters IMO, the few to know about bosses, much of them only said like one line of dialogue, the first NMH was richer trying to develop every character particular personalities.

The battles are way more solid though, the are more options within the gameplay, it's more variated than the first one.

I miss the overworld =(, going direct to the rank make the game more straight, yes, but it make it shorter too =P, it was tedious having to win money to enter to the next rank but it give a sense of acomplishment too. But I'm happy regardless, by not concentrating time development in the overworld they build a more detailed and interesting stages.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The vast majority of boss fights are worse in DS and I just generally prefer the presentation in the first game.

I still think this is one of the better 3D brawlers ever released though.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Man God said:
The vast majority of boss fights are worse in DS and I just generally prefer the presentation in the first game.

I still think this is one of the better 3D brawlers ever released though.

i agree.

What i dont get is why there are only 10 revenge missions????

I just want to fight some goons and destroy them.

It was amazing using the samurai sword in the first one and killing like 10 at once with one swipe.

weapons are more fun in first game as well.


I thought all of the bossfights were better in NMH2. The weapons were also more diverse and I switched beam swords regurarly during play and had to think about which weapon to use against which boss. That kind of tactics never occurred in the original: just pick your latest sword.


Bought this yesterday, didn't like the first two ranked fights to be honest. The second was too basic while the first one was just stupid; constantly being shot etc. Hopefully they pick up.

Tried the classic controller, man that was annoying. Back to the Wii waggle I go me thinks. Still having trouble pulling off dodge evades where attackers lose track of you though, never really could get that down in the original either.


Mohonky said:
Bought this yesterday, didn't like the first two ranked fights to be honest. The second was too basic while the first one was just stupid; constantly being shot etc. Hopefully they pick up.

Tried the classic controller, man that was annoying. Back to the Wii waggle I go me thinks. Still having trouble pulling off dodge evades where attackers lose track of you though, never really could get that down in the original either.
Just wiggle the control stick as soon as a hit strikes your katana.


Mohonky said:
Tried the classic controller, man that was annoying. Back to the Wii waggle I go me thinks. Still having trouble pulling off dodge evades where attackers lose track of you though, never really could get that down in the original either.
Same here, not touching this game with the cc ever again, the up-down stances asigned to buttons feels weird, more the waggle is what make this game so pleasure, finishing move and wrestling waggles =D.


Ok, I've unlocked all wrestling moves, but for some strange reason only 2 or 3 works for me, the other ones can't appear to be executed. I've tried holding the enemies from behind/front/side and I only can get 2 or 3 wrestling moves.

I'm doing something wrong?
Just finished this and I loved it but it did feel a bit less fresh than the original meaning that I didn't feel as compelled to finish it so quickly. Some of the boss characters didn't have as much personality but they improved the fighting so they were better in that way. It's interesting how Travis seemed to mellow out over the course of the game.

Wish that I understood what the characters last words were as I feel like I'm missing out on a joke or something cooler. The only one I sort of understood was a fake ending death and it sounded like one of the Bizarre Jelly puddings.

That song that they autotuned the hell out of in my PAL version annoyed me at first but then it sort of grew on my a bit. The original sounds a bit duller.


That song that they autotuned the hell out of in my PAL version annoyed me at first but then it sort of grew on my a bit. The original sounds a bit duller.
I still think the original is way better.
And when I say way better I mean you can ignore the PAL version one.


Any tips on Matt Helms on Bitter? I'm doing just a regular run, so I only have the first 2 Katanas and I just can't seem to stun him.


Boney said:
Any tips on Matt Helms on Bitter? I'm doing just a regular run, so I only have the first 2 Katanas and I just can't seem to stun him.
Try using the beam katana that you start out with.
Take your time with Destroyman, hide under one of the platforms and behind boxes to dodge projectile attacks. Keep your distance and learn patterns. You'll chip away at him. Maybe someone has a better strategy.
VistraNorrez said:
Take your time with Destroyman, hide under one of the platforms and behind boxes to dodge projectile attacks. Keep your distance and learn patterns. You'll chip away at him. Maybe someone has a better strategy.
That's what I remember doing...it took a while but it worked and I think the fight gets easier once you recognize the patterns.
Well once you take out the 1st Destroyman it becomes a more direct fight. This battle was a real bummer on Bitter. Especially when you'd get close to defeating him but get cocky and take a fatal hit.

