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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G

The Wyatts/Shield segment at the end of RAW was great. They managed to tell a better story in 5 minutes of confrontational wrasslin' than the last 3 months of authority talking and beatdowns in the main event.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I wonder who he learned that uppercut from?



Why, it was Norman Smiley.
You guys do realize the second this feud gets popular, triple h is showing up....right?

I think you just need to appreciate things before Triple H makes himself the focus of the angle. Bryan winning the title at Summer Slam with one of KENTA's moves was pretty great guys!
So I just pulled a Stro and watched through some old shit. I remembered the main event of Vengeance 2002 being fun as fuck and it was just as fun as I remembered. It was the first ppv I watched with a huge group of friends and we were all losing our shit as we couldn't figure out who was gonna win.
It was Kurt Angle vs The Rock vs The Undertaker for the title. And everyone was doing everyone's finishers. So fucking goofy. The rest of the ppv was alright as well. Young up and comer John Cena beat Jericho.

Then Vengeance 2003 which also had a triple threat match as the main event and it also had Kurt Angle in it. Kurt Angle vs Big Show vs Brock. It was an ok match. It's just amazing what a difference commentary can make. JR and King in 2002 are SOOOO much better than Cole and Tazz. Oh and heel Cena vs Taker was fun.



WCW Fall Brawl 9/12/99

We are LIVE from the Impact Zone!

ICP/Vampiro vs Eddie Guerrero/Kidman/Rey Mysterio Jr.

Raven quit and The Deadpool lost their name. The Filthy Animals has been used once on TV, but the group isn't called that. And after Raven quit, all the members of the Revolution, plus Rey, Eddie, and Konnan asked for their releases. Kidman planned to leave if the rest of the group left. Konnan and Shane then backed out because they realized that Vince wasn't hiring them back, and Bischoff wouldn't let the other guys go. Skinny Clown and Kidman start out. Pretty sweet leg drop/reverse powerbomb combo from Rey and Kidman. Fat Clown gets tagged in. Rey: Can handle big men like Bam Bam and Kevin Nash. Can't handle a Fat Clown. Fat DDT to Kidman. VAMPIRO CAN POWERBOMB KIDMAN! He doesn't give a fuck about Kidman's rules. He just can't stop powerbombin' Kidmans. Rey does some flying moves on Fat Clown, but is thrown to the floor and beaten up by killer clowns from Mexico. Eddie gets tagged in and chops the fuck out of Vamp. Vamp does an inverted enziguri and Fat Clown is back in, out wrestling world class wrestlers. Hilariously botched 3D that could have gone very badly. Vamp does a gutwrench superplex to Kidman. Eddie missile dropkicks him and Kidman then pins Vamp with the SSP. Rey was injured during the match and was carried back by his partners and a trainer.



The Revolution are on the internet, showing their dicks.

Lenny vs Kaz WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Whatever. Lenny and Lodi aren't good wrestlers and aren't good characters. Lenny spending the match doing lame gay heel heat is old already. Billy and Chuck did it SO much better. And were both way better wrestlers. And this is a long match. Much longer than Lenny Lane needs to be in. He won with the Skull Crushing Finale, which is probably named something like Twinkle Toes.

Sting comes to the ring. This seems like it should be a quick promo in the back, not a full segment in the ring. He says that Lex is very close to ruining their friendship and he doesn't want Lex involved in his match at all. He has no problem with Hulk. Sting has the chance to be the 9 time WCW (NWA) Champion, which would give him the record for 2nd most World Championships.

Hugh Morrus/Brian Knobs vs Dean Malenko/Shane Douglas No Disqualification

It's no DQ, so there shouldn't be any tags in this. The Revolution get the early edge. It quickly goes to the floor. Shane threw the steps on Hugh, which also bounced and landed on Hugh's ankle. Luckily, the WCW steps are made for babies, so no injury there. PITY CITY! And now it breaks out into a tag match. If it's no DQ, why would there be tags? Shane's way of selling getting thrown into a guardrail is so weird. He basically dances. Hugh pinned Dean with a moonsault in a pretty boring brawl.


