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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Stro still must have the patience of a saint for watching Thunder. WCW Saturday Night was better than Thunder during its entire run and it was a full on jobber show by the time Thunder launched.

If I was him I would have only done infamous Thunders like the one with David Arquette and ones where titles changed hands.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Confession: I've never been able to get into the Zelda games like everyone else. I've never even been able to finish one. Like when Ocarina of Time came out, I was supposed to believe it was the best game EVAR but prior to its release I had already been playing Resident Evil 2, Starcraft, Xenogears, and MGS. And then, prior to that, I had already played and beaten Daggerfall which was a way more 'epic adventure' than Ocarina. And I was playing Diablo 1 even before that. And I enjoyed Super Metroid a lot more than ALTTP. It was one of the few SNES games I played regularly.

The only thing about them that I really dig is the hookshot, their music, and the boss enemy designs. And I try to get into them every time they put out a new console release.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Confession: I've never been able to get into the Zelda games like everyone else. I've never even been able to finish one. Like when Ocarina of Time came out, I was supposed to believe it was the best game EVAR but prior to its release I had already been playing Resident Evil 2, Starcraft, Xenogears, and MGS. And then, prior to that, I had already played and beaten Daggerfall which was a way more 'epic adventure' than Ocarina. And I was playing Diablo 1 even before that. And I enjoyed Super Metroid a lot more than ALTTP. It was one of the few SNES games I played regularly.

The only thing about them that I really dig is the hookshot, their music, and the boss enemy designs. And I try to get into them every time they put out a new console release.

You got anything that can play Link's Awakening? Give that a shot. Perfect gateway drug.

I played every game on your list as they came out though and OoT is way better than all of them, which is me saying a lot as I fucking love MGS1 and Daggerfall, still the best ES game by a mile.


Confession: I've never been able to get into the Zelda games like everyone else. I've never even been able to finish one. Like when Ocarina of Time came out, I was supposed to believe it was the best game EVAR but prior to its release I had already been playing Resident Evil 2, Starcraft, Xenogears, and MGS. And then, prior to that, I had already played and beaten Daggerfall which was a way more 'epic adventure' than Ocarina. And I was playing Diablo 1 even before that. And I enjoyed Super Metroid a lot more than ALTTP. It was one of the few SNES games I played regularly.

The only thing about them that I really dig is the hookshot, their music, and the boss enemy designs. And I try to get into them every time they put out a new console release.

Only zelda I played through was OoT and nearly finished Zelda 1 but kept dying at dungeon 8.

I played some of Lttp and I intend to do so again. I'm going to start taking up Zelda games. I also own the collectors disc.

I was mainly a RE guy, now I'm a DOOMer but I also want to be known in my broadcasting team as the guy who does the old zelda games :)
wow the ending of this ppvmight be the only good thing about it but it felt a little unearned

also D-zord try link to the past or links awakings or wind waker.

zelda games are so forumlaic now, they need to mix it up a bit
Bionic Arm is nuts if he thinks that Phantom Hourglass game is better than other zelda games.

I'm mostly trolling gaming side. From the five games I've played in the series, I definitely consider Zelda a series worth playing. My favorite is probably Link's Awakening, beautiful game, never beat it though.

But I do legit shoot love Phantom Hourglass, very unique and enjoyable game, it gets shat on unfairly.


Stro still must have the patience of a saint for watching Thunder. WCW Saturday Night was better than Thunder during its entire run and it was a full on jobber show by the time Thunder launched.

If I was him I would have only done infamous Thunders like the one with David Arquette and ones where titles changed hands.

I watch it at 1.60x speed and barely pay attention to it anyway. I"m usually browsing GAF or TV Tropes while watching Thunder. Fuck Thunder. I should have done Saturday Night instead, but now it's too late.

Confession: I've never been able to get into the Zelda games like everyone else. I've never even been able to finish one. Like when Ocarina of Time came out, I was supposed to believe it was the best game EVAR but prior to its release I had already been playing Resident Evil 2, Starcraft, Xenogears, and MGS. And then, prior to that, I had already played and beaten Daggerfall which was a way more 'epic adventure' than Ocarina. And I was playing Diablo 1 even before that. And I enjoyed Super Metroid a lot more than ALTTP. It was one of the few SNES games I played regularly.

The only thing about them that I really dig is the hookshot, their music, and the boss enemy designs. And I try to get into them every time they put out a new console release.

I hate Zelda games. All of them. I've played the NES ones. I've played A Link to the Past. I've played Ocarina of Time. I played the Gamecube one. I've tried to like them. I don't. They aren't fun at all. But I also just hate the general sword and sorcery kind of setting and can't get into Game of Thrones for the same reason.


People can't handle the POWER the PH controls give you, nor the STRIATIONS of the Tower!

