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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G

Anyone remember Catchphrase? The show bugged the hell out of me for one reason alone; none of the answers to questions were actually catchphrases, they were common sayings like 'over the moon'. However, the catchphrase of the show's presenter was "say what you see" which, ironically, is a more accurate title for the show than Catchphrase ever could be.

Also, I miss game shows that were actually difficult - the Japanese have got the right idea. If contestants stand to win a lot of money, either make it real difficult for them or make a fool of them in the process. Shit like Deal or No Deal is just ridiculous. That whole show could be cut down to about a minute long if you took out all the bullshit.

I had a limey pal of mine force me to sit down and watch Knightmare. Delightfully cheesy.

You'd never get something that cheesy made today, just another reason why the 80's/early 90's remains so awesome.


So not worth it
Natalya vs. AJ on Main Event was quite enjoyable btw. I hope they finally get around to a PPV match between those two, but it seems from TV there will be a tag-match with AJ and Tamina vs. The Bellas first. After that, I'd like to see some AJ vs. Natalya bouts. The thing about her matches with Brie is that she seem unable to use any moves that require strength from her opponent, like the tilt-a-whirl DDT. Haven't seen it in ages, I figured they asked her to tone down the flashy stuff, but I guess it was because she was working with Brie.


Anyone remember Catchphrase? The show bugged the hell out of me for one reason alone; none of the answers to questions were actually catchphrases, they were common sayings like 'over the moon'. However, the catchphrase of the show's presenter was "say what you see" which, ironically, is a more accurate title for the show than Catchphrase ever could be.

Also, I miss game shows that were actually difficult - the Japanese have got the right idea. If contestants stand to win a lot of money, either make it real difficult for them or make a fool of them in the process. Shit like Deal or No Deal is just ridiculous. That whole show could be cut down to about a minute long if you took out all the bullshit.

You'd never get something that cheesy made today, just another reason why the 80's/early 90's remains so awesome.

Yeah the whole "We'll see if you're right after these messages." shit really annoys me. If drags out the show and eventually kills any tension because you can see it coming. I miss games shows being about fun first and foremost with the prizes being secondary. Game shows don't need high production values to be entertaining.


I'm not sure if it qualifies as a "Game show" by normal standards, but I've become addicted to Food Network's Chopped. It's kind of a cooking competition show with a game show format. Only thing is the contestants are usually some form of professional chefs.


I'm not sure if it qualifies as a "Game show" by normal standards, but I've become addicted to Food Network's Chopped. It's kind of a cooking competition show with a game show format. Only thing is the contestants are usually some form of professional chefs.

Chopped is the best. One of the few TV shows I make sure to watch regularly. It might be semantics, but I'd call it more of a reality competition than a game show.

Cuthroat Kitchen really annoys me. That show is way too pre-occupied with trying to make people look like shitheads and doesn't leave any room for people to just make good food.


Chopped is the best. One of the few TV shows I make sure to watch regularly. It might be semantics, but I'd call it more of a reality competition than a game show.

Cuthroat Kitchen really annoys me. That show is way too pre-occupied with trying to make people look like shitheads and doesn't leave any room for people to just make good food.

That's the thing that can annoy me about Chopped sometimes too. Except it's usually not a bad story, they can just drill it in your head. You'll have a contestant sometimes that seems like they're there to tell their story or push for a cause or whatever more than win. With some people on that show, that gets annoying the tenth time they mention that they've got kids at home that need a new pair of shoes.


You sure save a lot of time when one day you say... "Fuck it, I'm done ironing/steaming clothes."

Wrinkle Free shirts help, but I'm practically all day in my office anyway.


You sure save a lot of time when one day you say... "Fuck it, I'm done ironing/steaming clothes."

Wrinkle Free shirts help, but I'm practically all day in my office anyway.

Just wear a wrasslin shirt to work every day. If someone asks, tell them it's laundry day.


Just wear a wrasslin shirt to work every day. If someone asks, tell them it's laundry day.

Prince Devitt is my new WWE Champion after he beat Razor Ramon and Eddie Guerrero in a triple threat match.

Game is fun in its own quirky way.



WCW Monday Nitro 9/13/99

Recap of last week's show. Apparently Lex and Sting ended the show fighting last week, but it wasn't actually shown on TV, so when Sting mentioned it at Fall Brawl, no one knew what he was talking about. Then we get a recap of Sid ruining Benoit/Malenko last week. 6 minutes in and no mention of the PPV the previous night. A decision was made that Benoit and Malenko would have a return bout with the winner facing Sting later tonight.