Perry Saturn vs Rick Steiner WCW TV Championship

I'm very jealous of Rick's facial hair. It's aggressively manly, thick, and luscious. They start with some amateur grappling like real men. Steinerline. Saturn pops up and hits a superkick and springboard legdrop. Suicide dive. German suplex from Saturn. RIck throws the ref in the way so he can kick Saturn in the dick. DDT on the floor. Rick goes on to control the match for the next few minutes. Saturn hits the DVD OUTTANOWHERE, but Rick kicks out. Rick then wins completely clean with the super bulldog.

. Hulk is sick of everyone accusing him of things. He swore to his kids he wasn't going to turn on Sting. And in fact, if he was going to do something, he would have done it already. "His words have been for the best in the past. For the most part." Hulk's words have NEVER meant anything, as he's been a lying cheat even in the 80s.

Berlyn vs Jim Duggan

This was scheduled to be Berlyn vs Buff. However, the story is that Buff was having transportation issues and isn't at the arena. The real story is that he didn't want to lose the match, so he refused to participate at all. Jim Duggan was a last minute replacement. So they have the debut of Berlyn, after months of hype. Buff refuses to job and Duggan is his replacement...and basically no sells all of Berlyn's offense and is not cooperative at all, making Berlyn look like shit in his debut. It was really awkward and weird. The Wall pulled the mats up to clothesline Duggan. Right in front of the ref, too. Berlyn won with a hangman neckbreaker.




Buff "arrived" and got chewed out by Mike Graham for not being on time. He ran out to the ring to talk to Duggan, who wanted nothing to do with Buff.

Harlem Heat vs Barry Windham/Kendall Windham WCW Tag Team Championships

No Curly Bill for some reason. Book and Kendall start out. Barry comes in and gets put on his ass as well. And then we get Stevie playing FIP. IT MAKES NO SENSE. The bigger guy who isn't as good of a worker shouldn't be the guy selling for most of the match. That's tag team wrestling 101. Tag teams are usually supposed to hide the deficiencies of one or both guys. You shouldn't put guys in a position that highlights their weaknesses. Perfect got involved a lot. A whole lot. Multiple times right in front of the ref. The refs in general seem not to give a shit about outside interference tonight. Kendall had the win on Stevie for a good 15 seconds, but the ref was too busy watching Booker fight with Barry and Hennig on the floor. Book then climbed in the ring, hit the missile dropkick, and made the pin despite unquestionably being the non-legal man. New champions!

Sid vs Chris Benoit WCW US Championship

Their match in Souled Out 2000 would probably be Sid's best match, so I'm interested in what they do here since I don't remember it at all. Sid shoves Benoit off him, sending him half way across the ring. He does a crushing shoulder block and Benoit bails to regain some composure. Benoit goes to work on Sid's leg, keeping the big man grounded. Dropkick with Sid's knee between the steps and ring post. German suplex! Benoit tries a crucifix. It is countered into a Samoan drop. Sid tries a pin with his dick right in Benoit's mouth. Just right up in there. Dick in that mouth. Benoit goes back to the leg and then puts on the Iron Crossface. Sid clearly tapped out, but the match continued. He actually stood up while in the hold. Diving headbutt is missed. Powerbomb for the 100% clean win. New champion! What a shitty night for the Revolution.


Goldberg vs DDP

I can't believe DDP didn't do YO MAMA jokes before the match. First time in months. The ref finds a chain while checking DDP. As DDP shoved him off, more gimmicks fell out. Goldberg knocks DDP out of the ring 3 times in a row. DDP then got on the mic, heeled on the crowd, and decided to leave. Goldberg followed him into the crowd and dragged him back in the ring. He tweaked his knee at some point during this. DDP does the most blatant "accidental" eye poke to the ref while low blowing Goldberg. He then decked Goldberg with some kind of international object. He then works rest holds for a while. Goldberg fought out and DDP hit a big DDT. Then he tried to spear Goldberg. This was turned into a butterfly suplex. Kanyon and Bam Bam came out. Kanyon hit Goldberg with something that exploded and left a large cut on Goldberg's neck. Really weak spear and Jackhammer for the win. Goldberg was injured in the early part of the match and might have had a concussion after the DDT. Huge let down.