People can't handle the POWER or STRIATIONS of my dick. Fuck a Zelda. Also, I'm drunk. I'm drinking straight whiskey instead of mixing it with Coke. But still, fuck Zelda and Link and all those elven fuck heads.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's cool man, not everyone has to like what you like nor hate what you hate.

Besides WCW Thunder though, you got to hate that to be welcome here.


The only thing I liked about OoT was how cinematic it was for an N64 game. But the game play and story is so boring in all of them.


I'm mostly trolling gaming side. From the five games I've played in the series, I definitely consider Zelda a series worth playing. My favorite is probably Link's Awakening, beautiful game, never beat it though.

But I do legit shoot love Phantom Hourglass, very unique and enjoyable game, it gets shat on unfairly.

You know I really did want to try PH. Mostly cause of Trains.

MC didn't interest me cause it's a stupid bird hat, not a real draw.
What the hell is phantom hourglass then? Shit I forgot.

Is spirit tracks any good?

Most people like Spirit Tracks better. It has more sidequests, longer in general, and has harder puzzles than PH.

I personally still prefer PH though, I feel that ST had way too much padding, and some of the puzzles were obnoxious. I stopped at the final dungeon I think.

I beat PH twice on the other hand.
I tried playing Spirit Tracks, but I hated the train so much I just fucking quit. I suppose the boat in PH isn't much better, but I simply enjoyed it more. Draw your own path, whomp on shit with the neverending cannon. Anyway, I enjoyed PH a lot more, for whatever that's worth.



WCW Thunder 9/2/99

Entering the final quarter of the year and project, so I'm pretty excited about that.

Recap of the Sting/Lex/Hogan stuff from Nitro. Then we get to see the original Hummer attack once again. The back to more Sting/Lex/Hogan recaps.

DDP comes to the ring. Fucking terrible way to start the show. He has Goldberg at Fall Brawl and was going to call him out tonight. "But when I looked around this dump, I thought to myself, 'what a dump.'" Shit. He has Al Greene playing the role of Goldberg tonight. YO MAMA jokes.

DDP vs Al Greene

I really can't believe that the Triad are basically the default top heels and their main way of heeling is YO MAMA jokes. DDP wins with a Kanyon Cutter. BANG!

Also added to Fall Brawl is Knobs/Hugh vs Dean/Douglas. See what I did there?

Dave Taylor vs Shane Douglas

Shane won very quickly with the Pittsburgh Plunge, even though he was pinning himself. Chris Adams attacked, then Benoit ran in, then the First Family hit the ring, followed by Saturn and Dean. All heels were disposed of. Shane Douglas absolutely shouldn't be a face. He makes the Fall Brawl tag a no DQ match and says he will bash someone's skull in.

Berlyn video. This guy wrestled in WCW for 5 years and no one recognizes him? Especially after he spoke?

Kaz Hayashi vs El Dandy

WCW and their random ass booking. Wouldn't it have made sense to have El Dandy/Sliver King/La Parka/Villanos on the show the last 2 weeks when they were in Texas? Instead, they booked one lucha match for both shows. Kaz won, but Sid came out AFTER the match to lay both guys out and cut a promo on Goldberg. This is basically the Goldberg/Jericho feud, with Sid doing all the work and Goldberg not even acknowledging his opponent.

Berlyn video.

Lenny vs Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Kidman finally gets the title shot he earned 4 months ago. Lenny is getting more over the top with his gay trolling every week. Gay cheap heat is just the worst, unless it is Goldust doing it. It's kind of weird to think that just a little over 10 years ago, it was totally fine to have obnoxious gay stereotypes and have them be bad guys just because they're gay. Ref bump. Lodi came in and hit a DDT. Kidman still kicked out. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN! Lodi then caused a DQ moments later. Rey ran in to make sure no humping happened.

The Revolution came to the ring. Benoit is sick of Sid. It's really hard to take any of Saturn's promos seriously with those eyes. He should wear sunglasses or something.

. A new segment from Coach Buzz Glacier Stern. Luther Biggs is the first ever inductee into the Buzz Stern Winner's Club. He's just some fat dude who keeps tripping and falling. The only thing of note about him is that he went by "Big Sexy" in 1996 on the B and C shows and it seems that Nash stole his nick name from him.

Disorderly Conduct vs Harlem Heat

Booker debuted the Book End in this match, but it wasn't anything close to a finisher. At least HH are finally wearing the same colors. They just happen to be black and white, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me since Booker wanted Stevie to get rid of the black and white colors. Heat easily won. The Rednecks hit the ring shortly after, but were fought off. They'll have a rematch at Fall Brawl for the tag titles.


Scotty Riggs vs TAFKATAFKAPI

Fucking jobber matches. Christ. WCW actually had competition on Thursday nights now and this is the kind of shit card they put up against the ultra hot WWF. Maybe they figured there was no use in trying since they were going to get crushed anyway. Riggs easily wins in a very quick match.

