WCW Monday Nitro 8/9/99
Show starts with a recap of all the stupid shit from last week. The only things promoted for this week are Rad Bork performing and Randy Savage to reveal the driver of the Hummer. Tony is back this week. Sting has relinquished his control of WCW and given it back to WCW. Dusty Rhodes has been named head of the Championship committee and a new president will be named soon.
Norman Smiley/TAFKATAFKAPI/Lash LeRoux vs The Deadpool
I wish Deadpool did commentary for WCW. ICP wrestling and getting screen time over actual wrestlers is offensive. Prince sucks, Lash is okay, Norman is way out of place in this garbage. Fat Clown and Vamp do a second rope Hart Attack. DDT from Skinny Clown. Fat Clown makes the mistake of headbutting a guy from an island in the Pacific. Although before that, I don't ever remember Prince using that trope. Norman finally gets tagged in slams everyone, which makes Brain mark the fuck out. We don't get to see the big wiggle because TNT won't show it anymore. It's some Elvis hip shit. Fat Clown pinned Lash with a moonsault.
Nitro Girls dance.
TO THE BACK. The Revolution talk to Dusty Rhodes and want to know if there are changes on the way. Dusty says changes are on the way, but it is up to them to take advantage. David Flair walks by and Benoit puts him in the Iron Crossface. Dusty books them in a match later tonight for the title.
Public Enemy vs Curt Hennig/Barry Windham
The Rednecks have a new song,
Good Old Boys. It's definitely not as catchy. Barry is back to wearing trunks, though still with a t-shirt. Grunge somehow gained 50 pounds in his few weeks in the WWF. Barry was put through a table. One of the other Rednecks hit Grunge with a cow bell which the camera totally missed and Hennig made the cover for the win.
Little Jeanie vs Mona
I wonder what the point of doing all these women's matches is when WCW had no plans to revive the division or title. It was all just for Madusa vs Mona and that's it. Mona won quickly with a wacky pin. Brandi Alexander ran out to attack her and was instead knocked on her ass. A tit may have popped out.
TO THE BACK. Weird thing of following Hogan to Gorilla position. He was attacked by Sid, Nash, and Rick Steiner while doing his awful squats. The worst form I've ever seen. Goldberg and Sting ran out to make the save. Hulk decides to put his career on the line against Nash at the PPV. He offers a challenge for a six man tag. Sting wants Nash to put his career on the line at the PPV if the faces win tonight. Goldberg claims Rick doesn't have anything to put on the line (TV Championship BURIED), except for his ass. Nash agrees to all challenges. Hulk also claimed that Sting and Goldberg were his best friends. WHAT?!?!
A Thunder commercial that was made up 100% of things in the first month and a half of the show.
Chris Benoit vs David Flair WCW US Championship
Nick Patrick sends Charles Robinson away, which means David is probably about to get murdered. Benoit's first victim. David repeatedly tried to bail, only to be forced back in the ring by Dean and Saturn. He does a great job of looking scared as fuck, probably because he knows Benoit is going to knock the shit out of him for real. Benoit actually kind of took it easy on him. There were only 2 chops. They were hard, but he didn't knock the shit out of David like you'd expect. The Triad tried to interfere, but were cut off by Dean and Saturn. Diving headbutt for the win. New champion! DDP did make it to the ring to get a few shots in on Benoit with his belt before getting sent off by the rest of the Revolution. Benoit challenged DDP to a no DQ title match at Road Wild, where he will TWO TIME TWO TIME TWO TIME kick Page's ass.
Nitro Girls awkwardly dance.
TO THE MEAN GENE. Randy Savage and Gorgeous George come to the ring. Savage said he'd reveal the driver of the Hummer tonight. I'm sure he won't. Even though Gene said George was with him Savage, she wasn't. She's not coming back until Rodman is gone. More dirt dusting. Dennis Rodman WILL DIE. He says absolutely nothing about the driver of the Hummer. Gene mentioned it, Tony mentioned it. Savage didn't even acknowledge it, even though he made a point to say he would reveal the driver, who is also George's security guard, on this Nitro. Instead, he cut a shorter version of his promo from Thunder.
Rey Mysterio Jr./Eddie Guerrero vs Dave Taylor/Chris Adams
Is Chris Adams replacing Finlay? Regal isn't out there. I know he wasn't back to the WWF yet, but I don't know where he's at. Rey continues to hold the Cruiserweight Championship, despite facing only heavyweights now. Eddie and Rey won in a quick match with a super rana/frog splash combo. The lucha Power Plex. Vamp and ICP tried to attack after the match, but were fought off when Kidman also ran in.
