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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G

But, don't worry, Bryan'll have a fine career. He'll eventually get a title reign or two, because everyone will, a few main events here or there when there's no better ideas, and years and years of steady paychecks and royalties.

which is the ultimate prize in wrestling. the man himself, Nash, knew it all the way back in the 90s.
Then why did he beat John Cena clean in the main event of Summerslam?

Because Cena was injured, Bryan would make a good match and a sympathetic babyface for a few months while they moved on to the true storyline - Orton/HHH/Big Show and I'm sure, Cena eventually.

In all reality, I'm sure they had plans to make Bryan a big star. Then, the ratings and buyrates came in. And he was shunted back off to where he belonged. A true star would overcome bad booking and writing. After all, John Cena gets plenty of crappy jokes written for him, but somehow, people still tune into RAW to watch his matches.
which is the ultimate prize in wrestling. the man himself, Nash, knew it all the way back in the 90s.

Hey, the funniest thing is that tomorrow morning, Bryan's going to wake up in a nice hotel room next to a beautiful woman before going out and doing what he loves while being well paid for it. Believe me, people in this thread care a lot more about his 'horrible booking' then I'm sure he does.


Because Cena was injured, Bryan would make a good match and a sympathetic babyface for a few months while they moved on to the true storyline - Orton/HHH/Big Show and I'm sure, Cena eventually.

In all reality, I'm sure they had plans to make Bryan a big star. Then, the ratings and buyrates came in. And he was shunted back off to where he belonged. A true star would overcome bad booking and writing. After all, John Cena gets plenty of crappy jokes written for him, but somehow, people still tune into RAW to watch his matches.

That's because he's been pushed harder than anyone else in wrestling history for 8 years.


more money than God
This makes the Kane character so much more interesting. When he wrestles matches, he'll put the mask back on and become the "monster", and when he's not wrestling, he can deliver great promos as Corporate Kane.
Because Cena was injured, Bryan would make a good match and a sympathetic babyface for a few months while they moved on to the true storyline - Orton/HHH/Big Show and I'm sure, Cena eventually.

In all reality, I'm sure they had plans to make Bryan a big star. Then, the ratings and buyrates came in. And he was shunted back off to where he belonged. A true star would overcome bad booking and writing. After all, John Cena gets plenty of crappy jokes written for him, but somehow, people still tune into RAW to watch his matches.

Thats because Cena has been force fed down people's throat for over a decade now. There's alot of WWE revisionist history that Cena had to work hard to get where he is but he got pushed from day one. Regular people want to cheer winners and thats what Cena does all the time, he destroys everybody no matter if he has to face the whole roster at the same time so people "like" him. Cena is beyond protected he never loses. Bryan got a beat down on tv weekly and only got revenge by letting the Big Show do his work for him. Also all of his "wins" were either reversed or taken away somehow, of course people aren't gonna buy PPVs when they've been jerked around. WWE isn't gonna push anybody new until Cena is gone.

Thats because Cena has been force fed down people's throat for over a decade now. There's alot of WWE revisionist history that Cena had to work hard to get where he is but he got pushed from day one. Regular people want to cheer winners and thats what Cena does all the time, he destroys everybody no matter if he has to face the whole roster at the same time so people "like" him. Cena is beyond protected he never loses. Bryan got a beat down on tv weekly and only got revenge by letting the Big Show do his work for him. Also all of his "wins" were either reversed or taken away somehow, of course people aren't gonna buy PPVs when they've been jerked around. WWE isn't gonna push anybody new until Cena is gone.


Thats because Cena has been force fed down people's throat for over a decade now. There's alot of WWE revisionist history that Cena had to work hard to get where he is but he got pushed from day one.

Actually, Cena got pushed, then was thrown in the midcard grinder and was on the verge of release (even according to Meltzer) before he came up with the white rapper gimmick. Then, yeah, he got over, but he was still treated like a joke in the road to the Cena/HHH Wrestlemania match, with Triple H saying he couldn't wrestle and everything else.

Regular people want to cheer winners and thats what Cena does all the time, he destroys everybody no matter if he has to face the whole roster at the same time so people "like" him.

Also, he's tall, good looking, visits with sick children, and is entertaining on morning TV. As for the rest, that's been WWE booking of Top Faces since Sammartino. If you want a fed where top faces fail all the time, go back and watch some NWA during the 80's. :)

Cena is beyond protected he never loses.

Yet, he jobbed to Bryan clean. Nobody praised him for that. It was all, "oh I'm sure he'll come back and beat Bryan in two months."

Bryan got a beat down on tv weekly and only got revenge by letting the Big Show do his work for him. Also all of his "wins" were either reversed or taken away somehow, of course people aren't gonna buy PPVs when they've been jerked around. WWE isn't gonna push anybody new until Cena is gone.

Again, Big Show has a storyline people can relate too. What's relatable about a weird guy with an out of his league girlfriend who eats wheat grass? I love Bryan, but in his current state, he's not a main event guy, and the numbers even directly after Summerslam showed that, before he got beat down.

