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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G


TNA's own King Mo time in Bellator. join us:



Junior Member
I am watching NXT and I think this is going to be my WWE show of choice until the McMahons go back into hibernation. I'm actually enjoying the commentary team, and not just because I think Regal is adorable. The matches a little less formulaic. I'm ok with people being green around the gills because the show just seems fun, and I've been missing a sense that the show is fun in Raw. Individual segments, sure, but the number of segments I like has been dropping as Trips and Steph have started showing up more and more.


Here's what I'm saying.

If you enjoy it, awesome. The curtain has been pulled back a bit too far for some of us, which is why we're not really enjoying it. And others work in their business itself and have that accompanying how they feel.

We shouldn't heckle someone for genuinely liking and enjoying something we don't. It's tough sometimes, I mean, bronies are fucking trash, but we need to not turn into a big group of snobs. So let's all get back to earth and enjoy wrasslin and enjoy complaining about it, but not get too jaded.

We're a special wrasslin community, let's stay special.

Like, Eugene special?


Also shame no Owen/Bret at wm10 in2k14

Owen was literally buried and Triple H stole his heat.

The cult of Chikara is about as weird as the cult of ECW.



WWE has a ton of full matches on YT now, including Eddie vs Edge, which has probably my favorite Edge finish in all of the times.


Austin/Rock/Kane/Shane McMahon vs DX Survivor Series match. On Smackdown!

Lol, Kane is the first guy eliminated. Suck it, Soul!


I think they stopped giving a fuck about making anything worth watching on smackdown probably when SD became irrelevant.
I think they stopped giving a fuck about making anything worth watching on smackdown probably when SD became irrelevant.

Smackdown became irrelevant because raw always raided all his talent on those drafts XD

With ECW was even worst, I remember Tazz saying fuck after all the talent in ECW was gone.

I remember really disliking the reunited heel DX.

I hated HHH second run with DX as a led. The first after HBK left was really good. But the reunion when he was with Steph was really boring. DX lacked the edginess that make them good. They just were HHH lackeys.


For Sunny:


I remember really disliking the reunited heel DX.


Also, HHH not only pinned Austin and Rock in the same night, he pinned them in the same MATCH.
I fully don't understand why Cena whips out thuganomics Cena sometimes like he did on smackdown. Either stick to it or don't do it at all.
You waited this long? What is wrong with you?

seriously though, how sweet was that 1-2 combo of Nakamura/Marafuji and Okada/Tanahashi?

I know! Just been super busy and been doing my best to make time for wrestling! Both those matches were amazing. Ishii/Shibata is still my MOTY but Tanahashi/Okada VI is my #2.


more money than God
OK, Kane gives very few interviews about the business and his life, but this is one of the most respectful interviews about wrestling from an outside perspective. Absolutely fantastic, seriously. Even if you're not a Kane fan, you'll love this.


One of the things I've picked up, Kane has shrunk over the years. He's now 6'8", when he used to be a bit over 6'9".


Rock, Austin, HHH, Kane, and X-Pac in the same match seems bigger to me than Taker, HHH, HBK, Cena, and Ted DiBiase Jr.
Looks like something the Young Bucks would do, so it makes total sense you'd like something like that.

I see no superkicks there...

Also, I thought that was actually a pretty great finish, as they got over that Goto was having difficulty putting DBS Jr. away because of Davey's size, so Goto just rolled him up and tied him in a knot. Smart.
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