Sting vs Hulk Hogan WCW Championship

Buffer has a terrible shirt on tonight. It looks like it is blue with a cheetah spot collar, tied together with a black suit. Bret Hart was introduced just to come to the ring, shake hands with everyone, and head to the back. They have a pretty heated lock up and trash talk a lot. Hulk is frustrated and kind of working like a heel. Which is to say that he's working normally, since he always worked like a heel. Hulk was about to lose a test of strength, so he threw a cheap shot knee. Fans are definitely more into Sting here. They brawl on the floor for a bit, with Hogan choking Sting with a camera cable. Stinger Splash. Again. Hulk dodges the 3rd one and Hulks Up. He hits the leg drop, but DDP punched the ref. Kanyon Cutter. BANG! He pulls Sting on top of Hogan, but Hulk kicked out. So DDP then gave the ref a Kanyon Cutter. BANG! The impact of a finisher to someone else transferred to Hogan, and he Hulked Up again. Bret Hart came out and beat DDP up. Sid ran in and got a big boot. Lex Luger also ran in. Hulk jumped him before he could do anything. He brought a baseball bat with him. Hogan wanted to double team Lex with Sting. Sting picked up the bat and hit Hogan with it twice. SWERVE! Scorpion deathlock. Hogan is out. New champion!



DQ Count: 0 out of 9 matches.

Well, it was better than Road Wild, but it was an oddly booked show. The Revolution lost every match, clean, and look like losers now. I'm sure that booking all of them to job after they wanted to quit was a great way to make them want to stick around. No real reason for DDP or Sid to interfere in the main event. Speaking of the main event, 2 ref bumps, 4 run ins, and a Sting heel turn. A heel turn that was really odd since Hulk worked the match as Hollywood and not Hulk, so it was like turning heel on a heel. So on Nitro when the lights went out and Sting was laid out, did he do that to himself? Hopefully we get a Hollywood Steve Borden vs Hulk Hogan feud now.

Then there was everything involved Berlyn. That character was pretty much killed on the spot. Buff refuses to job, so Duggan replaces him and is super uncooperative and made Alex Wright look like shit. It was really weird and pretty unprofessional, which isn't something I'd expect out of Jim Duggan.
Then there was everything involved Berlyn. That character was pretty much killed on the spot. Buff refuses to job, so Duggan replaces him and is super uncooperative and made Alex Wright look like shit. It was really weird and pretty unprofessional, which isn't something I'd expect out of Jim Duggan.

That sounds super fucking shitty, talk about a raw deal

however, lol shane douglas


I met Jimmy Hart the other day at Hogan's Beach in Tampa. Hes a pretty cool laid back dude. I asked him about Hogan coming back to WWE and he said that hes not really supposed to say anything. Which to me confirms hes coming back to WWE.


So not worth it
Remember that we were talking about AJ Styles being "lowballed" (as per dirtsheets) by WWE and I said he was probably making like 400k a year in TNA and it doesn't make sense to pay him that much in WWE?

Turns out I was pretty close, according to Meltzer, AJ makes "in the ballpark" of 350k a year over in TNA.

He also says as of right now, he has still not signed a new contract and his extension is still due to end next month.


aj styles can job to ryback twice and then do a incest story with his cousin aj lee

he's the prototype vanilla midget for Vince


So not worth it
Boy, you guys are quiet today...

If AJ Styles doesn't interest you, how about Mickie James hanging out at the WWE Performance Center?
Mickie James, 34, is in Orlando this week, being brought in as a coach for the women from 11/11 to 11/15. Whether this leads to her coming back is anyone’s guess, but she was doing her best career work at the time her contract in TNA expired and she was only given a $60,000 per year offer to sign a new deal. This was the first time she’s worked for WWE since being fired in April, 2010.



Remember that we were talking about AJ Styles being "lowballed" (as per dirtsheets) by WWE and I said he was probably making like 400k a year in TNA and it doesn't make sense to pay him that much in WWE?

Turns out I was pretty close, according to Meltzer, AJ makes "in the ballpark" of 350k a year over in TNA.

