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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G


YBs are annoying little pricks. Any time I see one of them taunt or make a face I want to see them get their head crushed. Its a shame, too, because I enjoy a majority of their match. That 25% of shitty annoyance completely outweighs the 75% of entertainment.
Funny that WWE is focsuing on tag teams next yeat beacue i would consider that new japan's weakness at the moment. it seems that both devison revolve around the same 3 teams.

thought holding if before the dome show takes some of the suprise out of it. there are like 4 teams that wont win the thing

Im hopeing the gallows and anderson or suzki/Shelton win
I hate how wrestlers are only allowed to care about one thing at a time. Bryan's feuding with The Wyatts, but their feud hasn't really had anything substantive other than "Durrr Wyatts attacked me!" Whereas it would make perfect sense for Bryan to be running out and interrupting The Big Show as he does all this shit with Orton, like Show did to him for three months, and it would keep him in sniffing distance of the title, rather than acting like the last three months just didn't happen.
Dave Meltzernisnfoijg to be a guest in the Steve Austin show

speaking of Aj in japan. TNA at least get the protion right if you are doing this story

We have just received word that AJ Styles has defeated Seiya Sanada at the World-1 event that just took place in Japan.
Styles defied TNA President Dixie Carter by making an unauthorized title defense using the TNA World Heavyweight Title belt in the match. Carter has stripped Styles of the title and a tournament to declare a new champion continues Thursday on SpikeTV.
First photos of the match are appearing on Twitter and we expect to have #IMPACT365 footage shortly.

also why is TNA covering someone who desnt even work for them

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Why is this on Impact's youtube site when he is not "champion" and Dixie doesn't want this. Couldn't they create a fake account made by someone associated with AJ and then put the clips on there?

Least they're not giving him a new t-shirt and title shots
Why is this on Impact's youtube site when he is not "champion" and Dixie doesn't want this. Couldn't they create a fake account made by someone associated with AJ and then put the clips on there?

The story is that some of the people that work for TNA are doing this, contradicting Dixie orders.


Smackdown Spoilers:

1) *WWE Tag Team Champions* Cody Rhodes / Goldust def. The Real Americans. Big “Let’s Go Cody!” chants in the arena. Rhodes and Goldie are very over in this match. Goldust gets the pin on Swagger after he hits the “Final Cut” finish.

*Ryback hits the ring and cuts a promo about bullying. He then issues an open challenge to any superstar in the back. Great Khali answers this challenge.

2) Ryback def. Great Khali. Ryback teases a face turn soon with his actions in the ring. He gets the victory with Shell Shocked on Khali.

* AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka are with Vickie Guerrero backstage. Vickie puts Lee in a handicap match against the Funkadactyls next!

3) The Funkadactyls def. *Divas Champion* AJ Lee. Naomi gets the pin with the “Butt Buster.”

* The Wyatt Family cuts a promo about CM Punk and Daniel Bryan backstage.

4) The Usos / Rey Mysterio def. The Shield. The fans are vocally behind the Usos throughout this one. Mysterio gets the pin on Ambrose.

* Big Show is in the ring cutting a promo. *WWE Champion* Randy Orton then comes out. Show calls him out for only doing what’s best for Randy Orton.

5) *Intercontinental Champion* Big E. Langston / Dolph Ziggler def. Curtis Axel / Damien Sandow. Langston gets the pin after he delivers his “Big Ending” finish to Sandow.

6) The Prime Time Players def. The Fabulous 3-Birds (3MB). Heath Slater is dressed as Freebird Michael Hayes. Slater and Mahal are the two active competitors. Darren Young gets the pin.

* Alberto Del Rio is backstage with Renee Young talking about his match with John Cena at Survivor Series. He says he will hurt Cena and take back the World Heavyweight Championship.

7) Daniel Bryan def. Luke Harper. Bryan beats Harper with a roll-up after CM Punk’s music hits and distracts him. Punk runs in and gets clotheslined by Harper. The Wyatt Family then destroy Punk and Bryan to end the show.

Man Daniel Bryan has been in the main event now for 4 shows in a row.


Yeah the main events are a bit crazy at the moment. It's like they've got no idea what to do with the stories so they're just saying fuck it and are throwing the crowd favourites into the big matches.

