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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G


So not worth it
Honestly though guys, Big Show is just a placeholder to tide over a few months since you can't do Orton vs. Bryan for six months straight. It's not worth getting so worked up about really, I just kind of ignore it.

Sure, I had to swallow back a tiny bit of rage when Big Show tried to start a YES-chant, but I'll doubt he'll do that again.


He may be a placeholder, but he's still headlining one of their big four PPVs, and what's more, despite being a supposed filler feud, they spent the three months Bryan got as "top face" building up Big Show and putting down Bryan. So for a filler guy, he's gotten the actual top face build you'd expect one to get, since Summerslam.


So not worth it
I don't know who to credit for this, but:

That is perfect.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Think for a while on this one, but:

Who is the future of pro wrestling for the next ten years?


It depends on where this angle is going if I like it or not.

Is the angle putting over the corporation and Triple H as evil heels more?

Then yeah....it's probably a good thing they're using Show for that instead of Bryan who as we all remember already had people saying they had buried him enough in this angle. I admit, it would have been hard to watch 3 more months of Bryan burial before he got his Rumble win.

Is Big Show going to go over the Corporate Three H Club?

Then yeah, I'm pissed because that is something that should be reserved for Bryan.

I just wished they had picked someone, anyone better than Stone Cold Paul Wright for this angle....but if you're looking for a guy who can't be hurt by getting destroyed by the corporation because they've been a main event whipping post for years then Big Show might be your guy.


Kane was young, and new then, he'd only debuted as Kane less than six months before Austin came to the main event. Frankly pushing him at that time would have been a good idea.

Big Show is old, has been there for 14 years, and just usurped their most over young face in the story supposed to make him a top guy.
Hmm, true. Better to pick somebody like Vader then, although he was a jobber at that point. :(

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What is Survival Season Without The G?

I don't get that.

It used to be "wrassling" which is grammatically incorrect.Of course, tm24 is an International Player so there's always something lost in translation.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't have all the answers Mr. Sangmen! I only report the news since we don't have a Dave Meltzer around anymore.


Honestly though guys, Big Show is just a placeholder to tide over a few months since you can't do Orton vs. Bryan for six months straight. It's not worth getting so worked up about really, I just kind of ignore it.

Sure, I had to swallow back a tiny bit of rage when Big Show tried to start a YES-chant, but I'll doubt he'll do that again.

When is the last time Bryan lead a yes chant? Because Big Show is the only one recently who has started them.

Corporate Kane can be great if done correctly. He's a great talker and can do more than he's been allowed to do in the WWE.
watched the 6 man tag match from last night again and I was thinking how Cena having the WHC isn't the greatest of ideas. WHC division is usually younger guys trying to make a name for themselves as the future of the division, so now it's going to turn into Cena burying different guys every week and at the PPV's. There are still pro's to him having this belt, but we could see guys like Cesaro and Sandow just get destroyed for the next few months.


I am willing to give Corporate Kane a chance.

No doubt my biggest WTF of the night, and recent memory.

EDIT: Cena seems to be having fun out there. Was a good match. Actually not too bad having him out of the bigger storylines. Hell he came out around 8:30 which was odd.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
watched the 6 man tag match from last night again and I was thinking how Cena having the WHC isn't the greatest of ideas. WHC division is usually younger guys trying to make a name for themselves as the future of the division, so now it's going to turn into Cena burying different guys every week and at the PPV's. There are still pro's to him having this belt, but we could see guys like Cesaro and Sandow just get destroyed for the next few months.

They may be working a long game for the WHC, especially with Cener saying he's going to raise its prestige.


So not worth it
I do think Cena is making an effort to try and put over a guy like Cesaro and Sandow by giving them good matches and allowing them to showcase they can match up with him on some level. Of course it ends with Cena winning, but still, it'll elevate their standing somewhat at least over beating 3MB or Khali.

I am willing to give Corporate Kane a chance.

No doubt my biggest WTF of the night, and recent memory.

