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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G


I don't get why they didn't do shit with Kane after the Wyatts kidnapped him and then immediately gave his character the most drastic change its ever had out of nowhere. Why not just have him return as corporate Kane after Bray shown him what a real monster is?

Maybe it's a commentary on middle management being the biggest monsters there are.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I'd say (and there's no way to know) that Santino is a more successful character as opposed to if he had a shooter type gimmick. It may not be what we want but it makes money, and people love him.

Aye, and because of it he is the type of character that may well be remembered fondly for decades to come by those who loved him as children.
It's the kind of gimmick that if he wanted to just coast on for autograph signings and the occasional independent showing, he'll be set just like Shane Helms got with the Hurricane even with a "slight" name change.

We may have wanted something else, but in the carnival character sense for making money, Anthony Carelli hit a jackpot.


I'd say (and there's no way to know) that Santino is a more successful character as opposed to if he had a shooter type gimmick. It may not be what we want but it makes money, and people love him.

You're in denial. They gave him a joke jobber gimmick like they do with a lot of guys, except he got over in a major way, but because of the gimmick he could work the main event scene. If the WWE gives someone a joke or troll gimmick they are fucked in regards to the main event scene. Because it gives the bookers and writers a reason to keep you away from the main event and to make you always look like a fool in angles. Though early on when he was red hot they could have salvaged him by changing the character. Of course they didn't though because once they decided he wasn't cut out for the main event they held him back. If Vince had this same mentality when had WCW to worry about we wouldn't have gotten Stone Cold or the Rock.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You're in denial. They gave him a joke jobber gimmick like they do with a lot of guys, except he got over in a major way, but because of the gimmick he could work the main event scene. If the WWE gives someone a joke or troll gimmick they are fucked in regards to the main event scene. Because it gives the bookers and writers a reason to keep you away from the main event and to make you always look like a fool in angles. Though early on when he was red hot they could have salvaged him by changing the character. Of course they didn't though because once they decided he wasn't cut out for the main event they held him back. If Vince had this same mentality when had WCW to worry about we wouldn't have gotten Stone Cold or the Rock.

There's no way to know. The only thing we DO know is that Santino has made his current gimmick work and is loved by many.


If you don't have patience, a bum on youtube's got you:


Haven't made it that far yet. Is it Part c3na?

It's part Cena, WWE Films, B A Star, Make A Wish, WWE-is-extremely-popular-and-relevant-dammit, PG, and Vince-is-the-greatest-man-to-ever-live-and-everyone-should-follow-his-lead.
Basically they go from talking about how the Attiude Era was their biggest ever era, and then they won't put themselves in a bad light, so they act like they never lost popularity and are bigger and more loved than ever nowadays.


Santino's comedy gimmick has worked out better than a shooter gimmick would have. Shooter gimmicks don't really work in WWE.

Shooter gimmick worked for Angle. They work when talented guys who actually have real fighting ability carry them. It hasn't worked recently because they put the gimmick on big slow guys like Heidenreich who they think look like "shooters" when anyone that follows combat sports knows most guys are like Angle and Santino. If they would actually let charismatic guys who can wrestle carry the shooter gimmick it would be successful.

Daniel Bryan would be more over as his more shooter like ROH character than his current gimmick. When guys that are given a crap gimmick or jobber gimmick and still get over are given a chance they usually do good things. Stone Cold had jobber gimmicks or bad gimmicks and always got over. Tommy Dreamer started with a shit gimmick, still got over and was allowed to change. The Rock had a shit gimmick too. The problem with the current WWE is that they stick a guy with a joke or jobber gimmick, he gets over, and then they either keep him there or rub his face in shit so that they can say, "see, told you he wasn't main eventer, now job him out!"

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's part Cena, WWE Films, B A Star, Make A Wish, WWE-is-extremely-popular-and-relevant-dammit, PG, and Vince-is-the-greatest-man-to-ever-live-and-everyone-should-follow-his-lead.
Basically they go from talking about how the Attiude Era was their biggest ever era, and then they won't put themselves in a bad light, so they act like they never lost popularity and are bigger and more loved than ever nowadays.