TO THE MEAN GENE. The West Texas Rednecks are the guests. Tony claims the Perfect "has always" taken exception to music that wasn't his being played on the show. By "always", I guess he meant 2 months. Gene clearly isn't sure who Chad Brock is. But his name was heavily booed when mentioned by Gene. Hennig said he was going to kick Chad Flop's ass, which got a pop.
Kidman vs Disco Inferno
I wish Disco was doing something. He was the guy who started the young guys vs old guys angle, which really just turned into The Revolution vs Ric Flair, and now that Flair is gone, it's just a stable with their main point of forming not existing anymore. At the start, Randy Savage was also involved. Actually, Disco calling Savage out is what started the angle. It quickly just became Flair, with the real main eventers not being involved at all. Then Sting randomly decides to save Dean and take the angle over even in kayfabe, and now it's over. So the old guys vs young guys angle which had the purpose of getting the 4 guys into the main events, was ended in one match by a guy who has been a main eventer for nearly 10 years. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN. Vamp caused a DQ. He hit a super Nail in the Coffin. ICP and Raven also joined in on the beat down. Disco tried to help Kidman and was beaten down himself. Eddie and Rey made the save. Disco offered a handshake to Rey. Rey jumped up to hug him and Disco stormed off. Weird.
Buff Bagwell vs Scott Norton
Norton doesn't even get nWo music. VICIOUS AND DELICIOUS EXLPOOOOOOODDDEEE!!! Hopefully the nWo is finally dead for a bit. Cat came out to dance on the stage a bit. Sonny hit Buff with a briefcase. Buff kicked out. Norton saw Cat and couldn't help but to knock him on his ass. Buff hit the Blockbuster on Sonny and the match was thrown out. I'm not sure who was disqualified, since Norton attacked Cat and Buff attacked Sonny, but neither guy interfering actually did anything in front of the ref to cause a DQ.
CHAD BROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He didn't even get an intro. In fact, they just came back from commercial and his band had already started. Jobber entrance for a musical act. This song is stupid. The fans are booing him when he tried to get them pumped up. He also spent the whole time just staring into the camera. Curt Hennig came out as the song was finished and they got into a confrontation. The Revolution came out to back Rad Bork up and there was a stare down. It sucked, I dislike country a lot, but it was still better than that awful Megadeath performance.
KISS will be here on the 23rd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More musical performances on wrestling shows, which no one ever, ever likes.
Nitro Girls dance.
Kanyon vs Booker T.
YO MAMA jokes. Triad...the worst. And I'm sure it was 100% DDP, because that seems like the kind of shit he'd find hilarious. Stevie looks like a mark ass NERD with his glasses on. The Triad were sent away, but Stevie got to stay. Book dominated Kanyon until there was a ref bump, which meant DDP and Bam Bam came back out. Kanyon won after a title belt to the head and a Flatliner. BANG!
TO THE MEAN GENE. Dennis Rodman is the guest. He comes out to Voodoo Child. Rodman is such a try hard. He again says Macho Asshole and is going to make sure George knows she's his bitch. Is that like, rape? Savage hit the ring and Rodman ran away. Security and police hold Savage back. So, who is the heel here? Rodman kidnapped Macho's girl and is apparently banging her while she's being held captive, he runs away from Savage repeatedly and only attacks from behind, but the announcers act like Savage is the heel. I don't see how.
Kevin Nash/Sid/Rick Steiner vs Hollywood Hogan/Sting/Goldberg
Hogan randomly comes back out in the red and yellow and to American Made. Tony acts like it is the biggest thing EVER. So, not only is Hulk back to being the top babyface world champion in 1999, now he's back to the red and yellow and is a super face. Was there really that much nostalgia for red and yellow after 3 years? The nostalgia wave when he came back to the WWF made sense. Sure doesn't make sense in WCW to me. However, the crowd was hot for it. They've been hot for everything because Idaho was pretty starved for wrestling. Hogan dominates all 3 heels with ease. Goldberg does the same thing. So does Sting. Ref bump. A pretty shitty one, since Sting just threw Nash right into the ref. Should have been a DQ. This allowed Rick to hit Sting with a chair. Goldberg speared him. Sid hit Goldberg with a chair. Hogan then hit Sid and Nash with the chair. Sting put Nash in the Deathlock. A new ref hit the ring and didn't' care that Hulk was still in the ring with a chair. Nash apparently was knocked out by a chair shot to the back. The faces win and Nash will now put his career on the line at Road Wild.
DQ Count: 2 out of 9 matches.
Even with probably the hottest crowd WCW had all year, the show still sucked. ICP shouldn't be wrestling and beating actual wrestlers. There shouldn't be musical performances. Only two things were promoted for this show: Chad Brock and Randy Savage revealing the driver of the Hummer. Savage didn't mentioned the Hummer even once in his promo.