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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G


More on Ohno:

Regarding Kassius Ohno, now that he’s been gone for a week, and those in developmental have asked about him, given that most were aware he was a better wrestler than they were, what the guys were told is they thought he was a good guy but was too vocal and management was told by others that he said that he couldn’t understand why he wasn’t pushed at the level of guys he felt he was better than. What happened was that wrestlers in developmental who he had told this in confidence to ended up telling those in management and that sealed his fate, combined with his age and the fact they had no immediate plans or ideas for him on the main roster. I can’t even tell you he said it, but that’s what management heard from other wrestlers. Advice to people, if you have something that frustrates you regarding how you are pushed or treated and need to vent, do so to friends outside the company just to be on the safe side. I wish I could tell you about guys in the 80s who had that attitude of wondering why they weren’t pushed at the level of guys they were better than and told people about it. Luckily those guys weren’t cut, because who knows if without them, WWF would have done any business in the mid-90s. From speaking to a mainline star there a week ago, he said it is by far the weirdest it has ever been, to the point they can’t believe what that part of the business is turning into.

Someone snitched on him.


From speaking to a mainline star there a week ago, he said it is by far the weirdest it has ever been, to the point they can’t believe what that part of the business is turning into.

Weirdest how? That people are being this gossipy, that they're being this gossipy with people they shouldn't, or that the hammer is falling more now than it used to for idle complaining?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Whining about not getting pushed?

What's with these indie shmucks thinking that they should be top of the world even though barely any of them look like champions?


Interesting note from the Observer about the NXT tapings tomorrow, apparently the American Wolves will be wrestling on it in some capacity, while they're at the Performance Center for their week long tryout. I'll guess they'll be in the dark match.
Weirdest how? That people are being this gossipy, that they're being this gossipy with people they shouldn't, or that the hammer is falling more now than it used to for idle complaining?

Basically, from what I read, guys being afraid to speak up because of the monopolistic place the WWE currently has in the business and the fact we're getting a generation of guys who know little more than WWE.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
err there were tons of wrestlers in the 80's better than people higher on the card than them who complained and were further depushed or let go. The only difference was back then they could just go to one of the remaining territories or Japan and make decent money most of the time.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I'm glad besides letting him have good matches, as well as all the responsibility he has for getting new talent, WWE still takes the time to appreciate William Regal's past.


Obviously that last one is just WCW and WWE, as his true best from Britain and Germany can't be used by WWE save for still photos.


Interesting note from the Observer about the NXT tapings tomorrow, apparently the American Wolves will be wrestling on it in some capacity, while they're at the Performance Center for their week long tryout. I'll guess they'll be in the dark match.

I bet this is all to get Triple H to say yes to them because TNA is interested in them:

Regarding Roderick Strong going to TNA, at least as of the weekend there was no deal and he's committed at this point to Ring of Honor. TNA's Dave Lagana, who is trying to bring in good new workers, has talked with Strong as well as other potential new talents. TNA is interested in the best indy talent, ROH talent and even getting partial usage of some of the Americans working in Japan with deals.

So TNA will have crawl back to New Japan after the Okada incident to try to get them to use there American talent.

Also for Devitt:

Regarding New Japan star Prince Devitt talking with WWE, their talks at this point have been informal. Devitt has yet to receive a legitimate financial offer and has been telling people he's going with the idea that he will be working in Japan next year. His NJPW contract expires on January 31st but most people figure he's staying.

His trolling is going to go on for another 2 monthes. I wonder how much money and guarantees it will take to change his mind?


They won't get Devitt if they just offer a developmental deal, anyway. They'd have to beat whatever money he's making in NJPW, or at least get close to it (since in WWE you can make a lot more than your base salary with merch, royalties etc).
He's not a name guy in the US so it would be weird to sign him to a big contract, but depends on how much they want him on the roster.


They won't get Devitt if they just offer a developmental deal, anyway. They'd have to beat whatever money he's making in NJPW, or at least get close to it (since in WWE you can make a lot more than your base salary with merch, royalties etc).
He's not a name guy in the US so it would be weird to sign him to a big contract, but depends on how much they want him on the roster.