Not that I'm complaining mind you; Bryan/Punk/Shield/Wyatts/Rhodes/Usos >>>>> Orton/Cena/Del Rio/Big Show.



WCW Monday Nitro 10/25/99

On the heels of Russo's first WCW PPV (which featured faces being the biggest heels on the show, Hulk Hogan laying down for Sting, Goldberg winning the WCW Championship in a 3 minute match, and Lex Luger managing to hit Buff in the head with the single hardest part of a guitar), we'll see what the fuck could possibly happen tonight.

TO THE BACK. Hollywood Steve Borden is throwing shit around the back in his high waist jeans while looking for JoJo.

Sting comes to the ring sans face paint and said he's hearing things in the back that he doesn't like. He demands JoJo come to the ring. JoJo waddles out. He was trying to bail WCW out of a shitty situation after what Hogan did. Sting never said that his fight with Goldberg was a title match. JoJo says that is correct and Goldberg isn't the champion. But neither is Sting. SWERVE! Sting was stripped of his title for attacking the ref after the match and there will be a 32 man tournament starting tonight to fill the vacancy. Sting attacks JoJo until Goldberg comes out and we have two beefy dudes in poor fitting 90s jeans fighting in the ring until security hits the ring. What a bullshit reason to vacate a title. Goldberg wins a non-sanctioned/non-title match. Sting attacks the ref AFTER the match, so Sting is stripped. What?

They go over the brackets. Not only is Madusa in the tournament against a mystery opponent, but it is already wrong as Sting will be facing Hugh Morrus and not Brian Knobs as the brackets say. But the main thing here is that Goldberg vs Bret Hart will happen tonight on Nitro with no hype or build. Basically the ONLY money match WCW has that they haven't run into the ground and of course it is a random tournament match on Nitro.



TO THE BACK. The Outsiders arrive with a cooler. Mike Graham tells them they have to wrestle tonight. Elsewhere, Tenay talks to Norman Smiley about his tournament match with Bam Bam Big Yellow. He's going to prove he is a real wrestler.

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Norman Smiley

This is a tournament match and hardcore match I guess. Bam Bam says Norman is a "scientifical" wrestler. How is this sanctioned for the tournament? Norman wins in about a minute and a half when he falls on top of Bam Bam while he had a trash can on his head. I think it was supposed to be the "dizzy guy falls and lands on other guy's cock and balls" but it was more of a landing on Bam Bam's FAT gut. It totally knocked him out. Norman advances!


TO THE BACK. "In an obvious ratings ploy" the Powers That Be have ordered The Outsiders to return to the ring. Tenay said this, not Hall or Nash. Nash says he's retired and can't work. Hall says he has a lot of bosses, but Mike Graham isn't one of them. They also mention TOP OF THE HOUR 3 or 4 times.

Tony wants to talk about lack of respect. This is in reference to the Filthy Animals being total little cunts to Ric Flair over the past week.

The Filthy Animals come to the ring. Eddie has Saturn tonight and Kidman vs Konnan is also a tournament match. I think they're heels now. They show a video of what happened after Halloween Havoc last night. They took Ric out to the desert and literally buried him. HHH would be so proud. Eddie clearly said "You were talking shit about my family", which wasn't muted at all, even though it was on a pre-taped video. Kidman is stopped from saying they don't give a FUCK. Then Rey said the Animals were going to hump everyone like the Animals they are. Then Konnan debuted a new catchphrase of "When the Filthy Animals are in heat, someone is dead meat". This is already the cuntiest stable of all time. Saturn and Dean Malenko run in and attack with weapons. Torrie leaves the ring and turns right into Shane Douglas and Asya. They take her away.


TO THE BACK. Tenay asks about the developments between Hennig and TPTB. They told him that if Hennig loses, he's gone. Elsewhere, Hall is trying to get himself and Nash sobered up with coffee. TOP OF THE HOUR.

Curt Hennig vs Lash LeRoux

Disco came out with a fantastic hat. Disco, the heel who has been attacked twice by the face Lash, puts Lash over as soon as he gets his headset on. Hennig slaps the ref while up in the Whiplash and was disqualified. He beat Lash with a chair after the match. Disco came in to save Lash, only to also get attacked with a chair. I guess Hennig said that if his shoulders were pinned, he'd be fired. But since he lost by DQ, that doesn't count. Or something. Who the fuck knows. Russomania is running wild!

