formerly cjelly
Those GIFs are amazing. Are there any others like that Goldust one, and the Cesaro one before?
Those GIFs are amazing. Are there any others like that Goldust one, and the Cesaro one before?
I love the Stone Cold interviews. Currently listening to him interview Colt Cabana. I don't know, don't really find that guy all that interesting. I will listen to all of it though.
Bruce Prichard interview was awesome. Never knew Houston had so much history in wrestling.
About the Summerslam buyrate:
Does anyone in creative or upper management take blame? If they booked him strong or winning the money in the bank to challenge John Cena would of helped a lot more than Cena just picking him.
Also, Vince trolling him every week probably didn't help attract the casual audience to buy Summerslam.
Heh. Perfect.
Next week's RAW opens with Cena falling down and Cesaro appearing to uppercut him.
Vlad the Superfan should be a guest on Stone Cold's show.
About the Summerslam buyrate:
Does anyone in creative or upper management take blame? If they booked him strong or winning the money in the bank to challenge John Cena would of helped a lot more than Cena just picking him.
Also, Vince trolling him every week probably didn't help attract the casual audience to buy Summerslam.
If anyone of you are following the Toronto Crack Mayor thing apparently this just happened.
Robert Benzie @robertbenzie
Decorum! "@reporterdonpeat: Brutus the Barber Beefcake was ejected by City Hall security and banned from the building for 24 hours #TOpoli"
Taken from this thread:
If anyone of you are following the Toronto Crack Mayor thing apparently this just happened.
Robert Benzie @robertbenzie
Decorum! "@reporterdonpeat: Brutus the Barber Beefcake was ejected by City Hall security and banned from the building for 24 hours #TOpoli"
Taken from this thread:
If anyone of you are following the Toronto Crack Mayor thing apparently this just happened.
Robert Benzie @robertbenzie
Decorum! "@reporterdonpeat: Brutus the Barber Beefcake was ejected by City Hall security and banned from the building for 24 hours #TOpoli"
Taken from this thread:
Good for Ibushi getting that t-shirt money
You know when I was younger I dug Brutus Beefcake. Fun gimmick, out there outfits, good look and I think he was improving himself. Then he had that accident where his face got fucked up and he never was the same again.
I'm hiding in here.
Everyone has gone fucking insane
Bronson pls
About the Summerslam buyrate:
Does anyone in creative or upper management take blame? If they booked him strong or winning the money in the bank to challenge John Cena would of helped a lot more than Cena just picking him.
Also, Vince trolling him every week probably didn't help attract the casual audience to buy Summerslam.
Beefcake always sucked. Always. Always always always. He was a terrible wrestler, terrible talker, and looked like a fucking idiot his entire career.
I regret nothing. At least I won't job to a fucking bean like Tanahashi did
lol. He did ok for himself.
He was the Kofi Kingston to Hogan's CM Punk
Beefcake probably got paid more to be Zodiac than AJ Styles makes to be TNA champ. Let that sink in.
Kofi has kiddie appeal, at least, and does cool stuff in gimmick matches. What use was Beefcake?
Kofi has kiddie appeal, at least, and does cool stuff in gimmick matches. What use was Beefcake?
Speaking of no chance, my next detour:
Hopefully they will recharge me a little more than the shitty Summerfests.
Kofi has kiddie appeal, at least, and does cool stuff in gimmick matches. What use was Beefcake?
Can't wait for the commentary for the Brock-Holly match.
I'd buy the mameshiba NJPW shirt lol
Barber would have been a great heel gimmick in the 80s and 90s. Threatening to cut off Von Erich or Diesel or HBK's majestic manes? Super heat.
"Golly Brain, he went to cut off The Tornado's hair and accidentally cut off his foot!"
I kinda want this one:Baka gaijins can't even do shirts right
Good for Ibushi getting that t-shirt money
That was 2004 I think. Brock didn't debut until after WM18, so I won't have any Bork on these.
Speaking of heels from 80's/ 90', who were of your favorites?
what's funny is that looking back, I hated the managers more than anything. Heenan, Mr Fuji, and Jimmy Hart always drew heat from me and my siblings watching when we grew up.
Ted Debiase was the best heel hands down.
Well him and Jake.