Yeah, he is interesting because he is star in Japan and England but an unknown in America. The question is whats left for him to do in New Japan? Will they put the title on him?

Because right now there WrestleMania main doesn't have the feeling of Cena vs Bryan but the feeling of Cena vs Del Rio.


They won't get Devitt if they just offer a developmental deal, anyway. They'd have to beat whatever money he's making in NJPW, or at least get close to it (since in WWE you can make a lot more than your base salary with merch, royalties etc).
He's not a name guy in the US so it would be weird to sign him to a big contract, but depends on how much they want him on the roster.

Yep he's got a good thing going in Japan so he's not going to leave for a stint in NXT that pays peanuts. Similarly WWE aren't going to pay big money for a 32 year old to work in NXT.

Basically the only way this is going to work is if WWE take a massive risk and offer him a huge amount to come straight into the main roster. Which just seems silly when they've got El Generico & Pac ready to come up from NXT...


I guess this is why the talks with Devitt have gone on so long. Developmental contracts tend to be about 24k a year, and just pulling a random number out of the air, I will guess that Devitt makes 200k a year in NJPW, given his prominent spot.
They're gonna have to match that for him to bother signing, and if they are paying him that much, they will not want him down in NXT very long, since it's wasting a lot of money. After Sin Cara, though, NO ONE who isn't a former WWE guy is going straight from signing to the main roster. He's at least spending 2 or 3 months in NXT.

I don't see a problem with him adjusting to the WWE style anyway. He already works quite WWE style matches in the Bullet Club, just at a faster pace with bigger bumps.

It's a pretty unique situation. Triple H must be quite the fan to even be entertaining the risky idea.



WCW Thunder 10/28/99

This is either the first Russo Thunder or the final pre-Russo Thunder.

Evan Karagias vs Juventud Guerrera

Since this was announced as a special return match, I'll assume this is a Russo show. Evan sucks. I don't want to see any match, return or not, with him. Sid comes out to talk during the match. I hope this becomes a running gag where Evan can't finish a match because actual stars interrupt to talk. Sid claims he is still undefeated. He has proof and will show it by...crippling someone. This brings Chris Benoit out. Sid shakes hands with both guys in the ring before SWERVING them with powerbombs.

Larry and Tenay are finally at ringside for commentary, after Nitro moved to that in March.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene speaks with The Maestro (Ohh LA LA). Stro stumbles through a promo trying to fit in classical music references.

TO THE BACK. Chavo is storming around looking for Goldberg. He comes across Mike Graham, who says Goldberg isn't there and asks why he would be calling Goldberg out anyway. To get some TV time, of course.


Prince has a new look. Too bad he doesn't have new skills. Stro isn't that good, either. He won with an STF.

TO THE BACK. The Revolution head to the arena

Saturn/Dean Malenko vs Silver King/El Dandy

Shane talks about candy ass Animals. Dean says he and Benoit have a tournament match and Dean will break. It's definitely a Russo show already with multiple backstage filler segments and a lot more cursing. Dean hit Dandy with a chain and made him tap out to the Cloverleaf.


TO THE BACK. Chavo is still looking for Goldberg, who he knows isn't there, but is doing this just so he can get some TV time.

Recap of the tournament matches from Nitro.

TO THE MEAN (WE COMIN' FOR YOU) NINJA. Fruit booty is now muted on TBS. Stevie is going to kill Curly Bill tonight.

. The Revolution leave the building.

Curly Bill talks about having moose on his ranch.

Stevie Ray vs Curly Bill

Stevie won after Booker laid Virgil out for using his cowboy boot as a weapon.

The Filthy Animals arrive.

The Filthy Animals vs Dave Taylor/Steve Regal/Chris Adams

Rey is literally going to fuck members of the Revolution, Kidman calls them marks, Konnan made a gay joke. I hate the Filthy Animals. How can a group with Kidman, Rey, and Eddie be so bad? They're just so unlikable in every way. They're the proto WWE PG faces. They stole the NuBlue Bloods' entrance gear after the match, just to further the idea that they're little fucking cunts. I hope Sid squashes all of them.

