Takeover was pretty solid
Roode's entrance alone elevated the match to a ***1/2 up from a solid **1/2 or a low ***
The Authors of Pain are cool, the match was mostly just a couple of spots though, the chain was pointless as it didn't factor in to anything. That said Paul Ellering is awesome. ** 1/2
DIY vs Revival was easily the best match of the night and will probably be the best match of the weekend. Fan fucking tastic. Actual tag team wrestling. Revival are great storytellers, great heels and have amazing chemistry and DIY play great face guys who also have solid chemistry. *****
Asuka vs Mickie James was solid, nice to see Mickie back... finish was literally out of nowhere and not in a good way, definitely hurt the match imo ***
Joe vs Nak... the most disappointing match for me IMO. It should have been excellent and it was only pretty good. The ref bothered me, Joe gets knocked out of the ring and instead of counting he goes to check on Joe, that could have been a great get up to your feet spot instead was just a giant set up for the finish... which btw was kinda stupid. Why would using the steel ring steps like that be fully legal? Took away from it all IMO.
Joe winning makes zero sense unless Nak is getting called up soon as the storyline was literally built around Nak getting revenge and fighting through being semi injured by Joe, especially since ya know this was his first title defense. So seeing him just drop it was kinda I dunno meh.
Should have been **** or ***** but I'd only give it a ***1/2 maybe ***3/4 if I was feeling generous about the ending.
Solid stuff though when the worst you get is an average tag match