Don't forget you can revive with a rigorous shake of the remote.


Unconfirmed Member
I killed the one that fights you up close on the top platforms

then played keepaway with the one that fights long distance everytime he tried to revive the first one.

Peppered him with sword beams when he went long range as well.

Kind of tedious, but I found exploiting his pattern like that pretty satisfying in itself


I can't beat the final fucking boss in second form. I've tried it at least five or six times now. I beat him down to a pulp then he whips out that damn tornado punch and I'm doomed. How the hell do you beat this guy? I tried all weapons to no avail. Charging the peoni seems to be the best way so far.


Parmesan et Romano
demonix69 said:
I can't beat the final fucking boss in second form. I've tried it at least five or six times now. I beat him down to a pulp then he whips out that damn tornado punch and I'm doomed. How the hell do you beat this guy? I tried all weapons to no avail. Charging the peoni seems to be the best way so far.
If you're playing on Bitter, the only solution is to break the disk.

alt. solution: I suggest playing a little slower and be really patient for the second form (at least until he's halfway dead). Try running through the boss with the Peony for a little while just getting his moves and general sequence down. Then, when you feel like you've got a good grasp on everything, actually fight him and make damn sure you don't get hit. This way you can unleash your ecstasy gauge by the time he's around halfway to a third of his health left. It won't kill him, but it should leave you in a good enough position to try and take him down.
You shouldn't avoid the windows at this point and I would suggest forward evading when he starts the bullshit teleporting punch.

Can't help you with the Whirlwind thing. Just luck out I guess.

Also, you can DaskStep his batarang breath-things if you're up close. Try sliding behind him and letting loose.


Yeah thanks. I've pretty much got all the patterns down, so it's just a matter of evading properly and filling the ecstasy gauge, which I've yet to do. Didn't think about darkstepping or running slash with the peony, I'll give that a shot. Still, the boss is so cheap I don't have much motivation left to finish it at this point.


Parmesan et Romano
demonix69 said:
Yeah thanks. I've pretty much got all the patterns down, so it's just a matter of evading properly and filling the ecstasy gauge, which I've yet to do. Didn't think about darkstepping or running slash with the peony, I'll give that a shot. Still, the boss is so cheap I don't have much motivation left to finish it at this point.
Yeah, I didn't think the payoff was worth it. Especially not the second time through.

Also, I forgot to mention but, focus on low slashes with the Peony. Don't run through the entire combo either.
At the beginning of the match, if you get in enough melee hits in, you can squeeze out a wrestling move. Since he's stunned, you can get a quick combo in (filling the ecstasy gauge), then use your wrestling move. Sometimes, he might be stunned again after he gets up, too. If you don't want to use your wrestling move though, you can just finish the combo on him when he's stunned and get your deathblow on him. Sometimes after that he'll be stunned as well.

This boss definitely tested my both my tolerance for cheap BS and patience.


Man, what a disappointing sequel. I still finished it twice, and still thought it was okay...but oh man if it wasn't a wasted opportunity. I'm pretty sure Suda actually had very little to do with this game.


combat is still great

bosses diverse but incredibly easy (so far)

minigames are shit. every single one feels slapped together and most of the time I feel like I'm fighting the controls, and dying because my character won't go where I'm telling it to.

switching swords in game = good.

feels really shallow compared to the first game

minimal, shallow story (even more than last time)

any sense of charm, or fun, is gone

Incredibly, incredibly disappointed with this game so far. *Hate* the minigames and have zero interest in the "story".

This is from the same guy that did Killer 7?????!!!!!!!

Question - does it control better with a Wii classic controller than the regular controls, because I'm getting very, very tired of fighting with the minigames for the direction I want my character to move in.