. Chavo is on the phone, bragging about getting himself over for calling out Goldberg.

Berlyn speaks in English to shit on America. Berlyn's master plan is already in effect. Oh my.

Lash LeRoux vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Lash talked about his entrance in the heavyweight tournament. Why does he get in and Disco doesn't? Chavo said something about Goldberg, so Lash attacked him from behind. Christ, he's like a tiny Cajun Sheamus. MIA pre-explode! Lash won.

TO THE BACK. Kidman catches Buff and Scotty Riggs talking about the finish of their match. Buff is pissed that Riggs is going over. SO Russo. Amazing.

TO THE BACK. A white limo arrives. A few dames get out, followed by The Cat. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!?!

Berlyn vs Jerry Flynn

Man, if Berlyn loses to Brad Armstrong and Jerry Flynn back to back, that would be the hardest burial of a new character I can ever think of. Berlyn won after Wall punched Jerry. Still, this character is dead in the water. I can't believe Russo booked him to lose to Brad Armstrong on his first PPV as the character.

Chavo is still "looking" for Goldberg when he runs into Sid, who throws him into a dumpster or something.

The Cat comes to the ring. Despite doctors saying he shouldn't compete, he will be in the tournament on Nitro.

Buff storms through some doors.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Benoit is going to cripple Sid and Dean.

Buff Bagwell vs Scotty Riggs

Buff comes out all pissed again, because he has to do the JOB tonight after he publicly said on Nitro that he was never going to job for anyone again. We know this because we got to see Riggs and Buff going over their finish, with Riggs being told he was going over. Buff kind of half wrestles the match. Riggs hit a crossbody the Buff kicked out of. This confused Riggs greatly and the ref got in Buff's face about it. That was supposed to be the finish, you see. Buff then secured a SHOOT small package, which the ref had no choice but to count for.

TO THE BACK. Sid and Benoit head to the ring.

Chris Benoit vs Sid

They have a short match with at least one hilarious botch where Benoit missed a low dropkick, but Sid sold it anyway. Dean and Saturn hit the ring while Sid was in the Crossface. Sid powerbombed them. Then he powerbombed Benoit. The Filthy Animals attacked the Revolution on the floor and WE'RE OUTTA TIME.


DQ Count: 2 out of 9 matches, plus one SHOOT victory.

Russo has arrived to Thunder. You can tell because they did an angle where we saw two guys talk about the finish to their match, with one guy being mad he was booked to lose, and then SHOOT stealing the match to stick it to the man.
Well, looks like WWE is indeed going to be using Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards on the NXT tapings tomorrow, even though they haven't been drug tested or signed talent contracts.

I'd laugh my shit off if Richards jobbed to Aiden English in 3 minutes.


Well, looks like WWE is indeed going to be using Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards on the NXT tapings tomorrow, even though they haven't been drug tested or signed talent contracts.

I'd laugh my shit off if Richards jobbed to Aiden English in 3 minutes.

They are going to job to The Ascension.


I took a nap earlier and had a WCW dream. Buff was my tennis instructor. He really, really sucked at tennis, but kept doing his stupid laugh every time he missed or plain dropped a ball. I started making fun of him for it and he got pissed. Kevin Nash came out to watch and also made fun of him, but then absolutely lost his mind when Tenay (who wasn't calling the tennis stuff, but a match that was presumably inside, idk) said an unintentional innuendo. Buff stormed off and I woke up.

Sadly, there was no Saturn in the dream. He would have made more sense than Buff.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
One of the most poignant 'hey kids, watch your knees', messages in wrestling is the devolution of Rey Mysterio's 619 followup. From frankenstieners and Dragonranas to sentons and leg drops


I just re-watched War Games 1996 (Team WCW vs. Team nWo) from my Rise and Fall of WCW DVD.

Such a fun match. Flair was terrific when he entered the match.


The newest player in who is buying TNA is the tv company that helped distribute King Ka King.


Are we doing this again? Just like when WCW had so many buyers?

It's going to be Vince. It was always going to be Vince. He needs all the footage of TNA Legend Sting for when he does promo packages for him.
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