I feel nothing for reeves, rodney, or ray charles.
That is because you have a heart of coal.MrAngryFace said:I feel nothing for reeves, rodney, or ray charles.
Catalyst said:These are big names and big people who people thought were invincible. Or something. What's really going to burst everyone's bubble is when Michael Jordan or Jim Carrey die.
So maybe you're just hard-hearted, then? I'm very lucky...I'm 20 and hardly any of my family has died, although my brother was stillborn and I had to watch my mother be suicidal for the longest time. But you know, there's nothing wrong with caring, either, MAF.MrAngryFace said:Im 25, I know im mortal. Plenty of my family have died.
It's like I meant to say, it's just a matter of who they were to you, and what they meant. What did they symbolize to you? What did these people remind you of? 'Tis why people get upset. Sometimes it may not even have to do with caring, maybe it just has something to do with what you learn in early highschool English classes.PuertoRicanJuice said:Yea, I'm with MAF on this one. I don't get it. But then I saw the post about MJ or Jim Carrey dying and I was like "Wow, maybe I would feel something then." Just none the people dying lately did I really idolize or anything like that. But Jim Carrey dying would definitely shock me.
Yes, but I won't feel sorry for Kobe when that chick's future boyfriend slits his throat in his sleep. Meh heh heh.karasu said:Why do people get upset over the death of TV shows? The simple answer is because they care. You associate them with a character you love, or you associate a movie they were in with a time in your life, etc etc etc, It's easy to have a little empathy when you're familiar with a person.
fennec fox said:I'm not gonna look at this thread and see people say "well, we're just kind of fond for these celebrities", and then go to (say) the Reeve thread and see people shat upon and perhaps banded for saying anything negative at all about the celebrity in question.
I guess it's sort of a shame Reeve passed away, in the same way that it's a shame everybody has to die eventually, but only in special circumstances does it matter in the long run. For example, Huey Long was an incredibly influential Southern politician in the 1930s, an extremely popular guy (he had a grandiose redistribution-of-wealth plan that resonated with Depression-era America) and a major rival to Franklin Roosevelt. Someone assassinated him in 1935, though, and his movement, which lost his personal charisma, fell apart. If he had lived, then maybe he could've taken on Roosevelt for the presidency, which could have completely changed how the New Deal and, later on, WWII transpired.
I've wandered a bit, but that's the sort of thing that attracts my attention -- not the death of some guy who's famous for a few movies he starred in during the 80s.
Dan said:I don't get 'upset'. I'm not going to cry or anything.
But c'mon, if you've grown up watching someone act or do stand-up or whatever for many years, there's going to be a fondness for at least their work, and if they die, well, they can't do any more work. It's just sad from a plain ol' objective view. someone that did some great stuff is no longer with us. It's sad. Doesn't mean you have to get bent out of shape about it, but c'mon, the end to anything great is unfortunate. Crying about it might be a bit much, but these people did stuff, at the very least simple entertainment to a lot more in the enrichment of culture.
I remember being somewhat down when I was a kid and hearing about Jim Henson and Dr Suess's deaths. It's not like I knew them at all, they weren't even on camera or anything like that. I loved their work though, and I knew that the world wouldn't get anything new from their minds, and that sucked.
You might have been able to say that before his accident, but after 1995 he's been known for a lot more than his movies. Can you even bring up stem cell research nowadays without bringing him up as well? He's done a hell of a lot for that issue along with a lot of other things.fennec fox said:I've wandered a bit, but that's the sort of thing that attracts my attention -- not the death of some guy who's famous for a few movies he starred in during the 80s.
HalfPastNoon said:maf just always has to be the center of attention. what a ridiculous thread.
Saint Cornelius said:you're just kind of an asshole
ConfusingJazz said:All I have to say is that if you weren't bummed out by Mr. Rogers dying, then something is wrong with you. Thats the only celebrity I really felt depressed about for more then 10 minutes. Granted, the man was old, but damn it, he ruled.