Parmesan et Romano
I don't know, I think the minigames control the same with either controller really. Your preference I guess.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The story gets better and the last eight or so boss fights are really pretty damn awesome, but then the game kicks you in the groin for the final fight.


I really think they should have excluded all the platforming levels. Shinobu is a cool character but god her levels are painful to play. Didn't help that the camera is so poor either. The bosses are pathetically easy.. I ripped through the game in no time. Still stuck at the final boss though. I hate games that do this. At least make the difficulty gradual, rather than keep it easy and throw in a cheap, merciless boss at the end.

I really love the series because of the style and sheer uniqueness of the characters, or rather the potential it has. But yeah it's clear that this sequel was far from what it should have been. I'm scratching my head as how so many reviewers gave the game such high scores despite the glaring drawbacks. Here's hoping the next, if there is one, will be significantly improved upon.
I really wanted to like this game since first was very awesome but some how i think this game lacks soul. I have yet to finish it. The game is not fun. Last was bot load of fun. I stopped after playing henry bit.
crazy monkey said:
I really wanted to like this game since first was very awesome but some how i think this game lacks soul. I have yet to finish it. The game is not fun. Last was bot load of fun. I stopped after playing henry bit.

So basically you stopped before the fights that show Travis actually growing as a character...

demonix69 said:
I really love the series because of the style and sheer uniqueness of the characters, or rather the potential it has. But yeah it's clear that this sequel was far from what it should have been. I'm scratching my head as how so many reviewers gave the game such high scores despite the glaring drawbacks. Here's hoping the next, if there is one, will be significantly improved upon.

Because it's a MUCH better game than the first one. The only thing I disliked about the second was Shinobu's platforming sections and the final boss fight. Besides that everything was awesome. I thought the bosses didn't get as much "backstory" but that problem is fixed later on in the game for the most part. Being able to switch beams mid fight was a pretty big addition that I used a lot actually
demonix69 said:
I really love the series because of the style and sheer uniqueness of the characters, or rather the potential it has. But yeah it's clear that this sequel was far from what it should have been. I'm scratching my head as how so many reviewers gave the game such high scores despite the glaring drawbacks. Here's hoping the next, if there is one, will be significantly improved upon.

People have different opinions, don't see what's so hard to understand about that. Instead of just scratching your head, why don't you actually try to see the game from a different perspective?

You really aren't giving the creative team behind the sequel enough credit. Suda clearly wanted to take the basics of the first game and totally fuck with expectations. That is his favorite thing to do. It's why this story was so much more subdued. All those little sequences with the anonymous woman on the phone are my favorite bits from either game. The 2 games have wonderful contrast points that ultimately compliment each other.

I'm not going to say anything here that hasn't been argued extensively in this thread.

The sequel was exactly what it was supposed to be, but it wasn't what you wanted it to be, which is fine, it doesn't have to be appeal to everyone.
Zoramon089 said:
So basically you stopped before the fights that show Travis actually growing as a character...

yes because i have been playing for hours and there is nothing at all like first game. First game was amazingly charming even the over world and driving sections. In this one I never did any job , i just went fight to fight to fight. There was one lady talking throughout some crappy little way.
Fight ware work rather fun. i will play again soon see if it changes but for now this is not even half as good as first one for me.


VistraNorrez said:
People have different opinions, don't see what's so hard to understand about that. Instead of just scratching your head, why don't you actually try to see the game from a different perspective?

You really aren't giving the creative team behind the sequel enough credit. Suda clearly wanted to take the basics of the first game and totally fuck with expectations. That is his favorite thing to do. It's why this story was so much more subdued. All those little sequences with the anonymous woman on the phone are my favorite bits from either game. The 2 games have wonderful contrast points that ultimately compliment each other.

I'm not going to say anything here that hasn't been argued extensively in this thread.

The sequel was exactly what it was supposed to be, but it wasn't what you wanted it to be, which is fine, it doesn't have to be appeal to everyone.

Yeah I wanted it to be a game that controlled well, didn't have camera issues, with platforming that didn't make me want to pull my hair out. I don't think that's asking for much. It's not a matter of whether it appeals to me or not. Don't take it so personally.

