belgurdo said:
I'll never fuckin' watch basketball again. Fuck this country
Oh come on now belgurdo. I can understand younger fans initially feeling this way (I'm 31), but keep in mind that this was an isolated incident, the likes of which not seen in nearly 30 years in the NBA. It's like people holding the 1.8 second game against Scottie Pippen, totally ignoring his contribution to 3 more Championship rings to the Bulls the following seasons.
Do you think college football fans are gonna boycott after this weeks brawl between 2 rival teams (forget names)? HELL NO!! Because, at the end of the day, these incidents are just part of human nature; not justifying it, just stating a fact. I remember having grade school fights, and when they would start, it almost feels like you're in a dreamlike state, with everything almost going totally silent, and your every animal instinct takes over. There's just no reasoned thought in this state of mind.
The league is off to a great start this year, with so many players stepping up big when it counts, all while playing with new teammates for the first time. The game is still beautiful and entertaining, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let 3 players, on a team that I can't stand anyway, take away my love for the game. And you can bet Stern is gonna make DAMN SURE these players will think twice about pulling this Thug Life bullshit ever again.