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No Party? Blood Will Tell is pretty good dudes

i did a search and couldn't find anyone elses impressions about the game. i just rented blood will tell yesterday (which could have been a wasted trip to blockbuster cause even though i have the freedom pass, sometimes my ps2 doesn't work), not expecting much, but after playing it for about 4 hours it's a quality game. i'm especially enjoying the storyline and the combat system.

for those of you who haven't played it, its (long story short) a game about this kid who is stripped of 48 of his body parts at birth, and now years later he is out to get the "fiends" who have them. as you defeat each one of these 48 bosses, you regain a body part. for instance, after the first boss you regain your voice (which increases your health and something else), then after the next boss you get your eye back (which puts the game into color, it starts in black and white), etc.

the combat system isn't unlike dynasty warriors in many respects, but it is much more involved. for instance, holding down Triangle does a charge up attack, when the attack connects you see a series of buttons on-screen and a timer, and if you push them fast enough you get add on combos which can give you various bonsues. it may seem like something small but it keeps you interested and involved in the action. so far i have 2 "weapon stances" (i guess thats what you'd call them), one is fighting with your hands (which are made of swords) and the other is fighting with just a samuri sword.

i also enjoy the design of enemies in the game. there are your typical zombies, skeletons and so on, but there are also some pretty cool monster designs (the first boss looks like the devil statue from the exorcist), as well as nice variety in the stage settings.

graphics (from a tehnical standpoint, not artistic) is a mixed bag. again i draw parallels to dynasty warriors because they look similar to me. not very impressive but the game can hold its own. nice spell effects and some pretty big bosses so far have looked nice. but many character models are blocky and so on.

anyways i didnt see any threads about this game so i thought i would chime in. give it a rent, especially if you like games like onimusha or dynasty warriors.


I loved this game at E3 and was one of the few people to give a really positive preview write-up.

I'll probably buy it sooner or later... How long is the story mode? I'm hoping on the shorter side because there are a ton of must-play games coming out this fall.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
i liked it, but haven't had time to get into it recently.

will play it again when all my friends leave me and my wife divorces me.


I wasn't a huge fan of Blood Will Tell. The story was neat, but I got bored with everything else. And the platforming, oh, the platforming.

But hey, instead of summarizing my review, I'll just link to it.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Finished the game and got all 48 body parts, didn't bother with the unlockable bonus modes cause frankly playing as Dororo is not teh fun.

I'd agree with Buddy's review, the platforming is a downer thanks to horrendous camera angles(jumping often crops away the screen under your feet making precise landing judgements a measure of faith) not to mention some sketchy collision.

The bosses are hit and miss, but mostly miss. Many are mere clones of each other but with altered attacks, yet much like NG, you can abuse a very specific dial combo for 80% of the game and just soak up any damage they dish out because death is something you needn't fear in this ginsu brawler. Final 'true' boss was creative tho.

I generally dug the narrative though, interesting concept the original series had and ripe perfect as a game concept. I really just had to keep playing to restore all my body parts.

My copy is now trade-in fodder for SMT later this week...possibly Paper Mario too.


Pretty much ditto all y'all. Although I maybe liked the bosses a bit more than some. It would have been a shitload better if they cut the platforming crap and added some more polish everywhere else.



Bog said:
Did you seriously just link to your own article?
Yeah, just to show that I dug the game way back when and hope it lived up to the promise I thought it had.

I notice I started a trend and BuddyC followed in kind. :D


Yup, but I'm also very very lazy. I don't see the point of writing up another lengthy post when I've already done that once, though Bog will likely disagree.
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