What kind of hit on battery life is there with wifi always on?
OK, so after a full day at work with the new 8.0.1 version OS here is what I found.
1. Wi-Fi always on is great especially for my work, which we have to sign in and when if we log off or inactive it kick us off the system and then we have to go through sign in again. With Wi-Fi always on I didn't have to sign back in at all.
2. Battery, well I didn't really have battery problem before but I do noticed even with Wi-Fi always on my battery is slightly better than before. There is no sudden huge battery drain and the battery report show gentle downward curve.
3. My battery came off the charger around 6:45pm and it's about 8:00am now and I still have 48% left. I used the phone for about 2 hours of podcast + audible. Most of the usage is checking Gaf , WP Central and various News site. I didn't really play any games today but I did have everything enable today - Bluetooth, NFS, always on Wi-Fi, lock screen weather update with Weather Flow, Bing lock screen and notification on for Weave, WPCentral and USA Today Apps along with MyStocks+ apps.
Things I noticed that really murder your battery before are PhotoBeamer, Nokia Drive and Cinemagraph. I will test those out tomorrow and see if the phone fair better.
4. My car Bluetooth work now (even though I don't use it much). It doesn't freeze or crash the phone when I give it voice command via my car's mic.
All in all I am pretty please with the update.