Dean Malenko vs Chris Benoit

It'd be great if Sid interrupted this match again. They do some sweet chain wrasslin. Pretty Even Stevens. They both fall to the floor. They start punching the shit out of each other. Saturn and Shane pulled them apart and told them to get back in the ring. Dean starts working over Benoit's leg. Benoit comes back with one of his superplexes that is basically a self Ganso superbomb. Double lariatoo. They do a roll up sequence. Dean counters the Rolling Reich with a victory roll. Dean hits a superplex. Benoit hooked his leg and got the win. He'll face Sting later tonight for the title! Good match. Wish it had gone on a bit longer.


TO THE MEAN BY GOD GENE. Ric Flair makes an unannounced appearance. He hasn't been seen since Sting beat him for control of WCW. I hope he gets naked and spins his dick like a helicopter. He says for the first time in 5 years, he has a real job. He says he has a date with Hogan. Again? If they haven't fucked yet, it probably isn't going to happen. Ric doesn't approve of the way Sting won the title, which is about as hypocritical as you can get. Hollywood Steve Borden and Lex Luger come to the ring. Sting talks about Ric SWERVING him over and over through out the years. Deep down, Sting really respects and loves Ric, and because of that, he's going to give Ric the chance to leave peacefully. Flair gets pumped up and leaves...NOT! Lex and Sting have been waiting for 10 years to get the ball. Lol, what the fuck. Because Sting and Lex have been held down for 10 years or something? Lex attacks Ric. Sting joins in. Hogan and Bret Hart stop the beat down. Bret/Hogan vs Sting/Lex tonight. Hogan said "Kick your ass" at least 7 times. Hulk Hogan saving Ric Flair? Get the fuck out of here.

TO THE BACK. Lex and Sting saw the challenge and seem to turn it down.

TO THE BACK. A two "limos" arrive. Tons of security for Berlyn. BUT WHO WAS SEDANS?!?!

DJ Ran throws to Riki Cuntface who sucks up to the local crowd. He brings out Kim and Spice who show a video of the girl who was the fan voted winner of Miami. We then get to see the North Carolina finalists. These are such a waste of time.

TO THE BACK. JoJo calls someone to check on the medical clearance of Lex Luger. As it turns out, he's been cleared to wrestle for 3 weeks.

Recap of SId vs Benoit.

Eric Watts vs Disco Inferno

Fucking Erik Watts. He sucks. He's such a turd. Disco won with the Last Dance. Sid was watching in the back. Disco got on the mic and turned around right into Sid. He lays both guys out and pins them. Sid rambled afterwards and said that he won't let trash like the guys in the ring get near his title. He includes Goldberg in the list of trash like Erik Watts. BURIED.


Silver King vs Norman Smiley

Norman! I hope he dances. He's a great dancer. He almost gets to dance. Silver King broke it up. Then Sid came out to ruin everything for me.

Recap of Berlyn vs Duggan and Buff no showing the match last night.

Steve Regal/Dave Taylor vs Kendall Windham/Barry Windham

Rednecks vs English dudes in North Carolina. Only in wrasslin. Barry finally seems to have found a shirt that fits him, so that's good. The Blue Bloods are kind of default faces, which is kind of odd. Hennig hit Regal with a cow bell. Rednecks win.


Instead of this match, Goldberg got his full entrance, walking right by Prince and not giving a single fuck about him. He has something to say and I guess it couldn't wait until there wasn't a match going on. He's finally got some shit to say about Sid. He's sick of Sid running his mouth and he's going to shut Sid up tonight. Lol, "Unlike me, you do unscheduled matches and stick your nose in other people's business". You mean like you're doing right now by interrupting a match to cut a promo? Sid was watching in the back and cuts a promo towards the monitor and leaves. Flynn then attacks Goldberg and gets killed for it. You'd think since Goldberg beat Flynn at least 35 times in 1998 that Flynn would know better.

Hugh Morrus/Brian Knobs vs Harlem Heat WCW Tag Team Championships

I guess this is the official title match that Hugh/Knobs asked for a few weeks ago before Nash decided to switch titles on Nitro even though the previous match had been taped. All just to give the titles back to Harlem Heat at the next PPV. The Rednecks cause a DQ.

