I'm all for a Roman Reigns face turn, they gotta cut that hair of his though. Unless they really wanna go for a Samoan Bret Hart.
Gross. The thought of CJP on the main roster, I meanThey could give him sick dreads so him and CJ Parker could form a tag team.
These gifs make it look FAN FUCKING TASTIC.
See, even Sheiky knows!
Wow look at the muscularity and striations on Sycho Sid!
They should do a comedy segment where Triple H is giving Kane a tour around WWE headquarters and showing him around the office.With Triple H's current hard on for bringing up 10 year old feuds, what is the ETA on a Katie Vick reference during this Kane stuff?
Survivor Series 2007: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xt...-mysterio-jeff-hardy-and-kane-interview_sportThey should do a comedy segment where Triple H is giving Kane a tour around WWE headquarters and showing him around the office.
They'll walk by Katie Vick's old desk and Kane and Trips will glance at one another knowingly.
This will build to a series of sketches that ripoff Office Space because Vince just saw the movie for the first time last week and found it hilarious.
It wasn't. Whole show was boring, BRB was awful, and I didn't even get to see HBK/Vader, which was the only redeeming match of the card.
Someone at Cheapassgamer.com must be a member of Wrasslegaf since a few of my Nash gifs from a few pages back were posted there. I was looking for a gif of Coach turning heel and for some reason lucha Kevin Nash popped up. Which one of you is it?
you know what would get me watching WWE programming?
you know what would get me watching WWE programming?
So supposedly, WWE did make A.J. Styles an offer after his TNA contract expired in August. Styles immediately turned it down because WWE offered only 1/5 of the money he was making in TNA.
good movie... i remember joking with my friends about Merle from The Walking Dead would have been crazy if it was Sid instead lolThere was a time as a kid when I was pretty sure that Sid was a movie star:
stro, you got the high quality whatamark gif at hand? i kinda need it.
It just now hit me.
Big Show vs Orton is the main event of Survivor Series.
This is going to be a fucking disaster. SOMEONE GET SOME BODYBUILDERS OUT THERE!
It's Ravishing Randy Orton sir!!!It just now hit me.
Big Show vs Orton is the main event of Survivor Series.
This is going to be a fucking disaster. SOMEONE GET SOME BODYBUILDERS OUT THERE!
Some PPV Numbers:
So WWE were able to convince people to buy Hell in the Cell after the battleground debacle. Sucks that Bryan Hell in the Cell match drew but got no title from it.
Did you ever notice that Steven Seagal is kinda like Cena?
Seagal never struggles during a fight and if he does get hit he never sells anything he gets hit with. He even came back from being dead once. Actually twice!
there is a large segment of the audience that buys for cena and only cena
sad but true
People like winners, like Cena. People don't like losers, like Bryan.
I have a very severe dislike for Steven Seagal too. So they have that in common.
goddamn, the whatamark gif is damn useful. i can essentially replace every text reply with it.