I appreciate the game for how different it is and what it tries to do. Yes it's stylish, yes it's unique, but to me the technical issues are a huge drawback. The game is definitely fun at times, but at others it just feels repetitive, clunky, and a pain in the ass to play. Anyway I'm sure this has been covered already, I just finished the game and wanted to vent. As I said earlier, I'm still looking forward to seeing what else Suda's team can come up with.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
A self-indulgent bump, but our monthly 'Sound Test' artictle this time covers the music across both No More Heroes games. Written by moi, if you feel like giving it a read/listen check it here.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I just started up my first game. Is "sweet" difficulty way too easy? Can you change it mid-game?

I'm by no means a devil may cry/ninja gaiden expert, but I don't want things to be a total cakewalk...

Also, I'm assuming classic controller is the way to go this time around?


Parmesan et Romano
FlyinJ said:
I just started up my first game. Is "sweet" difficulty way too easy? Can you change it mid-game?

I'm by no means a devil may cry/ninja gaiden expert, but I don't want things to be a total cakewalk...

Also, I'm assuming classic controller is the way to go this time around?
Haven't played in a bit but sweet is fairly easy for most ranked stages. Bosses on the other hand are a pain on Mild and Bitter during the later portion of the game. So Sweet might be the ideal place to start.

Classic controller isn't bad but I personally prefer Wii Remote. Flicking the Wii remote for Death blows is a lot more satisfying for kills than flicking the second analog stick. Plus it's a little bit hard for me to adjust to a 2nd analogue stick that doesn't control the camera.


Nicktals said:
Man, what a disappointing sequel. I still finished it twice, and still thought it was okay...but oh man if it wasn't a wasted opportunity. I'm pretty sure Suda actually had very little to do with this game.
you are talking like no more heroes was a masterpiece and suda is a game creator with a pletora of impressive titles.

imo NMH2 has better side missions, better bosses but lacks in pretty much every thing else

but yeah the bosses were what made the game in the first place so im happy


How the fuck does anybody beat the final boss?! His second form is so infuriating! I've been looking at YouTube videos and reading walkthroughs and FAQs and nothing seems to be working! God, I hate him so much!


after 2 years of stopping the 1rst nmh I finished it finally and bought the second one....
Well first I should have finished nmh long before now, that game is really GREAT.
NMH2 is weird, I prefer some stuffs but others are a bit of a let down....
I mean it's kinda funny how the overworld was fully explorable and the shops were menu and now it's quite the reverse :lol.
Still awesome I should keep playing :D


G0523 said:
How the fuck does anybody beat the final boss?! His second form is so infuriating! I've been looking at YouTube videos and reading walkthroughs and FAQs and nothing seems to be working! God, I hate him so much!
Stay clear from the windows.


I ended up getting rid of the first game after finishing the sequel. NMH2's convenient mission structure and fast pacing alone made that an easy decision. With that said, I still miss the first game's dumpster diving, lovikov ball collection, better clothing unlockables and the final bosses battles. Also, the sequel's story wasn't as entertaining as the first game's.

I'll have to replay the game against once I've finished another playthrough of Red Steel 2.
G0523 said:
How the fuck does anybody beat the final boss?! His second form is so infuriating! I've been looking at YouTube videos and reading walkthroughs and FAQs and nothing seems to be working! God, I hate him so much!

Use the giant red beam katana (can't remember the name, but it's the big slow one). and play a game of stick and move. Wait for him to finish his combo string, then strike him once, then back off. it's a cheap fight that boils down to a game of "try to stand up" but it can be done, just keep at it. stay away from the windows as the previous poster said

edit: also don't forget, not everyone knows but when you're KO'd and he starts to stumble, shake the wiimote and nunchuk like Hulk Hogan and you'll come back with some health. I did this either 2 or 3 times during my winning fight with him so it's very helpful


Thanks to Dascu and Gryphter for the advice. Beat it. Went to the third round, beat that. All done! :D Yay!

Also: 300th post! Yay!
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