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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G


Those GIFs are amazing. Are there any others like that Goldust one, and the Cesaro one before?

Its from wrestlingwithtext. Guy is great: http://wrestlingwithtext.com/my-brief-and-uninsightful-recap/vol-125-wwe-raw-2013-11-4




I love the Stone Cold interviews. Currently listening to him interview Colt Cabana. I don't know, don't really find that guy all that interesting. I will listen to all of it though.

Bruce Prichard interview was awesome. Never knew Houston had so much history in wrestling.

Brother Love's was indeed awesome. I HATE Brother Love, but didn't realize Bruce Prichard was so cool and such a straight up mark. He had so many great impressions and cool stories. I really liked X-Pac's and Scott Hall's episodes.


About the Summerslam buyrate:

Does anyone in creative or upper management take blame? If they booked him strong or winning the money in the bank to challenge John Cena would of helped a lot more than Cena just picking him.

Also, Vince trolling him every week probably didn't help attract the casual audience to buy Summerslam.

Same story, different day. They did the same shit with Punk when he got his initial push following PIPE BOMB. Buyrates werent as strong as they hoped following shitty booking, so they said "Oh, it's because Punk isn't hot enough yet." instead of "We fucked up."
About the Summerslam buyrate:

Does anyone in creative or upper management take blame? If they booked him strong or winning the money in the bank to challenge John Cena would of helped a lot more than Cena just picking him.

Also, Vince trolling him every week probably didn't help attract the casual audience to buy Summerslam.

Man that's a load of crap from WWE, Bryan was so over with the crowd at that time, every match he put on was exciting, but you had Vince and HHH constantly burying him for all the negatives. The build with Cena wasn't really that great either. Their PPV's are mostly just thrown together and they wonder why they have low buyrates?

I wonder if Battleground cracked 100,000


I'd love to know that guy's story. How does he afford to go to so many shows for 25 years all over the country? How had he stayed so jacked and not aged at all in 25 years? Has he secretly been the juice supplier for top stars all these years?
At what point do creative ever hold their hands up and say "we fucked that up"? I'm guessing, never. Just another in the long line of reasons why a single booker is better than a whole army of 'creative' writing staff who don't know a damn thing about wrasslin'.


You know when I was younger I dug Brutus Beefcake. Fun gimmick, out there outfits, good look and I think he was improving himself. Then he had that accident where his face got fucked up and he never was the same again.


Beefcake always sucked. Always. Always always always. He was a terrible wrestler, terrible talker, and looked like a fucking idiot his entire career.
You know when I was younger I dug Brutus Beefcake. Fun gimmick, out there outfits, good look and I think he was improving himself. Then he had that accident where his face got fucked up and he never was the same again.

Yeah, him and Hogan would most likely have been the megapowers or something similar. I was at NY Comic Con this year and Brutus was there, so was Greg Valentine and I think Jimmy Snuka, all at the same booth. They were down in autograph hall. Virgil actually spent the big bucks and was on the exhibitor hall
About the Summerslam buyrate:

Does anyone in creative or upper management take blame? If they booked him strong or winning the money in the bank to challenge John Cena would of helped a lot more than Cena just picking him.

Also, Vince trolling him every week probably didn't help attract the casual audience to buy Summerslam.

Bigger in what sense? PHYSICALLY bigger? Who gives a shit? Bigger in terms of notoriety? Well, yeah. Bryan's great and was getting great reactions, but he's only really "known" among the hardcore wrestling fans that are still watching, whereas it worked with CM Punk because he caught the attention of the mainstream media and maybe hooked some of the people who'd stopped watching after the Attitude Era. When you make the storyline about how management doesn't think Bryan is "ready", you set people up to think that *shock* maybe there's gonna be some sort of screwjob, so why bother buying when you can just watch the match on Dailymotion the next day? The Bryan/Cena promo where Bryan says "YOU'RE NOT A WRESTLER!" should have happened the week after he got picked, and it should have ramped up to maximum hotness in the weeks running up to Summerslam, rather than only having any personal feeling less than a week before the goddamn match.

Also, considering they had Brock v. Punk as the other main event - and probably the more lucrative one, considering it had TWO established stars, rather than one established star and an up-and-comer who still really needs that special run at the top to get people to buy things for him, specifically - I'd say the blame falls on them. More specifically, it probably falls on Brock, whose specialness as a part-timer was totally diluted by spending 9 months in a boring feud with boring HHH and who lost to Cena in his first match back.

It's funny how WWE can put the blame on EVERYTHING but the thing, itself. And then they have guys like the Jesse guy who comes in here eating up their line about "what sells" and getting down on Bryan because he's small and odd-looking. (Though I tend to think he's mostly trolling, so whatever.) You know what sells? ENTERTAINMENT. FUN. Those are things the product is often lacking in, these days, and it was Bryan's constant delivering of such, no matter how bad the angle, that got crowds behind him. All you have to do to make him a draw is make crowds know that A) he will usually win, as faces should, and B) they will always get something entertaining from him. Marketing in wrestling is fundamentally about playing to guys' strengths, rather than putting big neon blinkers on their deficits. Bryan could have sold PPVs as the odd-looking little guy who's great at his job but always gets shit on by passive-aggressive PC upper management but still comes out on top, in the end. THAT is relatable, and he's much more relatable to kids as a small guy who has to deal with others' shit than Super Cena and much more relatable to adults because most feel that they ARE that guy. THAT, plus being booked strong like Big Show has been, is how he could have got that Stone Cold fire and broken out. He's never gonna draw like Cena because he hasn't been booked like Cena, but the fact that HBK was never as big a draw as The Rock or Stone Cold doesn't mean he wasn't a star.

Edit: Raw's in Manchester on Monday? Does that mean we'll get Barret's repackage debut? Maybe another Cesaro v. Regal match (and, hopefully, a longer one)? English crowds are GREAT, so I'm pumped.


Kofi has kiddie appeal, at least, and does cool stuff in gimmick matches. What use was Beefcake?

Were you a kid when Beefcake had his barber run? Dude was stupid over with that Bushwhackers-esque fan love... could've been sold as something else, but was a fun guy who could sure show those bad guys what was what!

Kids running around playing wrestling during lunch, I remember kids being the barber. Plus his finisher was easy.


Kofi has kiddie appeal, at least, and does cool stuff in gimmick matches. What use was Beefcake?

To be disgusted with Genius' fay tendencies while he himself wore glitter and cut the ass and inner thighs out of his tights.

Can't wait for the commentary for the Brock-Holly match.

I'd buy the mameshiba NJPW shirt lol

That was 2004 I think. Brock didn't debut until after WM18, so I won't have any Bork on these.


Part of the elementary school supplies requirements were a pair of scissors. For whatever reason, my mom got me this huge pair. Gigantic.


"Hey dude, can I borrow your Brutus The Barber scissors?"

"Absolutely" make scary face and sticks out tongue*

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Barber would have been a great heel gimmick in the 80s and 90s. Threatening to cut off Von Erich or Diesel or HBK's majestic manes? Super heat.
Speaking of heels from 80's/ 90', who were of your favorites?

what's funny is that looking back, I hated the managers more than anything. Heenan, Mr Fuji, and Jimmy Hart always drew heat from me and my siblings watching when we grew up.


Speaking of heels from 80's/ 90', who were of your favorites?

what's funny is that looking back, I hated the managers more than anything. Heenan, Mr Fuji, and Jimmy Hart always drew heat from me and my siblings watching when we grew up.

Ted Debiase was the best heel hands down.

Well him and Jake.
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