TO THE BACK. The Filthy Animals run around the back looking for the Revolution. Bret Hart arrived limping into the building, and Goldberg was lacing his boots.

Diva Search bullshit. Jeff Jarrett comes out to the most inappropriate country rock boogie shit. That doesn't match his current persona at all. He ran the Nitro Girls off and began to talk about the title tournament. "It's all a big plan. It's all a big WORK." Lol. Fucking Russo! Jeff is the chosen one. He then drops a Lex Express reference that no one reacted to.

Brain then dropped a Back to the Future (!) reference when Tony was ignoring him, so he knocked on Tony's head and said MCFLY. It was cool.

LAST NIGHT. Tenay caught up with Sid after the match last night. It was in black and white. Sid doesn't care about respect and he will have his revenge on Goldberg.

Saturn vs Eddie Guerrero

Christ, I'm pretty sure this match has happened at least 4 times in the last month. Saturn says if any of the Animals interfere, they'll never see Torrie again. Eddie comes out with taped ribs and untapes them shortly after the match started. God damn ring posts are still smoking minutes into the match. David Flair came out and attacked Eddie with a crowbar. Saturn locked on the Rings of Saturn and advances in the tournament. The Animals ran out, but Saturn ran away through the crowd.

As Hall notes, it is nearly at THE TOP OF THE HOUR. Nash is still thinking of ways to get out of wrestling and decides to go with the Jim Morrison plan. That means stripping naked in the ring to get the whole show shut down.

The Revolution have Torrie held captive in a janitor closet or something. As Dean leaves, he's attacked by Chris Benoit. Benoit locks Shane and Saturn (and Torrie) in the cage of the..whatever room they are in. He proceeds to throw Dean into cardboard boxes. Nothing is more devastating in pro wrestling than cardboard boxes.

The Outsiders come to the ring since it is THE TOP OF THE HOUR. Hall mentions those new writers. They laugh to each other about getting cheap heat. Nash talks about hornyackers. Goldberg shows up in his underwear somewhere in the crowd OUTTA NOWHERE. They're both next!

Randy Savage and Gorgeous George come out. Savage has the most amazing outfit of his life. He has made one appearance since Road Wild. He also immediately name drops Vince Russo and let's the world know that he (Macho, not Russo) has a big old floppy donger. They aren't going to him what they've done to Hogan and Flair. Savage is here to pass the torch. But he doesn't pass any torch and instead leaves the building. To my knowledge, this goes absolutely no where and Savage makes one more appearance randomly on Thunder during a battle royal 6 months later, then leaves WCW forever.


. The Filthy Animals find where Torrie was and continue the search. Elsewhere, Madusa gets pumped up for her match. Elsewhere elsewhere, the Revolution try to calm Dean down.

Madusa vs Meng

"That's gotta be a rib." She attacks. Meng no sells. So she shakes her tits before poking him in the eye. She even slapped Meng. Meng no sells a SHOOT head kick. He eventually throws her off his back and wins with the Tongan Deathgrip. Meng advances. Evan Karagias runs out to check on her. Dean Malenko comes out and calls Benoit out while they're still exiting the ring. He challenges Benoit to a last man standing match.

TO THE BACK. The Outsiders shit talk. They ain't scurred.

They head to the ring where the lights are out and wait. Nothing happens, so we go...

TO THE BACK. Curt Hennig is talking to Brad Armstrong about TPTB. Not only did they say they'd fire Curt if he was pinned, but they told Brad to call his little brother to find out what a personality is and not come back until he finds one. Elsewhere, a trainer is attending to Bret's ankle.