He also says as of right now, he has still not signed a new contract and his extension is still due to end next month.

Wasn't the WWE supposedly going to offer him 1/5th of that?

So $350,000 at TNA to $70,000 at the E? LOL. I would stay too. TNA may be a sinking ship, so he might as well milk them for all their worth.


So not worth it
Wasn't the WWE supposedly going to offer him 1/5th of that?

So $350,000 at TNA to $70,000 at the E? LOL. I would stay too. TNA may be a sinking ship, so he might as well milk them for all their worth.

As I said before, why would WWE pay him more than any other indie talent coming into their company.

For one, AJ Styles is not a household name, aside from the fact he can't use the AJ name anyways since they already have an AJ who has a shitload of merchandise with her name on it, he is no higher than Sami Zayn as far as name recognition goes.
For another, he falls exactly into the same ballpark as a ton of their talent does, being average size and height and average build. They have tons of those guys that can work just as well as he does in both the main as well as developmental roster right now.
Also, the guy is 36, hardly a long-term player at this point. He'll need to get over first to most of the crowd and by the time he does he'll be a few years in (he doesn't exactly have stellar mic skills after all).
Finally, he's not going to draw a single extra viewer to WWE TV. Everyone who watches Impact Wrestling already watches WWE Raw. Without exception. The handful of Impact fanboys will probably rage how AJ sold out (much like Final Fantasy/MGS fanboys when those titles came to 360) anyways and they hardly matter.

Why in their right minds would WWE pay AJ Styles several hundred thousand dollars a year for absolutely no benefit to them? Besides, WWE pay is different in that they pay lower guaranteed but pay extra for appearances (based on drawing power) and give you a percentage of (much larger than TNA's) merchandising sales (including DVD royalties). I can see how AJ Styles is worth 70k to WWE really.


Speaking of Cena, reports from the European tour and inside are that he was really hurting wrestling every night coming back before fully healing. He worked like he was hurting on Raw.

Gee, what a shocker.


Cena acts like he has no problem working hurt, and they'll probably have him in low impact matches till the Rumble so he can heal up more.


Given they spent millions on that new performance center and have over a dozen trainers now, the idea is to get young guys to train up or adjust to WWE style, rather than older guys. You'd notice all their NXT roster is (relatively) young indie guys/girls or non-wrestling athletes. That puts Roode, Styles, Aries (sadly), Daniels and the like into non-interest from WWE.

At most one of them might get a job as a trainer if he pursues it.

1. Double Dare
2. Hollywood Squares
3. What Would You Do
5. Super Market Sweep

1) Price is Right (Bob Barker)
2) Family Feud (Richard Dawson era)
3) Original American Gladiators
4) Press Your Luck
5) $100,000 Pyramid

Vince McMahon would have been one hell of a game show host, I could see him doing the Family Feud

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
1) Price is Right (Bob Barker)
2) Family Feud (Richard Dawson era)
3) Original American Gladiators
4) Press Your Luck
5) $100,000 Pyramid

Vince McMahon would have been one hell of a game show host, I could see him doing the Family Feud

I can't fuck with this list, it's pretty much perfect. Price is Right is the GOAT for a reason. Press Your Luck is top tier, $100,000 Pyramid is comfort food.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fixed for accuracy.

I really hate that abbreviation.

Coming from a dude who likes Crystal Maze...

Wait, I should actually try it before saying that. brb

EDIT: oh I've seen this junk before, it's one of those things British kids grew up on no? That's why it looks so bad :p

EDIT EDIT: Alright I eat my words, this is pretty dope in action. I miss game shows that had elaborate sets like this. Really cool...


As far as children's game shows go, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego was pretty boss. Uh Oh! was a Canadian game show that was pretty terrible and annoying, but I watched the shit out of it for some reason.

^Win Ben Stein's money was great. Beat the Geeks was another one that I watch on the Comedy Network all the time.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
As far as children's game shows go, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego was pretty boss. Uh Oh! was a Canadian game show that was pretty terrible and annoying, but I watched the shit out of it for some reason.

I was always butthurt because I felt it betrayed the spirit of the games. Pretty bad.
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