ICP vs West Hollywood Blondes

A fan, who is Tony Mamaluke, ran in the ring and was chased by security all the way outside. At least it was finally mentioned that he's been on TV for weeks and apparently is a big fan of Lenny and/or Lodi. ICP were the faces because lolgays. The WHB botch their finisher and Skinny Clown pins Lenny to win the match. That's right, rapping clowns have defeated a WCW champion.



Chris Benoit vs Sting WCW Championship

Benoit said he was up all night thinking about his match with Sid. He knows Sid tapped out and video footage proved it. But sometimes the calls go your way, and sometimes they don't. This match doesn't happen because Rick Steiner came out instead.

Chris Benoit vs Rick Steiner WCW TV Championship

Lol. Two times in a row Benoit gets a WCW Championship shot taken away at the last second. First Sid ruins his match, and then he gets the lowest ranked heavyweight champion instead of the world champ. And he's okay with it. By all rights, he was already the number one contender as the US Champion and didn't get a title shot. Why didn't Hulk Hogan vs Chris Benoit happen? Rick does a crazy release German. Benoit kicks out, so Rick hits the ref. Benoit rolls Rick up and the ref fast counts. New champion! What a shitty way for a face to win a title. Rick beat the ref up after the match. Man, so Benoit goes from US Champion to not getting a WCW Championship shot twice to TV Champion all in the course of a week.


Eddie Guerrero vs Saturn

Both the Revolution and Filthy Animals are at ringside. Konnan made his return after a welcome absence. It's starting to feel like GANG WARZ all up in this area. A lot of this match was Eddie trying to work a sleeper. Gargoyle superplex. Fans are solidly behind Eddie for this match. Saturn sat down on a rana attempt and won. There was a West Side Story stare down after the match.

Berlyn vs Buff Bagwell

Lol, what the fuck, Buff refused to job on PPV, but was cool with doing the match on Nitro? Nitro, even with rapidly declining ratings, still had far more viewers than PPVs had. For some reason, the interpreter is on color. It's not like Berlyn was talking, so I don't see the point of that. Berlyn won after the Wall interfered. So Buff wouldn't job on PPV, but had no problem doing it on TV the next night? That's some 1997 Bret Hart shit. Except he's Buff and had no reason or pull to be refusing jobs.

Sting hype video asking if Sting turning on Hogan was the final step in a plan started in 1996. It even questioned if Fake Sting was part of Sting's plan.

Hulk Hogan/Bret Hart vs Sting/Lex Luger

This happened in 1998 with the alignments swapped. Also, Bret said he couldn't come back until he got a match with Hulk. I don't think he meant tagging up with Hulk. Starts out as a brawl on the floor. I think turning Sting heel was about as wise as turning Goldberg heel in 2000. Lol, Brain totally buries the front office for dropping the ball and not doing their jobs in regards to Lex having been cleared for 3 weeks. But it sounded like he meant a lot more than that. This is Bret's first match I think since March. It's Lex's first match since around that time as well. Unhyped, of course. Not that hyping a Lex Luger match would help the ratings. It probably would hurt ratings, so maybe it was a good idea not to hype Lex's in ring return. Lex and Sting worked over Hogan's knee. Hogan works the majority of the match. "I never thought I'd see him and Hogan as a team." For real? Hogan and Hart teamed up quite a few times in 1998. Like, most of the year. DDP ran out with a bat. Hogan intercepted him, but Lex hit Bret RIGHT IN THE FACE with the bat while Bret had Sting in the Sharpshooter. Sting covers Bret. Sting and Lex walk out arm in arm with DDP.


DQ Count: 2 out of 10 matches, but 2 matches didn't start at all.

Why is DDP interfering in matches that don't concern him or the Triad? Are Sting and DDP really going to be buddies now just because Sting turned on Hogan? Does that mean that Sting and Sid will be teaming up soon? Why did Rick Steiner come out in place of Sting and say Sting had better things to do? Does that mean he and Sting are buddies again after the past few months of feuding? I hate when dudes turn heel and are suddenly bros with guys they had previously been feuding with or even had long rivalries with just because. Heels can and should hate other heels that they have history with. Same thing with someone who turns face. He should have to prove himself to be trustworthy, not just be automatically accepted. And in Hogan's case, NO ONE should believe him ever again. ESPECIALLY not Sting. There really isn't anything Sting could do to Hogan that isn't justified. He shouldn't be a heel for hitting Hogan with a bat. Hogan deserved it. Hulk went a little beyond turning heel with the nWo thing.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I can't wait till Stro hits Halloween Havoc. What a fucking insane show.