I can deal with the Vince stuff. The rest sounds...yknow. Shit.
Aye, and because of it he is the type of character that may well be remembered fondly for decades to come by those who loved him as children.
It's the kind of gimmick that if he wanted to just coast on for autograph signings and the occasional independent showing, he'll be set just like Shane Helms got with the Hurricane even with a "slight" name change.

We may have wanted something else, but in the carnival character sense for making money, Anthony Carelli hit a jackpot.

Bingo. There's a reason why The Hurricane, The Honky Tonk Man, Gangrel, and Million Dollar Man still get regular bookings and don't have to Virgil it up at autograph sessions.

There have been plenty of phenomenal wrestlers that never quite hit the highs their ability warrents and they are quickly forgotten, meanwhile there are tons of characters that will be fondly remembered because they were done well and resonated with part of the audience.

I doubt Santino gives a shit if he'll ever be in another main event, because the alternative would be to join the Suzukigun

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'd love to have a 3 hour DVD of different significant personalities that pick their favorite matches. Not of their own, but others.
This is a huge reason why I always want the original airings digitized, I hate revisionist history. Things like this bug the FUCK out of me.


WWE is doing this with shit posted on their YouTube page too. All chairshots to the head are freezeframed right before the point of contact and then after the contact, it starts up again. It's fucking lame. Just put a fucking warning before the video saying "WARNING: THERE ARE CHAIRSHOTS TO THE HEAD IN THIS VIDEO. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT, GO AWAY". Not hard.


Angle was a shooter for about 6 months. The rest of his WWE career, he was a comedy technical wrestler. Chris Benoit was closer to the shooter gimmick than Angle ever was and Benoit was much more talented in the ring than Santino.

This stuff with Bruno is great, but I've always hated the way they talk about that era like anyone outside of the North East gave a shit about WWWF or Bruno. HHH said everyone in the world knew who Bruno was, but he forgot to mention "If they lived in New England".


This stuff with Bruno is great, but I've always hated the way they talk about that era like anyone outside of the North East gave a shit about WWWF or Bruno. HHH said everyone in the world knew who Bruno was, but he forgot to mention "If they lived in New England".

I believe it. I imagine it was very difficult to get into wrestling from other territories in the country if you didn't live there. Sure you could probably get magazines and such that covered different territories, but what good would that do? You could travel I guess, but if you didn't get TV coverage of that stuff or didn't get a show near you, why would you?


So many Black Friday deals hitting me from all angles....SPEND SPEND SPEND, SAVE SAVE SAVE!!!

Also, fuck you Steam for putting on a sale now too.


There's no way that the NWA champ wasn't more well known in those days since their champion toured the country where as Bruno was basically NYC/Boston/Philly only.
Actually, Bruno wrestled all over the US and Japan during the height of his career. He main evented in St. Louis (the #1 wrestling city in the country), Florida, and so forth. Yes, there was no TV and he mainly wrestled for Vince, but there was wrestling magazines and guess what, eight years of the same guy being champ means your name is going to come up a lot. Also, there were Italians in every major city. :)

Also, you should be happy for Santino. He's made far more cash as Santino than he ever would have as The Italian Shooter.


Anything to avoid more perverted Divas posts, lol.

I am confused by this gif, because I am sure she isn't actually doing what I think she is doing. At least I do t think she would do it on a WWE show.

I'm pretty sure she's pretending to double fist some cocks and not acting like her fists are on fire from all the ass whoopins she's delivering/gonna deliver.

Yup totally fantasizing about spitting on a couple dicks and getting ready to be dp'd


Neither is Chris Kanyon. Nor was he 'underrated.' He was average who thought he wasn't getting a push because of personal reasons.


Kanyon was great at his role, which was being a stoogy heel who would bump his ass off to make someone else look good. He wasn't a main event talent who was misused. He was used perfectly in WCW. Nattie barely runs the ropes better than Kelly Kelly despite having grown up in wrestling and being allegedly the legit wrestler of the women folk.


For sure. He's probably made more from selling cobra sleeves than he would have an entire run as a shooter character.

Santino is better than Sheamus. Better on the mic, more charisma, better in the ring. If they would have given him a main event gimmick like they did Sheamus and use his legit judo and MMA background to sell him he would have been over with his acting ability and mic work. If there was a WCW like threat Santino would have gotten a main event shot. In today's WWE Jericho would be a comedy mid carder like Santino because they wouldn't have had any reason to push him.