Cat-Bo video.


Cat vs Goldberg

Cat called Goldberg out and sent Sonny away. He also threatened to shove the mic up Bill's ass so the crowd could literally hear Cat kick his ass. This was a return to the 2 move squash Goldberg of 1998.

Sid vs Saturn

Our main event for the night. I feel like this really puts Saturn at a much lower level than Benoit, but whatever. Benoit is obviously the best guy of the group and most likely one to get the main event push. They have a short nothing match that Rick Steiner interrupts to cause a DQ. Stinko Malenko made a save before there was a double team powerbomb. WE'RE OUTTA TIME!

DQ Count: 2 out of 8 matches.

Damn, booze really hit me around the Harlem Heat match. Whatever. It's Thunder. Who gives a shit? Not I. If there is something positive I can say about WCW right now, it is that they have most of the next PPV already booked weeks out. That's not to say it is an interesting card at all, but at least they are trying.


the one with sailing like wind waker and the titular hourglass

Spirt tracks has the train you road around in. didt play it looked bad

Most people like Spirit Tracks better. It has more sidequests, longer in general, and has harder puzzles than PH.

I personally still prefer PH though, I feel that ST had way too much padding, and some of the puzzles were obnoxious. I stopped at the final dungeon I think.

I beat PH twice on the other hand.

Ohh ok I think I remember now. I should be able to pick up both on the cheap with my leftover GS credit instead of using it on 2K14.

I'm way more comfortable talking games here than gaming side rofl.


Ohh ok I think I remember now. I should be able to pick up both on the cheap with my leftover GS credit instead of using it on 2K14.

I'm way more comfortable talking games here than gaming side rofl.

That's because gaming side fucking sucks but there has been way too much gaming talk in here in the past two days. We should be talking aboot wrasslin and devil's arm pits and brothers and SWERVES.


That's because gaming side fucking sucks but there has been way too much gaming talk in here in the past two days. We should be talking aboot wrasslin and devil's arm pits and brothers and SWERVES.

your posts need 85% more Hogan, 66 2/3 % more Steiner and 47/ 1/4th % Nash
That's because gaming side fucking sucks but there has been way too much gaming talk in here in the past two days. We should be talking aboot wrasslin and devil's arm pits and brothers and SWERVES.

Is it okay if we still talk about gaming here but use your .gifs during the discussions?


Is it okay if we still talk about gaming here but use your .gifs during the discussions?

Maybe. Depends on the context. I'm so sick of hearing about PS4 and Xboners. I don't give a fuck about either of them. Or Wii U. Or PC. Let's talk about WRASSLIN! And how awful The Giant looks in 2K14. Lol. Fucking terrible.


Maybe. Depends on the context. I'm so sick of hearing about PS4 and Xboners. I don't give a fuck about either of them. Or Wii U. Or PC. Let's talk about WRASSLIN! And how awful The Giant looks in 2K14. Lol. Fucking terrible.

what about old games then? #Fucknextgenshit

Giant doesn't look too bad, they nailed his 'barely can make it to the ring' walk.
Remember when I mentioned that someone in my golf class was wearing a CM Punk shirt? Well, today that same guy had his forearms, wrists, and hands taped up, with an 'X' scribbled in black marker on the top of each hand, CM Punk style.

This was so absurdly ludicrous to me that I had to ask about it but sadly it was at the end of class that I noticed and he was already leaving.

He was wearing an orange shirt that said 'EVENT STAFF' on it so I figure he's involved in some type of Indy/backyard wrasslin fed.


Remember when I mentioned that someone in my golf class was wearing a CM Punk shirt? Well, today that same guy had his forearms, wrists, and hands taped up, with an 'X' scribbled in black marker on the top of each hand, CM Punk style.

This was so absurdly ludicrous to me that I had to ask about it but sadly it was at the end of class that I noticed and he was already leaving.

He was wearing an orange shirt that said 'EVENT STAFF' on it so I figure he's involved in some type of Indy/backyard wrasslin fed.

What the fuck. Some dude taped up for a golf class? Should have buried that mark.
WTF is golf class
An on-campus driving range, basically.
What the fuck. Some dude taped up for a golf class? Should have buried that mark.
It was so damn weird, it took me a moment to realize what I was seeing. Like it didn't look out of place at all, for some reason. A lot of people wear gloves so that might be why. When I looked again I figured he'd hurt himself. Then I looked again and remembered it was CM Punk shirt guy. Then I looked again and noticed the scribbled on 'X's and thought,
golf dude

Bean Breath did you ever play VCR Golf game?
Nope, Hot Shots is as far as my video game golf knowledge goes. I think I tried a Nintendo golf game but not sure if it was N64 or Gameboy, lol.
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