I think Corporate Kane would've had more of an effect on me if Soulplaya hadn't been posting all those pics of Libertarian Kane and Family Man Kane. I am completely used to Kane looking like a Regular Joe.


Needs to be unified with the WWE title, makes no sense to have both with no brand extension.

Actually it does. You can have someone like Cena or "the fan favorite" champ defending vs all comers with little to no thought to story and just doing matches and angles that send the fans home happy on one end, and on the other you can have big drawn out stories wrapped around the belt like the Corporate H's angle.

It allows them to do both sides of the coin when it comes to championship storytelling.

I do think Cena is making an effort to try and put over a guy like Cesaro and Sandow by giving them good matches and allowing them to showcase they can match up with him on some level. Of course it ends with Cena winning, but still, it'll elevate their standing somewhat at least over beating 3MB or Khali.

That did a lot for Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Lord Tensai and The Great Khali.


So not worth it
I do think it elevated Ziggler as far as public perception goes.

That Ziggler had to go do interviews and talk about how he legit hates Cena and get himself buried is not John Cena's fault. That shit you keep indoors, you don't go out burying the face of the company in shoot interviews.


I do think it elevated Ziggler as far as public perception goes.

That Ziggler had to go do interviews and talk about how he legit hates Cena and get himself buried is not John Cena's fault. That shit you keep indoors, you don't go out burying the face of the company in shoot interviews.

Just saying, Cena wrestles midcard and lower wrestlers all the time, it does nothing for them and is just another feud for him.


So not worth it
Honestly though, I think it utterly sucks they had Sandow lose to Cena last week, but I have heard alot of people raving on how good that match was and how impressed they were with Sandow. And this week on Smackdown and on the Raw Repeat of Smackdown, Cesaro got to do some power moves on Cena and was made to look good.

It's not all bad to have Cena work with these guys is all I'm saying, as long as they allow them to showcase themselves against Cena. Cena turns more heads than other wrestlers do after all. It's exposure for them to show people that they can be taken seriously.


Actually it does. You can have someone like Cena or "the fan favorite" champ defending vs all comers with little to no thought to story and just doing matches and angles that send the fans home happy on one end, and on the other you can have big drawn out stories wrapped around the belt like the Corporate H's angle.

It allows them to do both sides of the coin when it comes to championship storytelling.
What's the purpose for the IC and US title, then? Back before the brand extension, the IC title was the one for the up and comer guys or the premier middle card performers. They always had guys like Owen Hart, Goldust, Chris Jericho, etc. capturing it and having great matches. Either they later move on to main event work, or stick in that ground and get a new feud. They have too many titles, and one show. Stop using them as props, and allow it to earn prestige easier by having more guys gunning for it. For instance, you have the US and IC titles, but you can pick and choose easily who's going for them and that's between two titles, rather than one.


What's the purpose for the IC and US title, then? Back before the brand extension, the IC title was the one for the up and comer guys or the premier middle card performers. They always had guys like Owen Hart, Goldust, Chris Jericho, etc. capturing it and having great matches. Either they later move on to main event work, or stick in that ground and get a new feud. They have too many titles, and one show. Stop using them as props, and allow it to earn prestige easier by having more guys gunning for it. For instance, you have the US and IC titles, but you can pick and choose easily who's going for them and that's between two titles, rather than one.

There really is no reason to have two mid-card titles, just like there is no reason for two tag team titles.


Current WWE is starting to sound a lot like WCW 1999. The younger, more popular guys (Bryan/Punk/Cody/Sandow/Cesaro) are being kept away from the main events while the main angle is full of a bunch of guys that have been around for decades and are in their mid 40s.

In this scenario, HHH is Kevin Nash since he's in charge, Big Show is Hulk Hogan, Kane is Sid, Randy Orton is Jeff Jarret, Punk is Sting/Eddie/Saturn, Bryan is Goldberg/Benoit/Dean, Shield are Triad, Curtis Axel is Rick Steiner, ADR is The Cat.

Michael Cole is face Eric Bischoff.
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