Watching NXT from last week. What is Bo's gimmick? That he is just super nice and wholesome?

Nope. Basically that he is a complete dope that believes he is a beloved Cena-type top face, but is actually a delusional idiot that wins with cheating/luck instead of skill. He's basically everything a smark hates distilled into a heel (he even says "sports-entertained" instead of "wrestled").

It's a really meta-heel, that you'd NEVER see on WWE TV, since it's more or less what a heel Cena would look like.
Kanyon was great at his role, which was being a stoogy heel who would bump his ass off to make someone else look good. He wasn't a main event talent who was misused. He was used perfectly in WCW. Nattie barely runs the ropes better than Kelly Kelly despite having grown up in wrestling and being allegedly the legit wrestler of the women folk.

I don't understand why most women are so shitty at running the ropes. Is it really that fucking difficult?

Watching NXT from last week. What is Bo's gimmick? That he is just super nice and wholesome?

Really obnoxious face. It's kinda brilliant in a way.


Nope. Basically that he is a complete dope that believes he is a beloved Cena-type top face, but is actually a delusional idiot that wins with cheating/luck instead of skill. He's basically everything a smark hates distilled into a heel (he even says "sports-entertained" instead of "wrestled").

It's a really meta-heel, that you'd NEVER see on WWE TV, since it's more or less what a heel Cena would look like.

Ok, that sounds interesting. I wasn't really sure what his deal is just with the short interaction with JBL.


The thing about Bo is I'm almost certain the NXT writers read internet forums/boards for some of their ideas. It was common to put "Bo" into words as much as possible on the internet (usually with his creepy face put in there too). Now he talks about "bolieving" and going to "Bo-livia" and whatnot.
It seemed like an awfully big coincidence that they used basically the same gag.

They even used the "Boo"/"Boo-urns" gag at one point where he insisted they were chanting "Bo" isntead of booing him. Of course the NXT crowd immediately started chanting "Boo! Boo! Boo!".


Ok, that sounds interesting. I wasn't really sure what his deal is just with the short interaction with JBL.

Well he started out as just another planned out super face (like the WWE does these days), only the NXT crowd refused to bite one bit, mainly because he absolutely sucked ass. So they booed the hell out of him, and since NXT is NOT run by idiots, they decided to use said hatred to turn him heel. But not heel as in "I dislike your local sports team", and more "well shit he's already getting booed, so let's just do what he's doing now, but turned up to 11". It's the ultimate example of making the best of what little you have.

Which is the way to go. It's how NXT handles face and heel turns usually, at least, when they are crowd-mandated, that is. Enzo Amore started out as a wacky, loud, ultra confident jobber heel, but was so over the top and hilarious that the crowd loved him. So they turned him face, but didn't change the character at all, since that's the character that got him cheers, so why would you change that?

Whereas "turn face" on the WWE roster means "lose all your previous character and pick a face template. Also, there's only one template". Same with turning heel.
Well he started out as just another planned out super face (like the WWE does these days), only the NXT crowd refused to bite one bit, mainly because he absolutely sucked ass. So they booed the hell out of him, and since NXT is NOT run by idiots, they decided to use said hatred to turn him heel. But not heel as in "I dislike your local sports team", and more "well shit he's already getting booed, so let's just do what he's doing now, but turned up to 11". It's the ultimate example of making the best of what little you have.

Which is the way to go. It's how NXT handles face and heel turns usually, at least, when they are crowd-mandated, that is. Enzo Amore started out as a wacky, loud, ultra confident jobber heel, but was so over the top and hilarious that the crowd loved him. So they turned him face, but didn't change the character at all, since that's the character that got him cheers, so why would you change that?

Whereas "turn face" on the WWE roster means "lose all your previous character and pick a face template. Also, there's only one template". Same with turning heel.

The reason why NXT is doing this is because their audience is 90% Internet smarks and 10% Full Sail students. If Bo was making WWE hundreds of millions of dollars a year in merchandising, he wouldn't be turning heel either.
Whereas "turn face" on the WWE roster means "lose all your previous character and pick a face template. Also, there's only one template". Same with turning heel.

Other than shiity management of talent and playing to the crowd. The other big problem is that champions not named Cena are jobbed out in non title matches. I'm hopeful that Big E gets a chance to look strong during his IC title run.
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