The Mango Sentinel
lol i actually didnt know what it was.. is Edge always on it??
He makes regular appearances.
lol i actually didnt know what it was.. is Edge always on it??
Man, people get awful chummy in the line for benefits these days.
AA almost broke the streak!
I'd be fine with KES vs TenKoji, as long as it's the last time. Feel like I've seen a half dozen matches between those two teams. Bucks vs Time Splitters would be an awesome match, but TAKA and Taichi have a rematch coming to them - unless they do that match before WK8, I could see them doing a 4-way Bucks vs Suzuki-gun vs Hooligans vs Time Splitters match at the Tokyo Dome. Goto's pretty much a lock to face Shibata. I'd also expect some Daichi Hashimoto involvement somewhere, and maybe Mutoh and a W-1 contingent.
AA almost broke the streak!
Really hope that Impact gets a better rating this coming week. It deserves it after this past week's show. The more I think about it, the more I think it was the best TV wrestling show that I have seen this year.
I know its your opinion but man I doubt it. I bet WWE and ROH have put out multiple Raws this year better than this Thursday Impact.
Raw always has filler. Always. It's a 3-hour show and is just exhausting on most nights. Not kidding when I say this was the most complete free tv wrestling package I've seen this year.
-MEM disband
-Roode and Angle carry the show
-Gail Kim calls out the whole division and welcomes all challengers from outside TNA
-Aces and Eights with a legitimately surprising swerve
-Good comedy from Daniels, Kaz, Park, and EY
-Dixie showing backstage frustration with AJ wrestling in Mexico
-EC3 continues his "streak"
-Hardy and Sabin with a solid hardcover match on free tv
It was a really hot and well-paced show IMO.
Ridiculous that even after being retired for 5 years, he could still do a spinebuster better than anybody. On a guy who is 6' 10" no less.
Edit: My all time favorite spinebuster -
John Cena might be out for 6 months guyz THE DRAMA
Summerslam is really the 3rd biggest after WrestleMania and Royal Rumble.
John Cena shows that he is capable of much more than his proverbial "Five Moves of Doom."
His Lariat, dropkick and slams aren't bad but listing his Hurricanrana though. Really? Also using someone as big as Big Show for the DDT clip is just stupid.
Guys, Cena knows more. Stop picking on him. ;_;
WWE 2K14 is such a weird/bad (mainly bad) game. Goldberg/Lesnar was one of the worst WM matches I've ever seen and they put it in there, they actually put a lot of time and effort into the main event involving Miz, more so than most of the other stuff (and for you Miz haters theres a part where you play as the Rock and can give him a Rock Bottom an infinite amount of times) and the game really goes out of its way to remind you how shitty Hogan was. Triple H is a pretty close runner up
Also totally bummed that Sheamus/Bryan wasn't in WM mode. The load times would have been longer than the actual match.
I can't believe they left out Warrior/Savage
WWE 2K14 is such a weird/bad (mainly bad) game. Goldberg/Lesnar was one of the worst WM matches I've ever seen and they put it in there, they actually put a lot of time and effort into the main event involving Miz, more so than most of the other stuff (and for you Miz haters theres a part where you play as the Rock and can give him a Rock Bottom an infinite amount of times) and the game really goes out of its way to remind you how shitty Hogan was. Triple H is a pretty close runner up
Also totally bummed that Sheamus/Bryan wasn't in WM mode. The load times would have been longer than the actual match.
Seriously, why did they have Macho Man jobbing out to Hogan at Wrestlemania like it's a WWF Superstars match?
SS is fourth though it's been a huge disappointment recently.
Seriously, why did they have Macho Man jobbing out to Hogan at Wrestlemania like it's a WWF Superstars match?
This year's SS was damn good. Three WWE MOTY candidates when it aired, but I think Del Rio/Christian may have slipped down the card ever since Goldust came back.
And fourth after what? Wrestlemania and RR are top two, then after that the only ones left with any prestige are MitB (if you assume it's a modern-day KotR) and maybe Elimination Chamber. Neither of those really rank as high as SS in prestige.
If you mean Survivor Series, no. The PPV's a joke--its titular match hasn't been meaningful in a long time and it's treated like a B PPV. Last SSeries to feature its eponymous match as a main event was eight years ago. They even talked about killing the SSeries brand off entirely in 2010. Not sure why they didn't, unless they realized they couldn't come up with a better name for a PPV.
I like how they put a lariat and a dropkick.....those are fucking regular moves. I do like his legdrop from the top rope, though it always looks like he's gonna murder someone with it
Guys, Cena knows more. Stop picking on him. ;_;
It was a gigantic deal, they couldve made me the next biggest babyface in the world, dude, I had 50,000 letters sent to me in the hospital, I had Desert Storm guys would touch my picture before they went out to battle I was over, big time they couldve made me the next biggest superstar, instead they turned me heel and the people didnt like it, it burned them. My parents were physically upset about it I knew what they were doing was wrong, but they pay my bills, I cant tell Eric, hey, Eric, Im not gonna do that, but it was Erics idea and he wanted to turn me heel and basically it took a crap on 50,000 people that were praying for me.
Jerry Camp
3 weeks ago
As the camera went black, Scott dove to the ground, licking beer off the concrete floor, crying over the spill.
Yeah, neither of those is happening.