The Total Package vs Rick Steiner

God damn, it took a solid 50 seconds after Tony called for pictures of the Bret/Lex match to be shown to actually be shown. Rick Steiner's music started during it, stopped, then started once they went back to a shot of the arena. Then they missed the opening seconds of the match to show pictures of Rick/Benoit. Double J comes out and joins commentary. He wants a public apology from Lex. He didn't take Liz out. "This is WCW. Why would I hit a woman?" "We saw your schtick in the WWF." "This isn't the WWF, this is the WCW and I am the chosen one." Well, that explains it. Jeff stalks Liz, who trips over herself running away from him. Jeff accidentally hits Rick with the guitar and runs off. Rick doesn't go down and stumbles to the back. Lex checks on Liz but drops her so he can get back in the ring before the 10 count. Lex advances via a count out.


TO THE BACK. Tenay tries to talk to Konnan and Kidman about their singles match. Neither man lets him talk and will end careers if Torrie is hurt. Elsewhere, Buff arrives, talking to himself in the 3rd person with no one around.

Benoit tapes his hands.

Kidman vs Konnan

It sure seemed like the Animals turned heel earlier, but Kidman still slaps hands as he comes to the ring. Ref bump. Of course. Harlem Heat run in and beat both guys up. Eddie and Rey run out and try to fight, only to get beat up as well. Kidman rolls over and pins Konnan to advance. Konnan and Kidman have to be held apart. Eddie gets them regrouped. Konnan implies that Harlem Heat have had their tampons in too long and challenge them to a tag title match later tonight.

TO THE BACK. Buff heads to..somewhere. Elsewhere, The Outsiders ruminate over who their challengers might be. The Road Warriors in a drinking contest? The Kangaroos? The Assassins? The Bushwhackers? "Prostituting us for ratings."

Recap of Buff's problems with Jarrett/TPTB.

Buff comes to the ring. He's here to break all the rules. He's going to relieve himself on everything sacred in wrestling. He's never going to do a J-O-B job for anyone ever again. No one tells him what to do ever again. "Excpecially the two idiots in the back writing this crap." Why yes, Vince Russo wrote a segment where a wrestler openly talks about jobbing and how Vince Russo writes a shitty show. The Harris Brothers come to the ring. They represent the two idiots in the back that write this crap (their words) and attack Buff.

Dean and Benoit head to the ring area.

Chris Benoit vs Dean Malenko Last Man Standing

You'll notice that despite having a 32 man tournament planned, they only had brackets for 16. They go right to work trading punches hockey style. Dean looks hilarious in jeans. When I think of a Malenko/Benoit match, my first thought goes to "brawl in jeans". Benoit won after he was the first match to get up after a double clothesline. The Animals ran in. Benoit let them have Deano. Shane, Saturn, and Asya brought Torrie to the stage. This forces the Animals to let Dean go.

TO THE BACK. The Revolution throw Torrie in a car and drive off right as the Filthy Animals catch up to the car. Eddie and Rey drive off to chase.

Brian Knobs vs Sting

Lol. The bracket said Knobs, but Tony said a few times that Sting would actually be facing Hugh. Then Knobs comes out for his match and Tony is all "hmm". Sting walks in, hits Knobs with his bat a few times and wins in about 10 seconds.

TO THE BACK. The Outsiders still talk about their match. Elsewhere, Tenay talks to Bret out his bad ankle. He's going to try his best despite having a hairline fracture in his ankle.

Harlem Heat vs Filthy Animals WCW Tag Team Championships

They have a shitty match because Konnan is doing double duty and can't even handle one match without nearly dying of exhaustion. The Animals win after a terribly awkward bridge spot where Stevie's shoulders were also clearly off the match. New champions. For those of you counting, that's 3 title changes and a vacancy in a week for these titles.

TO THE BACK. Tenay asked Goldberg if we'd see the same brutality he showed against Sid against Bret tonight. That side of him has always been there.

DDP vs David Flair

Kim is a face for Nitro Girl Diva Search segments, but a stone cold bitch when she's with DDP. DDP should give every man in the world hope if he could land a woman like Kim, especially when he was fat and looked like a bloated bum. What are the odds of these two getting the random draw after the previous week? DDP for some reason kisses David right on the mouth. Was it supposed to be the kiss of death since DDP is now the King of Bada Bing? As it turns out, David had his crowbar with him and hit DDP, who ran into the ref, who ran into the Kim. He beat on DDP until Kim threw herself on top of him. David stopped and walked off. No decision was given. DDP got a stretcher job.


TO THE BACK. DDP is loaded into the ambulance.