Who's Line is it Anyway is the greatest "game show" of all time.

WWE should adopt this style, just for a month.


Caveat with dirt shits etc, but:

Furthermore, now that Geddes is Hunter's key assistant, his Senior VIP and Talent Relations job went to Sean Clearly. Clearly was promoted from Senior Vice President of Human Resources and is described to have zero knowledge of the product. It's being reported that he received the position because of his young "executive" look that WWE likes to hire.



I'm ready for it. I need that Russo insanity to feel alive. But what's sad is that lameduck Nash booking (for the most part) isn't that bad. It's significantly better than June-August.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm ready for it. I need that Russo insanity to feel alive. But what's sad is that lameduck Nash booking (for the most part) isn't that bad. It's significantly better than June-August.

As you approach the event, grab the recent Review-A-Wai for Halloween Havoc they did this week. You'll have an eye out for certain things.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ready to Rumble or Body Slam. Which is the better wrestling film

I can't say but I would like to legit shoot say that The Backyard is a fantastic film to watch. Stro should review it on one of his Detour shows.


As you approach the event, grab the recent Review-A-Wai for Halloween Havoc they did this week. You'll have an eye out for certain things.

Never. I need to go in fresh, even though I remember most of that show. I don't want my review tainted with someone else's review. I've made it clear that I don't like worlds colliding.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Never. I need to go in fresh, even though I remember most of that show. I don't want my review tainted with someone else's review. I've made it clear that I don't like worlds colliding.

Eh good point.


Who's Line is it Anyway is the greatest "game show" of all time.

WWE should adopt this style, just for a month.

Have you seen how they book champions in non-title matches? Its pretty obvious the points are all made up and none of it matters.
Ready to Rumble had the WCW Champion in it.

Definitely bigger stars and budget. Underrated movie.

Body Slam had Roddy Piper and Captain Lou and is about as 80's as a movie gets. If anyone hasn't seen it you really should. Its good and bad at the same time


You know what is fucked up? I want X-Rebirth but my bandwidth cap won't let me download it till Sunday....and I refuse to pay$10 for 50GB of data I won't use.


Yeah, lol, please don't actually watch it. Shit looks god awful, I'm just amazed that they went for 40 minutes on a tarp in some dude's backyard in front of maybe a dozen people. Fuck that.

Here's the 'highlight' video of the tournament;


I'm more amazed that they got maybe a dozen people. Wrestling fans are such marks.

I skipped through the 43 minute clip....think I saw asscrack on one of my stops. I then proceeded to close the video.


No One Remembers
You know what is fucked up? I want X-Rebirth but my bandwidth cap won't let me download it till Sunday....and I refuse to pay$10 for 50GB of data I won't use.

God. 50GB cap? That sounds awful. I wouldn't even be able to download a year of Thunder.

IIRC, if he goes over his cap he gets billed an additional $10 and his cap goes up to 50GB but is billed the $10 even if he uses like 1MB over his limit.


God. 50GB cap? That sounds awful. I wouldn't even be able to download a year of Thunder.

No, it's a 250GB cap. If I go over, they charge me $10 for every 50GB threshold I break. Netflix drives up bandwidth easily. I think I'm going to have to call about a higher limit plan.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dump Netflix, TV is a cesspool. All you need is youtube.


Dump Netflix, TV is a cesspool. All you need is youtube.

Nah, Netflix is a necessity. $8/month and I get to marathon TV series I missed on first run. Sometimes they might even get a movie I want to watch. Much better than renting the discs one at a time or buying the entire series.


Yeah, lol, please don't actually watch it. Shit looks god awful, I'm just amazed that they went for 40 minutes on a tarp in some dude's backyard in front of maybe a dozen people. Fuck that.

Here's the 'highlight' video of the tournament;


I clicked through the 43-minute one and couldn't tell if they ever used the sword shown in the first minute or so.

This is sadder than, but no less ridiculous than, the grocery store death match from japan.
So wait, they plant the seeds for an elimination type match on Raw then just go lolnar and do a regular tag team match at the PPV instead?

Nah, Netflix is a necessity. $8/month and I get to marathon TV series I missed on first run. Sometimes they might even get a movie I want to watch. Much better than renting the discs one at a time or buying the entire series.

Netflix is much more reliable than Youtube, plus the wrestling documentaries are always around if I am bored. The only downside is the streaming movies selection borders on terrible
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