As for pushing somebody new. They will. It just won't be people you'll like.
Actually, Cena got pushed, then was thrown in the midcard grinder and was on the verge of release (even according to Meltzer) before he came up with the white rapper gimmick. Then, yeah, he got over, but he was still treated like a joke in the road to the Cena/HHH Wrestlemania match, with Triple H saying he couldn't wrestle and everything else.


Also, he's tall, good looking, visits with sick children, and is entertaining on morning TV. As for the rest, that's been WWE booking of Top Faces since Sammartino. If you want a fed where top faces fail all the time, go back and watch some NWA during the 80's. :)


Yet, he jobbed to Bryan clean. Nobody praised him for that. It was all, "oh I'm sure he'll come back and beat Bryan in two months."


Again, Big Show has a storyline people can relate too. What's relatable about a weird guy with an out of his league girlfriend who eats wheat grass? I love Bryan, but in his current state, he's not a main event guy, and the numbers even directly after Summerslam showed that, before he got beat down.


As for pushing somebody new. They will. It just won't be people you'll like.

The ratings didn't sag. Bryan's segments were pretty much always the highest-rated for the months that Cena was gone, and ratings were high at the start of the whole Corporation thing. Summerslam's buyrate was disappointing, but it was Bryan's coming out, not his apotheosis, and it was close to SS 2011, which was headlined by CM Punk, who's now their #2 guy after successfully being pushed with the title for a year. If they actually blame Bryan for Night of Champions/Battleground/HIAC, and not their shit booking of those events, I'd be surprised, as they very manifestly didn't consider those to be anything more than high-budget house shows to tide them over until Survivor Series.

I think they just saw post-SS as a poor time to try and push a new star, given the lull period (in terms of ratings/business/general giving a shit) that follows it, so they had him beat a Cena who had to leave anyway, given his injury, gave him a main event storyline while trying not to overexpose him, and shifted the big push to a company loyalist likely near the end of his run who had the acting chops to get over, the name recognition to get the fans behind him in a short period of time, yet could go away when they needed him to. I have to think they did eventually intend to push Bryan, given his beating Cena, three months of main events, and then being folded into the protective Punkverse, but whether they actually get back to pushing him is another matter entirely. He's still VERY over with the crowd, as tonight showed, and could easily be credible, say, winning the Rumble, and you could easily get Cena in there and make a triple threat if you're truly worried about star power, but perhaps the SS buyrate scared them off of the idea of making him the #2 babyface.

Who knows? I guess I'll just try enjoy this Big Show thing, enjoy the fun of Bryan and Punk teaming together, and hope for some more watchable matches like we got tonight.


Bryan failing at SS might be because they kept referring to him as a troll or as a short, small goatface, or that he wasn't very good. If you keep having your talent and announcers put him down, the fans will start to believe it. Bryan was never going to be a Cena-type player but they could have backed him 100% and things might have turned out a tad better.


Ok, I love having rivalry editor in WWE Universe now. It is very easy to make rivalries and start feuds now, regardless of ally or rival alignments.

Universe is going to get a lot of play this time around.
Why do these people like Big Show? Everyone on Facebook and tumblr loves him. I don't get it!!!!

What's not great about a giant punching people in the face?

I was at work, what happened tonight? Why is Bionic-Arm's post on this page the greatest post I have ever seen?

Well, I admit, it does have the deep intellectual analysis I expect out of knee-jerk anti-Cena smarks.


LOL, first main event rivalry I start is Cena vs Bryan for the WWE Championship, Cena as champ. They give me a submission match as the first week's contest and at the end of the match after Bryan wins a hard fought battle he goes to shake Cena's hand who refuses the code of honor.

See you next week on Thunder.
JesseEwiak is clearly the WWE plant.

Stro, if you're still wondering where DOT COM gets their articles from, there you go.

Case closed. That mystery just got Wrecked™

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

Triple H is Vince McMahon
Stephanie is Vince McMahon
The Shield are Big Bossman and Ken Shamrock
Big Show is Stone Cold
Randy Orton is The Rock
and Kane is Mankind

It's like TNA trying to recreate Attitude era with a bunch of faces you've seen a thousand times before. Except it's not TNA. It's WWE.
JesseEwiak is clearly the WWE plant.

Stro, if you're still wondering where DOT COM gets their articles from, there you go.

Case closed. That mystery just got Wrecked™

Nah, I'm just the Voice of the Voiceless. That just means on NeoGAF, I defend John Cena and members of the game press.

Triple H is Vince McMahon
Stephanie is Vince McMahon
The Shield are Big Bossman and Ken Shamrock
Big Show is Stone Cold
Randy Orton is The Rock
and Kane is Mankind

It's like TNA trying to recreate Attitude era with a bunch of faces you've seen a thousand times before. Except it's not TNA. It's WWE.
Orton tried his best to be Rick Rude tonight..

You would do the same.

F that... That's like people telling me to only use Guile or El fuerte...Hell No... going out like a rebel Blanka, E Honda status. I'll riot if taker does this
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