The Outsiders vs 3 Porn Stars

First the Harris Brothers came out. Then three women came into the ring, one with the biggest fake tits of all time. They have a "match" where Hall manages to find his way into as many tits and vaginas as possible. Hot tag to Nash! The Outsiders lay down with the promise that giant tit lady would flash if they did. Instead, Goldberg runs out and spears both guys, which is a terrible way to get a face reaction. Why does Goldberg hate tits? He got a very negative reaction for it. This was absolutely stupid and a waste of time, but it actually was pretty funny.



Bret Hart vs Goldberg WCW US Championship

Goldberg takes it easy on Bret for the first few minutes. He doesn't seem all that happy to have to fight Bret while Bret is hurt. Then he changes his mind and does some leg submissions. Goldberg keeps going after the leg and asking the ref to ASK HIM. In practice, it's a slow and awkward match. Ref bump. The Outsiders and Sid hit the ring. Goldberg is triple teamed, ending with a powerbomb from Sid. Bret was on the floor the whole time. He rolls in the ring. Bret wins and advances. Goldberg did basically kick out at 3, but he lost. It was also a title match. It blew the only money match WCW still had and worst of all put on a match so boring that it ruined any chance of wanting to see a rematch.

DQ Count: I don't fucking know.

If you thought Halloween Havoc went full Russo, you could not have been prepared for Nitro.

12 matches, 1 clean finish. Maybe 2. None went more than 6 matches. I'm pretty sure the Filthy Animals were on the show for an 1 1/2 hours or more. Buff openly says he won't job and says the shows are written terribly. Jeff Jarret comes out and says the title tournament is just a big work. No explanation as to why Dean turned on Benoit. Worst of all, ZERO explanation of why Hogan laid done. None at all. He actually was only mentioned during the results and referred to by Sting and Tony. But that's it. Even though we were explicitly told we would find out why Hogan laid down on Nitro. Oh, Russo, you hornyacker you!
Real stars don't wrestle for free. Thus, Big Show is the biggest star in wrestling.

Goddamn, you're insatiable.

To the above - it was kind of established in canon that wrestlers eventually started realizing how to overcome The Shield's "pack of dogs" strategy, so I don't think there's anything wrong with them being beatable, now. I'd rather they WEREN'T undefeated, honestly, as I think they're more valuable and versatile if they can be overcome.


To the above - it was kind of established in canon that wrestlers eventually started realizing how to overcome The Shield's "pack of dogs" strategy, so I don't think there's anything wrong with them being beatable, now. I'd rather they WEREN'T undefeated, honestly, as I think they're more valuable and versatile if they can be overcome.

I agree, it's just that there's a pretty big difference in star power I guess.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Look how many angles Russo could do in 3 hours. It's frankly amazing. WWE will sometimes do a third of that on a 3 hour RAW.


How does trading things into Amazon work? Do they pay you regardless of if your product gets sold? I'm thinking about getting rid of some games and an amp. The amp should sell for $145 according to them, but it doesn't actually say what the trade value for me is.


How does trading things into Amazon work? Do they pay you regardless of if your product gets sold? I'm thinking about getting rid of some games and an amp. The amp should sell for $145 according to them, but it doesn't actually say what the trade value for me is.

Basically you look up the item in their trade database. For games it's simple. Just add all of them, confirm trade-in and print out the shipping label and the trade in sheet and send it on its way. Super simple, takes about maybe 3-5 days when they get it for them to process. As for the amp, no idea, i didnt think they would take something that big

I don't see the problem, they're the perfect shithead heels. You can't help but want to see them get their asses kicked.
PWG takes so much of my money using this strat. Hell, they sold me on the card for Steen Wolf when Appetite for Destruction vs the Ybs in a Guerilla Warfare was the only match announced


So not worth it
So, about Ryback being in the doghouse. According to Alvarez, the back office was not amused when Ryback did a Spear and Jackhammer in one of his matches a few weeks ago so now he must pay.
So, about Ryback being in the doghouse. According to Alvarez, the back office was not amused when Ryback did a Spear and Jackhammer in one of his matches a few weeks ago so now he must pay.

I don't know if I buy this. If they were so upset about it then why didn't they edit it off Smackdown?
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